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What is your website supposed to do for you and your business 24/7 when you are sleeping?
What are the legal components of your website?
Do you like your cookies with milk?
Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Business Website oversites Pt.1
This is part 1 of a two-part episode. So the next episode after this will have the other half of the lessons.
Don’t think that you have to wait until the next episode; you need to listen to this first.
Some may just drop off right here and figure if you wait until the next episode, you can just binge listen. That is a good thought in theory, but don’t rob yourself of this episode.
Your website has a big job to do, and it has to do it quickly.
The less oversight is why it is created and what components go into it, the better it can perform for you and get you the results you crave.
There are basic website components that are being skipped causing website oversights when they are created. Sometimes even the purpose of your website isn’t clearly promoting you and your business brand properly.
After analyzing websites, get the details of what is missing from most of them from Le’Kesiha and discover how it can be quickly optimized on the same day! Yes, you or your website designer can fix this!
So thank you for listening and the audience; here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She repeats. Subscribe to the show.
And here’s her call to action for the people that like extra credit on top of that.
Go ahead and check out the website, to see how they’re making a difference in the lives of others with their services and being a client.
And she looks forward to bringing you more “Overlooked Business Basics”.
“Because once it’s revealed, it cannot be concealed”. Until next time, she’s your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur. Have a great day!
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