Adam Torres and Emily & Gene Trowbridge discuss the “Hey! Am I Adopted? Podcast”
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New podcast alert! In this episode, Adam Torres and Emily & Gene Trowbridge, Podcast Hosts for “Hey! Am I Adopted? Podcast,” explore their new show, “Hey! Am I Adopted? Podcast.”
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About Emily & Gene Trowbridge
Prior to becoming an Attorney, Gene was a real estate syndicator. He developed numerous mini-storage facilities using money from private investors. In addition to his law practice, Gene is a pre-eminent educator in the world of real estate and syndication. Gene has served as a senior CCIM instructor for a number of years and he has written a comprehensive book on real estate syndication entitled It’s a Whole New Business, which has sold over 10,000 copies. Gene has conducted a number of highly regarded intensive workshops for real estate Syndicators, teaching them how to legally raise money from private investors. His Ultimate Crowdfunding Workshops teach investors, both new and seasoned, how to structure their investment companies, how to split money with investors, and how to legally solicit investors for private and Crowdfunding offerings. Gene also has expertise in Tenant-In-Common or “TIC” offerings that allow investors to participate in 1031 exchanges and has written articles on this subject as well as numerous others on how to start and run a real estate syndication company. Gene and his partners provide securities offering documents and advice for seeking to do Regulation D Rule 506 Offerings, Crowdfunding Offerings, Regulation A Offerings, and Public Offerings.

Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today’s guests are Emily and Jean Trowbridge, and I’m so proud and happy to announce they’ve recently launched their podcast.
Hey, am I adopted? And it’s been so much fun. I’ve been following the show involved of course, with with the distribution and first off, I just want to say Emily and Jean, thank you so much for making some time for me out of your recording schedule to, to be on the show. So thank you. Well, thank you for having us.
Yeah. We have so much to talk about through the first couple of episodes and we’re, we’re definitely going to do a deep dive into the show. And the, the, the format, the vision, I know it’s a newer show. I definitely want my audience to check it out. But before we get into all that, we’ll start this episode, the way that we start them all with what we like to call our mission matters minute.
So Emily Jean we at mission matters, we amplify stories for entrepreneurs, executives, and experts. That’s what we do. Emily Jean. What mission matters to you both? So our mission matters is to create a platform for adoptees to listen, relate, and share their stories. That’s right, Emily, and I just want to amplify the fact that our mission is for adoptees.
There are a lot of great podcasts out there for adoptive parents and what to do when you’re looking to adopt a baby, but that’s not what we are. We’re a family of four adoptees. And so Kaye, my wife, and I, of course, are adopted parents, but we, Concentrate on telling the story of being four adoptees and all the stories are different, right, Adam?
Oh my gosh, they are. And I, and I think this is a great, this is a great place to start to start is why did you feel, I know, I know you both put in a lot of work into kind of looking at different podcasts that were out there in general and then adoptees at one that’s specifically telling the story of adoptees.
Why did you feel that was so important to get out there? I’ll take this one. So I kind of, my dad, you know, he’s, he’s like, he’s a securities attorney. And so he’s been doing, he’s ran his own podcast now for years and interviews people. And I get to watch him on stage all the time and this and that. And, and over the course of our life, we’ve talked about adoption.
It’s very big in our family, big thing. And as I started doing some research for myself, for personal reasons, just curious, there wasn’t anything out there. And, or there was a podcast about, like my dad said, adopted parents or what it’s like to adopt a child. And it was kind of almost sad. I was like, wow, there’s like no one that I can relate to.
Or someone that I might have my story besides my own family. And so I said to my dad, I go, what about us? Why don’t you talk all the time? I talk a lot. So why don’t, why don’t we create a podcast? What do you think? And at first he kind of was like, I don’t, I don’t know, Emily, I don’t know who would listen to this.
You know, like, I don’t, I don’t get it. And then we kind of started talking about it. And then actually for 2023 for Christmas, my dad gifted me the experience. And ultimately my biggest thing too, is I got to spend time with my family talking about it. And I didn’t know that it was going to be that big, but that’s really been the biggest impact for me.
