Host Angelo Cruz and CyberCEO Terry Gurno discuss how working with Cyberbacker can lead to more income and opportunity.
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Guest CyberCEO Gurno shares the secrets of his successful partnership with Cyberbacker.
In this episode, Gurno and Cruz agree that investing in virtual leverage is a “must.”
Listen to Angelo Cruz and Terry Gurno’s conversation here.
Focus on the 20%: Dollar-Productive Activities
Terry Gurno, the Director of Training and Coaching at Business MAPS, spends a lot of time talking to CEOs. “Most business owners have some very specific things they do to generate income,” Gurno says. Usually, these activities make up about 20% of a business owner’s overall time spent working. The question is, Gurno says, “how do we get that other 80% done?”
Gurno, who describes himself as an entrepreneur, made the decision to partner with Cyberbacker. As a result, he has been able to focus on tasks that allow him to “recreate energy”, or help him grow his multiple businesses.
Above and Beyond
“It’s easy for me to talk about Cyberbacker,” Gurno says. Gurno admires Cyberbacker Frank’s work ethic and ability. “I have a lot of respect for who he is.” Frank has taken on essential daily tasks, so Gurno can focus on what’s most important. Frank manages Gurno’s calendar, attends coaching calls and webinars and follows up with participants, and plays a key role in a 12-week training process for program participants by giving feedback on “homework” assignments. “The feedback he gives is way better than the feedback I would give,” Gurno says.
Looking ahead, Gurno predicts that Frank will have “a lot more interaction” with participants, which will “elevate the level of care that we have for people going through our program.”
Virtual Leverage a “Must”
“You’d never know he was virtual,” Gurno says of Cyberbacker Frank. “He shows up, he is focused, he is tuned in.” Gurno and Frank have a mutually beneficial partnership that involves communicating frequently and brainstorming ideas. “I know that I need people I respect to speak into my life,” Gurno says. “He’s such a great person.”
Especially in the current economic climate, business owners need to increase income and decrease expenses. Gurno urges clients and listeners to take the leap. Working with Cyberbacker is “not just a good investment, it’s a must investment,” he says.
Cyberbacker’s goal is to match accomplished individuals to clients who share similar values and goals to optimize growth. Find more information at, or contact Cyberbacker directly by email: or phone: +1 801 686 8043
Terry Gurno is the Director of Training and Coaching at Business MAPs. You can find more information here: