Adam Torres and Luke Van Der Veer discuss website rentals.
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Show Notes:
Many people are looking for passive income opportunities to gain more time freedom to allow them to do what they want in life. In this episode, Adam Torres and Luke Van Der Veer, Founder of Website Rental Coaching, explore website rentals and how he’s helping his students succeed.
About Luke Van Der Veer
Luke Van Der Veer teaches business owners how to use Google to build a passive income and reclaim their time freedom. Most jobs and businesses provide money or time, but never both. The website rental business model is the solution to that problem. Over the last 8 years, Luke built hundreds of websites that generate tens of thousands of qualified leads each month for businesses in 73 niches and 48 states. Luke treats these lead generation websites like real estate, renting them out to business owners in exchange for passive monthly retainers. Taught business owners in 9 countries this exact same process.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on Be Our Guest to Apply. All right, so today’s guest is Luke Van Der Veer, and he is the founder over at Website rental coaching, Luke, welcome to the show, Adam.
Thanks for having me. All right, Luke. We got a lot to talk about today, we’re definitely going to get into what you’re doing over at website rental coaching. I definitely want to hear more about how you’ve been able to achieve , more time, freedom, more wealth, and also, you know, an offset, you know, a little health always gets mixed in there.
So I’m always excited about that, especially for me myself, because you know, I work a lot of hours and if I could figure out new ways to do new Things I’m all about it. But Luke , we start every episode with what we like to call our mission matters minute. So that’s where I share our mission, which is to amplify stories for entrepreneurs, executives, and experts.
And then I like to turn the question on the guest in this case yourself, Luke, and I’ll ask you quite simply, Luke, what mission matters to you? I’m on a mission to help a thousand people reclaim their time freedom. I’m in. Come on, man. , that’s a big mission. love doing this and I love this show because mission based individuals that are out there trying to help others succeed and thrive as well.
So maybe let’s just start with how did you get on this path to wanting to help others and in the coaching and just in general, like how’d that come about for you? I kind of fell into it backwards. I was working a just a normal job, General Electric, Human Resources, and, you know, that’s what I went to school for, because that was the path I was taught.
I didn’t know there was other options for this, and just working a lot of hours and just getting paid well, I would say underpaid for that particular industry, I felt like there’s got to be a way to do this where there’s You either work way less or you don’t have to work and the money is still coming in.
And the only way I knew how to do that would be, you know, become an investor. And I was trying to find ways to make money online and so forth to find some kind of business model that provides passive income. And I tried a lot of different things trying to figure it out and I eventually got it. It just took a long time to get there.
And so this is it’s interesting to me because a lot of us were you know, on that corporate path , like the way you word that, like we were supposed to do it. Like that’s just kind of the assumption. That’s what we were taught. That’s what we did. But that there were other options and other ways to figure it out.
And it took you, you know, some time to figure it out, which makes sense because anything that’s real, like it’s, You take a little bit of time, but coaching part, where did this play in? Like, how did that, that part come to it? And you’re like, okay, so now you figured out your method. You figured out a process you obviously were successful or else you wouldn’t be helping others do the same, but like when the coaching, when did you decide to kind of put on that hat?
Cause that’s a different skill set. Yeah, that was another one. It was requested of me. It wasn’t even an idea. Isn’t that funny how that works, by the way? It is. It’s like you’ve already told, I like to say, like our very first quick tangent, really quick. Well we, we obviously were big in the podcasting space.
We do a lot of stuff. , and we help now, we help years and years later. We help, we’ve launched over 150 shows, but I remember the first person that asked us to help them launch a show. I was like, Luke, you would have laughed. And I was like, can you help me with whatever, whatever? I’m like, no, we don’t do that.
And then they kept asking it. I was like, fine, but I’m just to let you know, we don’t do this as a service. Don’t tell anybody because we don’t want other people asking. Like that was how it kind of, how all of that now, again, then launched years later, 150 shows later. But I just think it’s hilarious whenever I hear an entrepreneur, like, well, I’d started out.
Cause those are always the best ideas, the best businesses to me. It was started out with demand that you didn’t know existed. Existed nor were even going after. So please continue. I just love these stories. . Yeah. No, they, they beat me into submission on it. I just, I was I know I was doing, they did the same to me.
I believe you I was doing other stuff. I just,, my whole goal was get my time back. I just kept all these people I was working with, even at multiple jobs, everybody. It seemed to be the same theme. It doesn’t matter how much money they made. It was like I either I don’t have enough to retire and I got to keep working or I don’t have any time To spend it like I can’t do the things with my family and all the stuff I want to do and it didn’t matter What amount of income they had it’s like if you’re working 90 hours a week Where’s the free time or the family time and the things you enjoy.
So that was what put me on that path. And I was doing this by renting out lead generation websites, which we can talk about, but the clients I used to have at my agency, which was right before I figured out how to do this, all of them were watching me do this and they’re like, Hey, can you teach us how to do this so we can have passive income?
And the first person that reached out, I was like, Hey, You know, I don’t really have time. I’m focused on my own thing. Second person reached out and I was like, okay maybe, I don’t know. I’ll think about it. Third person reached out and I was like, okay, there’s, apparently a need here for this. And they just kept like, ex clients kept reaching out, like, hey, can you do this?
And I was finally like, okay, all right, I’ll do this. I’ll, I’ll teach you guys. And it very quickly turned into another Job just doing one on one coaching until it you know, switch just kind of flipped in my head. Like, hey, I can, maybe I could do this as like group coaching and still get, you know, the same results for these guys.
And that’s what it ended up being so I could still have my time. I give up a little bit of my time, but it’s worth it to help them. You know, reach their goals, and I found some fulfillment doing that. Yeah. What initially attracted you to, or like, because you were searching, so you were seeking in the beginning, and then at some point you landed on what ultimately you were going to be successful in which is website rentals.
And, and you can explain a little bit about that too, please. So just to clarify for maybe somebody that’s listening that has never heard of it or even considered it. Yeah. , like how did you end up kind of , niching down, so to speak, I’ll use that word. You didn’t. Yeah. So I’ll start with real estate because that’s an example everybody’s familiar with, right?
People think of real estate, you buy property, you find some tenants and you’re essentially the landlord. Like you rented out, you got people paying you, you know, these passive monthly payments as they rent the property. Okay. Okay. So save that in the background. Now, I try all these other business models, like affiliate marketing and drop shipping and selling things on Amazon.
And a lot of these different models can make money, but they’re definitely not passive. Right? You’re constantly doing work to keep it there. Or you’re hiring teams to put things in place and you’re managing the teams. And I don’t really feel like they’re providing a lot of value. Right? Like, it’s not really a win win.
You’re, you’re making money, but you’re just repackaging things and sending them out to people. . You’re not adding any value to the marketplace, in my opinion. And I eventually came across SEO, which is taking websites and just making them visible in Google. So they’re valuable. So people see it right.
Moving people’s websites up to the top of the search. And when I found that I was like, wow, now this is cool because this you’re actually adding value. You’re helping a business owner make more money. And you make money when they make money. And I was like, that’s great. So that’s what I started doing. But then I realized that I’m still not solving the time problem because I’m working on these clients websites and they’re making a killing.
But once they’re at the top, they don’t need you anymore. So they get rid of you. Or. You know, you’re constantly getting requests at all hours of the night and day, seven days a week. Hey, fix this, fix that, fix this. Not a fan. So I immediately started building websites. This is what I do now. Building websites.
I make the websites generate leads by getting them to the top of the search engine. And then I rent the website to a business owner. So I’m basically treating the website like real estate. I’m like a digital landlord, if you want to call it that. So instead of me working on, say, a plumber’s website for him, I’ll just build a plumbing website myself, and I’ll get it to the top for that market.
And then I rent him the space, so he’ll pay two grand a month, three grand a month, whatever it is, and I will send him all the customers that come in, so it’s a win win for everybody. The plumber gets twenty, thirty, forty thousand dollars worth of work, I get my two to three grand a month passively, and whoever the plumbing customer is gets a good company that I’ve vetted.
Hmm. That makes, that makes so much sense when you say this. And then, so at first , when you created this, you could do it for yourself. When did this concept of, let’s take it one step further. Initially, I’m guessing you didn’t know if you could help others kind of get involved in this business.
Yeah. Like , obviously you’re testing in the beginning, or am I off on this? You’re just like, Oh yeah, I can duplicate this. I mean, I’m a, was never a teacher, so I was like, I don’t know if I can teach this to people. I was like, I know I could do it, because I’ve done it a bunch of times.
But it’s like, can I, can I help other people? Responsibility is pressure, right? Yeah, I was like, I don’t want to, I’m not going to take money from somebody unless I know for sure I can help them. Yeah, so I was like, I don’t know, I could try. what have you found for those that have become like successful that you’ve been able to duplicate?
Like were there any traits or were there any like Things that made certain people more successful than others, where you’re like, like what stands out. And the reason I’m asking this question, by the way, is at the end of this interview, I’m going to give you the opportunity to leave a website and that kind of things.
And there’s some people that I want to, you know, follow up and learn more. There’s only so much you can cover in a, you know, 20 minute podcast interview, but like I want to make sure that the right people are connecting to, and that, then that, you know, that little thing in the back of their mind goes up like, Hey, maybe this is the thing I’ve been looking for.
Yeah, I mean, I think it’s , the no quit attitude and that mindset of like , this is what I want and I’m going to do whatever I got to do to get it. Yeah. And as long as you don’t give up, you get it. And that’s, love that about a lot of the people that I’ve had the opportunity to work with.
Right, because even if you have perfect roadmap, everybody looks at information through their own lens. So there’s always going to be some nuance, and there’s always going to be issues that come up along the way. It’s never a straight path to the top, right? It’s going to be zigzags and all over the place.
But as long as you’re going in the right direction, and for me, I think the important thing was me having coaching along the way from other people to help me, that extra assistance to get you there just makes it that much faster and that much easier to get what you want. It’s amazing. Do they have to be super tech savvy?
Is that a piece of the deal? No, no, not at all. At least with the people I’ve worked with, specifically the people I’ve coached. I mean, I, I’ve had college students and I’ve had, I think the oldest person in our program is 75 and he can barely log on his email, but he makes money with this. So, I think it’s just a matter of, you know, are you willing to learn something new?
And I don’t think there’s an age gap on that. Why do you think this is so successful? Why do you think people are able to get this? Like , why do you think, why is it duplicatable? Like give us some of the like high level. I think the duplication thing is because , there’s a wide open, you know, field.
There’s a lot of opportunity. , if you look at something like, say, roofing is the example I always use. Super competitive, million people doing it, not a great thing to go into, at least for renting websites. But there’s so many possible niches that you can focus on, that there’s just loads of opportunity that people don’t consider.
Everybody’s got to go straight to the, . Thing that’s top of mind like lawyer roofer, but those are crazy competitive. If you choose more carefully and you pick things that are lower competition or maybe not top of mind initially. You find niches that have much, much more opportunity and that are way easier to get results in.
Yeah, I see that too. and the good part is then especially because of this. So just to kind of, and you, you correct me if I’m off on this, but in this case, we’re treating it just like real estate. So , you’re agnostic on, let’s just, I don’t want to say the product or the niche or the but like in using your example, like maybe if it’s roofers or if it’s, This is that you don’t have to have a background in roofing.
You don’t have to even like roofing. You don’t have to know anything about it. Like you have to just, you know, follow the message methods and the processes to get the achieved results. Like, am I off on that? Like this isn’t like influencer websites or do this or that or whatever. Am I off on any, anything I said?
No, no, , you don’t need experience on any of that. I mean, at this point, I’m in over 100 different niches and like, , I’m not any of those trades. I just, I did the research. I know how to set it up and that’s it. , you just have to be willing to dive in and learn some stuff. And even if, if you don’t want to specifically do that.
Yeah. You outsource it or you hire people to do the portions you don’t want to do. Hmm. Amazing. Well, Luke, I’ll just tell you it’s been great having you on the show today, learning more about what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, and also the fact that you’re helping others with it., and I’m a I’m like your story so much you have no idea what I’m I just had to hold myself back because I don’t want to divert the interview but that somebody asked me once and somebody asked me twice then the third time we have a whole book publishing division because that exact scenario the fourth person asked me and I’m like, okay, well, I’ll be published a book.
I didn’t want to do it. We were like, well, I’m like, we’re podcasting. What are you talking about? So I love it. And this is how I know like this is how I know what you do is is helping a lot of people because I’ve seen it from not just our company, but other people that have been in similar situations.
I see the website, website, rentalcoaching. com , well, is that the best way for people to learn more? And also how can they follow you? Like , give us some of that piece of it. Yeah, think that’s websiterentalcoaching. com is the best way. It’s got an hour long video where I really don’t hold anything back.
I just go straight into my back story. So people know where I’m coming from and you can see what happened in that transition, the business model, how it works. Other people making money. I think it answers a lot of the questions too. Fantastic. So that’s the, that’s the best spot. And to follow you, if you do any social LinkedIn, are you anywhere else?
Like, Yeah, Facebook. com slash website, rental coach should pull up my profile. You’ll see Luke Vanderveer with a profile picture of me skiing in Italy. Yeah. And then on Instagram, it’s just my name, just Instagram. com slash Luke Vanderveer. Amazing. Hopefully you can spell it right. Oh yeah, no, and we’ll put, we’ll put links to all this stuff in the show notes.
So speaking of the audience, we’ll put links in the show notes so that you can check out the website and all that good stuff. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters, this is a daily show. Each and every day, we’re bringing you new New guests, new founders, new thought leaders, new processes, new ideas.
If that sounds interesting, Hey, and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe button because we have many more mission based individuals coming up on the line and we don’t want you to miss a thing and Luke again, thank you so much for coming to the show. It’s been a pleasure. Thanks for having me, Adam.
I really appreciate it.