So that was the big reason behind it for me, for me. What about you, Jean? Like what, as you kind of dug through this, Yes. When Emily brought up the issue about two years ago. I thought it was like many other issues that Emily brought up. If I just ignored it, it’ll go away. I’m going to fall out of my chair.
And we’re all busy. Emily is a very busy person on this. And so I just let it all go away, but it never went away. And it kind of got me when she said if we had this podcast and we had these episodes, After I’m gone, she’d be able to Look at me and listen to me and rewind our stories, and that would be the same with Kay and myself, because we’re both in our mid 70s, and that’s, you know, that could, could happen.
We’ve all been adopted from day one, we all know that, but In different stages of our life, it’s meant different things. So that’s what kind of got me. And then quite honestly, I figured if we did it, she’d shut up about it. Quite honestly, Adam, and I told you before I told Emily, I said, well, that’s good.
We’ve got about four episodes. There’s four of us. We have an episode on each of us and then it’s over. What are we going to do next? But I did see one other thing. I did see one or two episodes, one or two podcasts that say they’re talking about adoptees, but they’re not talking to adoptees. They’re talking, we wrote books about being adopted.
And, and that isn’t necessarily where we’re, where we’re going is, as you can tell from the first three or four episodes, you’ve listened to, Adam, and, and, Emily, you know, this, there’s a lot of tangents, a lot of tangents we can go on because we’re the adoptees. And I think that’s, I think that’s going to be cool.
I’ve, I’ve actually learned a lot about myself. I think in episode nine, we did another one about me and it was much different than the first one we did about, I’ve learned some stuff yet. I think that’s what’s been the coolest thing too, is that, For me, I think I wanted to learn more about myself and what, and, and express what I felt.
Like, you know, we have a very open family and that’s amazing, but it’s different when you say it out loud and you know, other people can hear, hear you. It’s very vulnerable to, to do that. And I think that also gives maybe the listener You know, a little bit like, okay, you’re, if you’re saying that there’s something about that, that’s really nice and relatable, I think.
And so even if you’re not adopted, I think it’s still like these stories that you can hear and go, maybe I felt like that, or I experienced that in my life too. So that to me was like a big deal, but what’s been so interesting is how much you learn about, we’re learning about ourselves or each other along the way, which I think was my dad’s biggest fear when we went into this, was that, you know, He’s like, well, there’s things you don’t know about me.
I’m like, that’s kind of a fun part. You know, tell me more. And from the outside looking in, I’m telling you, I’m, I’m through episode two. I’m looking forward to the next episode, which is going to be your story, Emily. And I’ll say that you know, as an outsider looking in and waiting for the next episode, I feel like I’m part of the family.
It’s so interesting because I feel like I’m sitting there sitting at the table with with, with you, with both of you. And then also. So being your wife obviously went on episode one. And I feel like where I’m there as part of the family, I’m curious, as you’ve been sharing this around, like, you know, your circles and whatnot, like it, what, what’s been the feedback so far, especially for maybe people that know you.
Well, for, for me, I shared it with some friends. And so some of my friends, you know, my parents are big characters. They’re just, they have it going on. Personalities. My character. So it was like the cutest response. I keep a consistent. What I get is, Oh my gosh, it sounds just like how your parents are all the time.
It’s like sitting out on a boat ride on their dock or on their boat and just listening to them go back and forth all day long, they’re like, it feels just like you’re at home, so that’s nice. It’s nice to hear. Also people going who don’t know my family. They know me through whatever aspect in life. They’re just like, I didn’t know this about you.
And I didn’t know this about your family and what it, and I like that it, they think it’s all so unique. They’re like, that’s so cool that you guys talk about this. And, and then the most, the biggest ones, I sent that to you, to you, dad. I had, there was someone who had reached out to me on Instagram.
Saying that they had, they weren’t adopted, but they were like the feelings of what you’re expressing. They’re like, I felt this way and I’ve never been able to have anyone explain it so well. That person’s feeling was rejection, right? Even though they weren’t adopted, they they, they gathered the thought about rejection.
And that’s, that’s interesting. One of the things that we talked about on the last episode that I, that is creeping into my story is the application of being an only child adopting. And Emily had a sibling, Kay has a sibling, I Except for a couple months, I never had a sibling, and just as foreshadowing, you’ve got to get to my episode where I talk about the Mary Beth incident.
But anyhow, what do you do when you’re an only child? There’s a whole characteristic that I studied a long time in my life about what does an only child do. Now I’m in, now then I, I’m digging more into what is an, how does an adoptee act? And how does an adopted only child act? I mean, it’s amazing. I haven’t shot myself yet.
I think no wonder I’m so screwed up, you know, and for me, it’s all about just walking out of the picture. It’s so easy for me just to. Walk out of the picture. I work alone. I have always worked alone. I love working alone. And I don’t know which one plays on me more being the only child or being the adoptee.
And I think they come together in a, in an interesting place. Oh, I haven’t gotten to that episode yet. I’m excited though. This is like getting to the, as you were going through this and I know and for the listeners, when you start getting into this show, you’re going to hear some of the actors. of learning side of things between family members.
So for example, I’m like, I remember one of the stories that you mentioned, Jean you’re like, have you heard this story? And Emily’s like, no, no, no, I haven’t heard this story. Like, tell me, tell me. And so like, you’re learning actively as about, and so is the audience as well at the same time. So I’m curious just whether it’s creatively or otherwise when you’re like, is there’s gotta be some self reflection or something else going.
Are you also maybe learning about yourselves as you go through this process? Absolutely. I think for me, and this is what I did expect from this a little bit. Like when I thought about doing this and then my dad said, yeah, let’s do it. And I talked over with some friends and whatnot. I, the biggest thing is people, like he said, I said earlier, you know, you’re going to find out things or there’s things you don’t know about me and everyone was worried, well, what, how’s that going to change?
And I was like, you know, I don’t, I don’t think it’s going to change it. I think it’s going to explain things. And that’s been the biggest. Impact for me too, with both my parents is that. Being so lucky to hear their stories. It’s almost like you have a related, like not even a relatability, just an origin to their story that you’re like, that that’s maybe why you do the things you do the way you do them.
And it just kinda, it’s like I said, it’s an explanation of kind of who they are. And in such an in depth form that you didn’t know bothered them. And then, and then to the other point is the, some of the stuff that we’ve talked about in these next episodes, you haven’t heard yet. It’s really the impact of specifically like traumas that adoptees go through and what the stigma of those words are and how that affects us each.
And, and that’s been fun. And it’s been so great to have my mom be part of the show as well, because then you get three different, you know, Ways of thinking about it. And it’s, and I learned every time we get off of an episode, there’s like a phone call a day later, like, you know, I didn’t think about that.
I didn’t, now I’m thinking about that. Now I’m racking my brain about this. So it’s been kind of interesting. One of the things that’s happened to your mom and I, cause Emily’s up in Utah and we’re down here in Orange County. And Your mom and I are finding ourselves spending more time talking about it, talking about the, the journey talking about the, you know, as, as Jimmy Buffett says, some of it’s magic and some of it’s tragic ’cause we’ve had a tragedy in our family and we talk about it a lot right now.
Then we have in the past and we conjure up things that we hadn’t remembered and thoughts and it’s it’s quite emotional for the two of us and Surprising in a good way. Mm-Hmm. , I’m I’m send, just so you know, I’m sending this these episodes to my mom. I don’t know, she doesn’t know what a podcast is.
She hasn’t listened to podcast ever. I’m like, mom, that’s what I do for a living. She’s like, okay. Like, I’m on Facebook. Is it on Facebook? That’s all she knows. Whatever. . . That’s cute. But anyway, I’m like, mom, we, I said, mom, should we do a podcast? She’s like, what? What are you talking about? I’m like, but then I thought about it and I’m like.
Wow. It would be such an interesting and nice thing to have that experience with my mom and to have that type of com those conversations with her. And I was, as, as I’ve been going through it and I’m like, there’s just so many layers of of benefit to what you’re doing, in my opinion, to inspire others.
