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In this episode of The Optimized Mind, Dr. Kate talks with author and relationship recovery expert Christy Neal. The discussion focuses on Christy’s journey through adultery to becoming the voice of hope and healing she so desperately needed in her most difficult moments. Dr. Kate and Christy also touch on Christy’s book – Don’t Ever Tell and talk about the ways in which this has been so valuable for others in healing following adultery. The message that we must accept responsibility for our choices and choose how we will move through and beyond challenge, heartache and hurt is woven throughout the discussion.
As the Author of Don’t Ever Tell and the Podcast Host of Everyone Has A Voice, Christy Neal has trail blazed a path for hope and healing after adultery. Now a Relationship Recovery Expert, She empowers women stuck in shame and guilt to forgive themselves and press on to a life filled with purpose and unshakable confidence. Christy chose to become the voice of hope she desperately needed, but never found over a decade ago after her own affair.
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