Author: Le'Keisha Mazur

Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Do you have childlike wonder? How innovative are you? Do you have a toy collection? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: Imagination REQUIRED It needs to be said that if you have imagination and have your creativity flowing at its maximum occupancy, you can be innovative in how you grow your business. Imagination and its use in your business is not without the legalities of doing so, offered are two that you should be aware of and why they matter. This is a fun episode, more funner than the others and not to be missed. Playful…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify How many weeks are in a year? How young were you when you learned money management? Do you self care with intention? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Skills that Pay the Bills PT2 This is part 2 of a two part episode, long awaited and vastly overdue. Sorry, not Sorry. So the first episode just to glaze over quickly has other business skill basics and why they matter. It is Episode 49. Ingore the episode gap. (yes, I am stating the obvious) This episode marks a year’s worth of podcast content. There are 52 weeks…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify How many promotions have you been to? How many graduations have you been in? What are some quick ways to market to graduates and their families? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Marketing Graduation As we’re recording this, this is the month of June and in the month of June, generally three different types of celebrations happen. You’ve got weddings, you’ve got Father’s Day and you have graduation. And out of those three celebrations, I’d like to touch a little bit on graduation. The marketing, the nostalgia, the future expectations. That graduations as well as promotions…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Infomercial Marketing Gold This is the 50th episode filled with golden nuggets. So take copious notes. Be prepared to listen to this episode again. And go on a mind trip of marketing savvy. Get the 4 golden nuggets mined just for you to implement in your marketing strategy for your customers or clients. Infomercials love them or hate them, your kitchen and your garage tells the real story. Find out the why and use it to your own advantage. So thank you for listening, and audience, Here is her call…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Learn or discover? Do you work in emergency mode? Can you manage time? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Skills that Pay the Bills PT.1 This is part 1 of a two part episode. So the next episode after this will NOT be part 2. Some people may just drop off right here and figure, if they wait until the next episode so they can binge listen. But again the next episode is not part 2. A good thought in theory, but don’t rob yourself of getting great incite out of this episode now. Three skills…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What is your favorite charity? Do you donate from a business or personal standpoint? Have you ever wanted to create your own foundation? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Charitable Marketing She had a chance to go out and about in her community for the 16th Annual evening of Art held at her city’s library. Seems like these are the times where everybody is about connection and community now more than ever and as a business owner if you like to connect in a charitable way there is a way to do so and market at…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What makes a business owner an actual business owner? How many days a year can you not worry how your business is doing? How many mouths do you feed? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Business Ownership. So many of us call ourselves business owners, but what does that truly mean? Discover the three transitional points/steps that make a business owner a business owner. With a powerful real life example you can go through the points and experience the simulation for yourself. Then you can honestly answer. Are you a business owner? And know for sure…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Would you even hire yourself? How does this “not depending on others for your income” work? Did you like working in groups as a teenager? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Employing Yourself Making a living while making a difference. That is fulfillment. That’s the top thing. When your day stops and you control your own dollar. Even if you’re exhausted. There’s this, Happy endorphin feeling of your personal satisfaction, your personal fulfillment of a job well done. Not knocking those that work for others. You can get the same type of fufilment but to those…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What is the craziest business name you have ever heard? Did you ever want to do business with a company based on how good their name sounded? Does the spelling matter in a biz name? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about What’s IN a Business Name She was helping one of her clients come up with a name for their business. The process was too overwhelming for her client and so her help was enlisted. It really shouldn’t be that overwhelming to name a business and she wouldn’t want to discourage those that need help to…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Beach trip or marketing trip? Beach and live music, all in a day? Dill pickle fudge? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Marketing’s a Beach Even if you don’t directly have a product or service that is beach related. You could “bum” these things for your business to market to people that go to the beach. These 5 tips each come with a story. Don’t be hungry listening to this episode. Just sit back and relax as she takes you on this marketing journey at the beach with storytelling to where you swear you were right…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Remember the telephone game? Has something you said got lost in translation to a potenial customer and didn’t do business with you? How often do you use the phrase, “What I meant to say was.. Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about 6 degrees of message separation It is essential, communication, to get across thoughts and ideas, as well as actions to the varies relationships we have with Family, friends, business partners, and the community. Hear an example of how the six messages of communication on the understanding end work as well as what they are. Never…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Do you have a business number? Is your business number registered? Do you have your business voicemail set up? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Getting Call Clarity For Business Customers and potential clients don’t answer when they don’t know who’s calling. And seriously why should they? Do you even pick up the phone for someone unless you know who they are? Go ahead and say no. And why don’t you? Because scam and fraudulent calls make it almost impossible to know when it’s a legitimate business calling you or a scam of some sort. In…

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