Like, think about it. I I’m even thinking about launching the show with my mom. Now be based off of your show. Cause I see it and I see that connection and I’m like, It’s, it’s an amazing thing when I think about my grandparents and their stories and all the things, let’s just say, along the way that have been kind of lost, like, you know, I don’t really know the, the, that, the stories that well of my grandparents and definitely not from their voices, like not at all, like not really so I, I maybe know some of it that my parents taught and told me a little bit about, but Not too much.
So I think it’s I think it’s an interesting way to also bond as a family. And it’s, it’s interesting to let others into your, your, your lives as well. So like, so for example, myself being able to listen in and the audience be able to listen in at any point, like in your process where you kind of like hesitant, like, ah, do I want, do I want these stories out there?
Or like, like what kept you going? Cause this is what I’m grappling with By the way. So I’m telling, I’m asking this for me, not the audience, because I’m like, well, do I want my mom behind the mic talking about me as a kid? I don’t know. Well, Emily, let me answer that question first. I’m in the nine episodes we’ve done.
Yeah. I don’t think I have had one thought about the audience. My whole deal is Emily and Kate. Oh, I mean, Kate’s always sitting alongside of me when we when we do it and we do it from our home. And then Emily is maybe she’s at home, but she’s sitting in the dining room. And then maybe she’s in Utah at the time.
And I think it’s a closed conversation. I have never dealt with it. But I will say one thing on a different topic. When I talk to people about doing this People who aren’t adopted say, Oh, I want to listen. Oh yeah. That’s a surprise. That’s very much of a surprise. I mean, I don’t think they want to listen because I’m so cool.
They want to listen to me babble on, but they do have, there are a lot of people out there who have a great view of our family, right, Emily? Yeah. We present a family out there and And I think people might want to see that. Well, that’s, that’s my answer to that question. I, I, I hope we have an audience.
But between Emily and her mom and me. I, I would say like, you know, I, I did think about it. Cause there’s, you are letting people into your personal stories. Which come with, and you, and we, there’s definitely things where. When we were learning how to like kind of how do we go about this and how are we going to talk about these subjects?
I think a lot of it was, is there anything off the table? And really our family’s an open book. It always has been. And I think that’s, that’s what made it easy. And kind of also, I think that was what made it also really important for me to make sure that we got to do this because I think there is, like I said, there’s that vulnerability factor of inviting people in and telling them the truth.
And I think that I don’t feel judged by it. And it’s not something that we wouldn’t talk about anyways. If someone asked, you know, we were, I was definitely raised that way. My mom, my mom and dad were very like, they’re very big on telling the truth and very big on, you know, you are who you are. So it’s like, you know, people are going to accept it or they’re not.
And you have to learn to deal with that as well. But the, but the reality is it’s not like we’re yelling at each other, but you can tell there’s times where I was like, that wasn’t okay. Like in the middle and that makes it real. That’s real life, real life. That’s what was so interesting to me. And it’s, and then you, you.
All you communicate very well, obviously, like I shouldn’t say obviously, but for everybody, when they listen and you, you obviously have real conversations, but it doesn’t mean you’re always agreeing with each other. Like you will say that or Gina be like, or then your mom will be like no, I don’t know.
I don’t think it’s that.
I do laugh when you both correct Gene though, it’s funny. I do. I’m like, I’m at your dinner table and they cut you off and I’m just going to take another bite of my food and look down. Well, one of my wife’s great comments towards me is, well, that’s as you remember it. Oh yes, that’s epic. I forgot that. I, I’m trying to.
Add that to my vernacular into my, into my, how I talk to people. Oh, that’s how you remember. It’s such a good tool. So we joke about, we’ll go, Oh, well, as I recall, or as I, as I remember it, because the way he remembers it is sometimes totally far off in a different world and we’re like, what were you in the same place at the same time?
And when that happened, so it’s. One of the things I think that makes it easy for us is we’ve always. Known we were adopted always all of all four of us knew from day one We’ve we’ve been adopted. So as I as I said Emily many times It’s like you go up to someone and say hi, I’m Jean. I have brown eyes. I play the trumpet.
I run and I’m adopted Yeah, it’s just Independence is part of our intro so it’s no problem About, about talking about it, because that’s what what we are. I used to walk, my dad was a school teacher, and I used to go to the same school that he taught at. We’d walk down the hall, and my dad was 6’2 and I’m 5’6 And people would come up and say, you know, you look just like your dad.
And I’d go, what? You know? And then I’d immediately say, well that can’t be, because I’m adopted. You know? We both did, we had blue eyes, but other than that, that was about it, you know. And I think that’s a little bit funny thing for our family is that we’re all adopted and we’re all tiny. So no one’s, I’m only four 11.
So like we all kind of fit together like little puzzle pieces. So it’s ironic that, so I don’t think it’s as big of a difference when people see us. I think they automatically, like you resemble each other to some degree. And I also know families that they’re actually blood related and they look nothing alike.
So to some degree you just kind of, it doesn’t matter, but we did talk about that. Or my mom says, did you guys notice you both do this? And we, and my dad and I both do it. We’ll say, hi, I’m out, you know, I’m Emily. Nice to meet you. Oh, yeah, I do this. I do that. And Oh yeah. Oh, I’m adopted. It’s like one of the first things I, and at first we thought it was a defense mechanism and the reality, as I said, I think it’s because it is, it’s our, it’s our identity, it’s something we identify as an included as, and I think we’re both very proud of it in a lot of ways.
So it’s become part of our introduction. So, so as I remember it, all three of you do fit. Did I, did I use it right? All three of you do fit like puzzle pieces. When I met all three of you at the same time in Orange County, that’s, that’s a weak attempt to use it, but I’m going to get better at it. As I remember it, that’s, that’s coming.
That’s coming. Let me circle to something else real quick. I, I, the name of the show, I forgot to ask you. So, Hey, am I adopted? Where’d that come from? Dad, do you want to tell the story? No, you tell the story. So as as I recall As I recall I don’t think I ever said that Yeah, that’s not my part or my lexicon.
I tell the story of when people go. How’d you know you were adopted? So I said as I recall I remember walking go running into the house into the kitchen I was about three years old like I think had been playing outside with my sister and the neighbor kids And I said to my mom I go. Hey am I adopted?
And she like grasped, you know this like Yes, I’m like, wait, but you’re a little kid. So I was like, oh, okay. And I ran outside and said, yeah, yeah, I am. That’s that’s, that was it. And so we thought that was a funny thing because anyone who’s adopted at some point is like, Oh, am I adopted? I’m adopted. Or like, there’s a questioning in your head of what that means.
So my dad liked that idea. And it’s actually, as I recall the story, that is my story. No one else recalls that story at all. That way. And you knew, you knew ahead of time, you knew before that you were adopted. Yeah, the interesting part after that was I also go with there was these books in my mind and I, that’s how I, again, how I remember it.
There was these books that my mom read to me as an infant is how I say the story. And I had never seen the books before in my, I thought I made this up. And my mom, when I, we were talking about doing the podcast and I said, I also have to clarify it. Like, is this even true? Cause this is what I’ve been telling people my entire life.
And now I’m like, am I lying? And she comes down with these like ancient books and they, they, they existed. And I was like, it was that weird moment where I was like, wait, that, Oh, like, so your memory somehow remembers these things. And sure enough, she said, I read this book to you from day one. And that’s, I was like, that’s how I said, I remembered it.
So that’s amazing. Yeah. And you know, Adam, not all the stories in the family are good. You know, and so we had, we’ve had a tragedy in the family, and if you listen to the, to the episode, you’ll, you’ll, you’ll learn it. See, I’m foreshadowing now, not wanting to listen, right? Okay. It’s not all giggles. So we, we had, you know, a 17 year battle, and that’s a little difficult.
We had one episode. On that, and I’ve talked to Emily since then and saying, you know, that we just didn’t go deep in that one. We were, we were hesitant on on that one. And I want to do another one. I want to do another one on that when we get to it. And there’ll be some crying in that one. I think there was the first time, but I think, but I, again, like, I think that’s the best part of it is the fact that you’re willing to talk about things.
