Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify This is a higher-level discussion that you all may not relate to. If you are new, you may simply tune out as it seems like a bit of an abstract discussion. But for many of you who have been involved in the markets, you may find it refreshing and may learn something from the conversation. It’s an in-depth discussion about what is really at the heart of making money and some of the names that we commonly use. Methods, systems, strategies. What is it that defines exactly what a good trade is? Set up a free coaching session with…
Author: Paul Lange
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify When your hairstylist is buying Tesla. Is that part of technical analysis? My first for podcasts I discussed why about 6% of the world does not even need to listen to these podcasts, why fundamentals and news will never directly make you a penny, and then wrapped it up on the next podcast by talking about how you make money with technical analysis. I wanted to follow-up with some more concepts just in simple English about why technical analysis is so phenomenal. And why it is maybe a little misunderstood. Like everything I try to teach, I believe that…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify I have mentioned these two words in at least one or two other prior podcasts. I received a couple questions about what exactly I mean when I use these words in trading, and this is definitely worthy of an entire topic. Naturally the words in English are fairly easy to define and understand, and yes that is the general meeting that they have been trading. But specific examples can show you how they can be confusing and harmful to your trading. Tune in for more. Set up a free coaching session with Paul: The DTS Free Stuff Page: To…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify This is actually a great topic. Yes, this is episode 54, and I’m still calling things great topics as if they should’ve been the first thing you heard. There is such tremendous misconception about the skills needed to trade/invest for yourself that it leads to two issues. Some people who try to be geniuses and focus on the wrong things, and people who simply just don’t try because they figure they don’t have the ability to make money in the market. Set up a free coaching session with Paul: The DTS Free Stuff Page: To learn more, visit: Listen…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Note for the faint of heart… A quick word if you are very new. When a trader takes a trade, that trader will always (should always) have a point at which they feel the trade is no longer working and therefore have to exit. This protects the account so that you don’t take your account down to zero hanging onto garbage. That level at which you exit is called your stop. You can stop out of the trade by sitting there and hitting a button or you can stop out by putting an automatic stop in your trading platform…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify The Internet is obviously a very useful tool for many things. But how useful is it in the endeavor to learn special skills, like learning the skill of trading or investing for yourself? This presentation is about taking a look at the pros and cons, the good and the bad, the useful and not useful, of what the Internet has to offer for anyone trying to learn trading on their own. As always, I want to go beyond just anyone’s opinion, and look at the hard facts. Set up a free coaching session with Paul: The DTS Free Stuff…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify You may be curious about the phrasing of the title of this episode. Because it kind of implies that there’s only certain times that psychology matters. To be fair the title is a little “tongue-in-cheek”, although in a literal sense it is 100% true. Sounds confusing? Well, you have to listen to the beginning of the episode but I assure you it will be filled with more information that will help you in your quest to become your own independent trader/investor. Set up a free coaching session with Paul: The DTS Free Stuff Page: To learn more, visit: Listen…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify This is a more advanced talk, at least for a podcast. On the website this is on the free stuff page, in the educational videos section as a topic. But this is dedicated to somebody who is beginning to trade or actually trading. For anyone trading this is a very important topic because it deals with wasted money. And over time and over many trades, it can add up to a lot. It also is a topic that most traders seem to have very little knowledge about, at least beyond the very basics. Here are the charts to…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify I love this title because it has some different implications depending upon where you are in the trading world. If you’re kind of new you may just be excited about what the topic is that involves “missed money”. If you have been around for a while maybe you recognize this is a beginning of a famous or perhaps I should say infamous saying. But it leads to a great discussion about a topic that’s near and dear to my heart; the true understanding of technical analysis. Set up a free coaching session with Paul: The DTS Free Stuff Page:…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify My last podcast was largely technical, at least as technical as you can get in a podcast. It was about understanding some of the concepts and misconceptions about trends. This one is a soft topic. In trading that means more about psychological and thinking type issues. And this particular one is really on the far side of psychology because it applies to most everything in your life, not just trading. However, I have found that it is a very important quality for a good trader to endear, especially for anyone starting out. Enjoy the discussion. Set up a free…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify A lot of clichés exist in trading. One of the more common ones is the common-sense notion of following the trend. It is one of the very few good clichés, and while it seems like a simple concept, there is a lot more involved. Like all of trading, you need to understand some of these concepts that are higher-level to get all the arts in your favor. Here are the charts to follow along: Chart 1: Chart 2: Chart 3: Chart 4: Chart 5: Set up a free coaching session with Paul: The DTS Free Stuff Page: To learn…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify As a podcast, this of course will not be a detailed lesson on exactly how to make money from options. However, there will be some great information discussed including; the stupidest comment that I hear on a monthly basis, options actually accomplished in your trading, what you should never do with options, and the best general use for options provided you understand when to use it. Set up a free coaching session with Paul: The DTS Free Stuff Page: To learn more, visit: Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters: