Adam Torres and Bryson McCalley discuss LAST OF A DYNG SEED.
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Show Notes:
New podcast alert! In this episode, Adam Torres and Bryson McCalley, Podcast Host at LAST OF A DYNG SEED, explore Bryson’s journey and podcast, LAST OF A DYNG SEED.
LAST OF A DYNG SEED, is a cinematic storytelling meets transformative real-world narratives. Their unique platform brings to light the untold stories of adversity, resilience and transformation, as guests choose films, documentaries, or shows that echo their life experiences.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I have on a fellow podcaster, Bryson McCauley, and he is host of LAST OF A DYNG SEED, Bryson.
Welcome to the show, man. Thanks for having me. I’m Adam. I’m happy to be here. Well, we’re happy to have you here how I like to start this episode is what we call our Mission Matters Minute. So, Bryson, at Mission Matters, our aim and our goal is to amplify stories for entrepreneurs, for executives, for experts, for people out there that we feel need to be heard.
That’s our mission. Bryson, what mission matters to you? For me at LAST OF A DYNG SEED our main goal is to shine the biggest spotlight on the everyday human experience of adversity, resilience, and transformation. And we take these real world experiences and relate them to a particular movie. And we do that with, to foster deeper understanding of humanity and remove, you know, the stereotypes. you come up with this idea for your show? Where’d that come from? Well, the idea actually came from watching the woman King, so I’ve always been in love with storytelling from all different directions, from music, poetry books to movies. So watching the woman King one day. You know, a little bit about my background.
I just served 15 years in prison from 18 years old to 33 years old. And due to laws changing, I was allowed to go to the parole board. I got granted parole on my first one. And while I was waiting to be released, I was watching the woman king and it was just a scene in there when the king was talking at the end.
And I just, I was able to relate that to the culture I grew up with in the streets. And that just sparked the idea for the channel that understanding storytelling, you can’t write a good movie without it relating to real life experiences. It has to resonate. So I’m like, man, I’m pretty sure everybody has at least one movie or character or situation that they could relate to.
And that’s what sparked the idea for the YouTube platform. And the name just came from me understanding everybody I’ve led. Prior to my change, I’ve led astray, and all my seeds then died off along the way. So LAST OF A DYNG SEED came about of me just saying that this is where the bug stops. Anything we produce from here on out is gonna bear fruit in the world.
What do you hope that your listeners get , from tuning in? That we build the conviction to build the best relationship with the world around them. You know what I’m saying? To get back in touch with their humanity. And to also understand, like, to remove that simplistic layer that we put on a lot of people’s experiences in the world.
To understand, like, as many layers to this in that we’re all similar, even if we come from different walks of life.
And so, how many episodes are you in? So far, we’re about 15 episodes in. Man, how does that feel to go from like being, you know, concept, idea, to now you’re in double digits, baby. 15’s a big deal. Most people don’t make it to 10. That’s awesome. Yeah, definitely. How do you feel? I still feel like it’s, it’s, I’m grateful to even get that one.
But the gratitude has increased just as of recent because now it’s many people getting at me now. At me just trying to, , run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to see who’s going to come on the channel. Now it’s people that can, come across the channel by accident or by other people referring them.
And they’re like, man, let me do that. Like, I got a movie that I can relate to because everybody wants to be heard. You know, , like who was it, Daniel , Carnegie on that how to win friends and influence people. He like people’s favorite topic is themselves, you know? So everybody wants to be heard and wants to feel like whatever they felt during that traumatic experience or what they had to overcome is validated in some way.
Now, I know you’re, 15 episodes in. So, just to give us a little bit of a flavor for the content. Like give an example of one of the episodes, one of the interviews, and maybe one of the movies that related. Just anything that sticks out. Well, the first one that sticks out is, Story by Joseph.
And he’s currently incarcerated and in California prisons, they have tablets now. So the inmates can video chat me and I can record the conversation. So he chose the movie 12 Years a Slave to relate to his movie. And his story is so powerful because he’s been down almost 60 years now. And to this day, he still maintains his innocence.
Hmm. So, the way he spoke about it just, man, it’s so powerful. That was probably, that’s the first one that sticks out. Man, that is powerful. And , what’s the audience response been like? Like, that’s gotta be amazing just to hear something like that or to create that.
Like, has the audience connected with you yet or how’s that piece been? Yeah, definitely. The channel is of comments of most people I don’t even know personally that have watched these stories. Isn’t that amazing? Yeah, it’s like when you don’t pay the comments, they’re really authentic, and they’re telling you , man, this made me cry, or This made me watch the movie again, like a lot of these movies is people’s favorite movies that they watch over and over, but it’s not until we break it down in a way that relates to this in visual life that they like, dang, your perspective is different.
It made me watch the movie again. Oh, that’s cool. Give me another one, man. I’m hooked. This is good. I can already see how addictive the podcast because I already want another one. Give me another one, man. Another one is with. Radhanath Kim, and he’s Cambodian, and he also has Life Without, right now.
And he video chatted with me, and he picked a documentary called Don’t Think I Forgot It, that talks about the plight of Cambodian culture. Wow. You know, and how the times was and how that taught, and , informed him even more because he was actually born in them . So it informed him more about his culture and his name itself.
Whoa. You know, and it talked about the power of names that were given in this world and even the names we give ourselves. Hmm. So that was, that was powerful. Wow. And I’m guessing you didn’t know that movie before he told you it. Right? No. Yeah. So I didn’t know what kind of movies would come out.
So for you, just as a, storyteller and somebody that’s looking to, learn more, that’s gotta be a fun journey. Like , man, your movie knowledge through the years is going to be insane. Right? Definitely. It’s like digging through treasure.
It’s like, wow, , because it’s not only with the insight I’m gaining from doing my research on these movies, but it’s also the guests and how did they get that from that? And when you’re able to connect the dots and make it make sense, it just opens A world of just culturalism and society issues that you never knew existed or probably never cared about until we brought you together with this shared interest, which is your favorite movie.
Hmm. So one of the things. Things that I like to do and one of my goals is I like to get other people to get out there and to tell their story more and obviously we do a lot in the podcast space and I love podcasting. It’s what I do, but I’m not biased. I mean, whether somebody feels they should be writing or have, you know, Instagram or TikTok, Talk or whatever form that they choose to share their story on.
I just feel like these stories have the ability to unite people. They have the ability to inspire, to empower people. Like there’s just so many benefits to telling stories, which now yourself as a creator and, and bringing and creating your platform and allowing others to, to tell their story. And I know you can already see just some of the benefits.
That come and all the people you’re helping and you’re only 15 episodes in. Like, so you’re still relatively new on the journey. So for somebody that’s at your stage of the journey of helping others , on this particular platform, like what kind of advice would you give to those that are maybe out there right now, they’ve always wanted to do something, they’re kind of on the sidelines, they’re looking at other people, like, ah, they can do it.
I can’t like, , what would you tell other people about getting out there and getting their message heard? I’ll say first and foremost, just make sure your mission is sincere. It’s what you really want to put out there in the world, first and foremost. You know, because it’s easy to get overlooked.
The content is saturated. And it’s like the only way to stand out is to be you. Not only that, the only way to have a true impact is to be you. Show what’s your intent. And in my opinion, staying power in the world is to focus on impact. Don’t focus on the dollar because that’s going to come as long as you’re having an impact.
So focus on impact first, and naturally the forces will gravitate to you, because you’re putting a certain energy out there that’s going to make people that’s on the same page as you, even though they may be in a different industry, want to support your forward movement in this world. So, Bryson, we’re recording this 2024 New Year’s Eve episode, that being said, heading into 2025, talk to me about your plans, your vision for your show for anything else you’re working on, like, what’s next? What’s next is to continue to build out, obviously, LAST OF A DYNG SEED as a platform for in any way that people consume content, whether it’s audio, you just want to listen to the audio or you want to watch the video that’s primarily on YouTube right now.
And I just released a book a month ago called Pearls of Ism by Bryson McCalley. Though I go over the origins of storytelling, I hone in on the fact that it’s a story that we tell ourselves in this world that’s going to have the biggest impact on how we function in life.
So that just came out. And then I’m in post production of my first concept film that I wrote, produced, and directed called Battle for Pedigree. So this year, the spring or summer, it should be out. And I’m just continuing to be into all things film and media. I got two documentaries I’m working on right now.
And just continue to impact the world through storytelling. Yeah. It’s great. Bryson, if somebody wants to follow up, follow your journey listen to the show, LAST OF A DYNG SEED, definitely everybody go check this out. , you can already tell it’s addictive. Cause you’re also not only do you get to hear the stories the people that are being interviewed, but you’re going to see some great new movies that you want to watch too and be like, what are they talking about?
I kind of see this movie now. So how do people follow up? How do they learn more and how do they follow you? Yeah. Well, you can find us on, YouTube. Last of a dying seed. I spelled dying without the I, so it’s D Y N G, and it’s the only channel on the planet that’s doing what we’re doing specifically, so if you type in LAST OF A DYNG SEED, dying without the I, you’re going to find us, and I’m on Instagram, last of a dying seed, TikTok, last of a dying seed Facebook, everything, last of a dying seed, so LinkedIn, and that’s how you can find us.
Email my first and last name, Bryson McCalleywith the number eight at gmail. com and that’s him. Fantastic. If everybody listening, definitely go check that out. LAST OF A DYNG SEED on YouTube. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way on your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe. That subscribe or follow button and Bryson, man, I’m looking out for you. I can’t wait to hear more of these episodes, LAST OF A DYNG SEED.
And I wish you and your show much more continued success. So thanks for coming on. Thank you, Adam. I’m looking forward to much more collaborations, and I appreciate and salute you guys at Mission Matters for the impact that y’all are having in this world.