And I think that I I’m hoping that people listen, that either it enables the, you know, them to want to talk to me, it opens up that door where like, Hey, like, I want to share this. And sometimes, cause sharing is such a thing. I mean, we’re natural storytellers as part of like the human, the human Way of, of doing things.
And so I think there’s something that’s really interesting in that and what comes of it and the sympathy and the empathy that comes from storytelling. And so to me, they’re not always good stories and that’s okay, but not every, again, it’s life, everyone can, has had hard times and, and it’s, I think the, the positive of it is you get to see this family that’s coming together years later and talking about it and talking about it again.
And again, hoping there’s people out there that, you know, want the, the To come on this platform and tell, because you never know who’s listening and who it could reach. We talk about something that almost every adoptee is going to think of at one time, and it’s finding their birth parents. And Kay and Emily and Amy and I all have totally different approaches to that.
And that’s an interest that shows up in the episodes. And that’s pretty, that’s pretty interesting. And I see as this as this evolves and, and, and many shows have kind of gone in this direction, but the idea gets bigger and bigger. Like you mentioned, Jean. So when you first started, you’re like, okay, well we got four episodes.
I know there’s four of us. And now of course you’re going deeper. The show’s getting deeper. You’re you’re exploring. Exploring more. And as you mentioned this, at some point we’ll be, you’ll be bringing on other guests possibly that are adoptees to tell their stories. So it’s become already this platform.
And I know we’ve talked kind of offline a little bit about your concept of the community around this and what the building a community around this show and this concept would, would look like. Maybe just share, you know, broad, broad strokes. What, what would that community look like or what kind of things, why would that be a benefit?
Well, in our mission statement, we use the words relate and share, so we’re going to put ourselves out there. Hopefully people will join us and want to relate their story. They’ve listened to us. Now they want to relate their story and share with us and the audience. Now at that point, I’m really thinking it is important that.
The audience is important. Although I might just be happy enough to hear if you were adopted, Adam, just hear your story and that’s fine. I don’t care if anyone’s listening, but yeah, those are the best shows, by the way, Gene, just FYI. They are. No, they are. And I’ve, I mean, I’ve studied this, like David Letterman’s, the Johnny Carson’s, everything.
Seinfeld, like they created content for themselves. Just throwing that out there. So what you’re saying isn’t just a comment. Like I’m not saying I’m a great, I’ve read the greats and they’ve all said exactly that in one way, shape, or form. Like all of them, what you just said, I just wanted to let you know that.
That’s all. Emily commented on storytelling. We’re all storytellers in our family. And I be excited when someone else comes on and tells our family their story. And then we can relate to them. And eventually, I think Emily has some ideas. What happens when we get five or six thousand of those people commenting and being guests?
What do we do next? Emily? This is all evolving, but I know Emily has some thoughts. Yeah, like when you said community, I said, you know, I think that’s originally kind of what I was looking for, even without knowing it is that because like I said, again, I, you know, there was, I, you look up books and you look up podcasts and things to listen to.
My dad and I are, we, we do half marathons together. So we trained for half marathons and that’s where I started listening to podcasts was that I couldn’t listen to music for 13 hours or first, sorry, 13 miles. Yeah. And I started to train listening to podcasts. It was entertaining and you know, you’re, you’re running for two hours to train so many days a week.
And so it was something that just, Kept my mind off of the run and listened to these cool stories. And that was one of my, one of my big, my biggest actual like mentor without them even knowing it is Kate Hudson and Oliver Hudson do sibling rivalry. And it’s about talking to other people and their siblings.
And I, I just love their show so much. And I listened and listened and listened and no one was adopted. And I was like, where, where’s my community? Where’s mine. And that was really it. And so when we finally started talking about it, it was like, I finally, we found one adoption podcast that we listened to where, and I listened to one episode and immediately it was like, I knew this person and I never met them in my life.
I don’t know where he lives in like Ohio. And I listened to his story and I was so. It was so emotional for me to feel like I immediately related to someone that I didn’t even know about this subject. You know, I ride horses so we can talk to horse about horses along with lots of people and that’s relatable, but this was so important to me and to hear how it affected them.
I was, it was just, again, it was so impactful. And so I was like, I really want to do this and I want to, I want to create that community. And I would like to be able to have where it’s like, You know, maybe there’s meetups. I don’t know. We’ll see, but it would be one of those. It just, I just know how much it made me feel good that I was like, if I can do that for other people and get a community around, I just be real and be helpful to resourceful for others, that would be great too.
And Emily has thrown around the word foundation. And I think we’re a long way from that, but there are other podcasts that have Oh, have contributors or whatever, whatever they’re called. And they, they have meetups, whether they’re virtual or, or live or whatever. And I think, you know, we’re. Right now it’s the three of us and you, so I don’t need to have a meetup.
We’ve already had one meetup two weeks ago, right? At your, at your monthly mission matters meeting here in Orange County. But that’s what you asked for. When you talk about, use the word community, Emily, it’s work. I love it. Here’s a plug. That’s what Mission Matters is about. Absolutely. I just said watch what you ask for.
That’s all I said. There are, I think there are other podcast promoters and podcast hosts in the world, but through my involvement with Mission Matters early on, I decided if we were going to do this, that that’s, that’s who I was going to use. And that’s who I was going to sign the contract with. And. So far, it’s, it’s been everything we’ve we’ve thought about, hasn’t it, Emily?
Absolutely. And even just the, our local meetup, the Orange County Mission Matters meetup was, so I already actually keep in touch with three of the people that I talked to that night. And cause just being able to, again, sense of community, talking to people, they were like, how’s it going? We’re listening.
You know, and they were like, and they’re like, I think we know some people that like to share their stories. So it’s just a way to connect to other people that event again, that’s, that’s the goal I think for us is to connect with other people and hope that they want to share their stories or enthrall them to make them feel like it’s not so scary.
Well, I have to say, I mean, this has been, this has been great. I mean, I’m excited for the next step. That’s my, my weekend listening. I’m going to be listening to episode three, a daughter’s story. I listened to a father’s story. I listened to the first episode. So that’s on my listening list. But that being said, I have to ask you both Emily, Jean, I mean, what’s next, what’s next for you, what’s next for the show?
What do you think, Dad? Well, I think it’s about time. I think we have all the pieces in place to go out and ask people if they’d like to share their stories. I mean, we couldn’t do that unless there was a way that they could. Could respond to us and there are some graphics and we have a you know, we have a website We are we’re on we have a youtube channel We’re we’re ready to go.
Thanks to Adam your group and emily We’re ready. I mean I have a I have a huge database in the you know, the tens of thousands Who know me from my Law in my real estate work, and I’m not bashful and I can just see it It’s going to say the subject line is going to say hey, are you adopted? And then I’m gonna go in and say, you know, you know me from real estate But did you know I’m one of four adoptees in the same and we’ve got a podcast and we’d love to hear your story Respond here.
And that’s all I’m going to say. Oh my gosh, you’re going to have, you’re going to get a lot of responses. I think I’m going to do about a hundred at a time because I, I’m, you know, even if I got two or three responses and that would take us for another month, you know, I think we’re, I think we’re on our, I think we’re on our way, but we had to get there.
Yeah. Don’t you think we’re there now, Emily? Oh, yeah, absolutely. And then I think my final thing to say would be for the vision of the show is like My dad did mention a foundation and I think ultimately if we can create this platform and have a community I would like to have a foundation because I would like to have like I said I would like to have resources for adoptees specifically that we could help You know, there’s always like, as a kid growing up in your, let’s say you’re applying for college, there’s grants and whatnot, but it would be nice to be able to give back specifically to something that means so much to us.
So that would be the, I think the big goal for me, that would be something we’d like to do because I’m already getting what I want out of it. I get to have this fun time with my family talking about this stuff. So I’m fortunate. So I’d like to give back as well to other people. That’s amazing. And if somebody wants to, I don’t, I don’t know if it’s live yet, but correct me if I’m wrong.
Is the website live? Yes. All right. So what, so next steps somebody wants to check out the website, check out the platform overall. How do they do that? So the website is just, Hey, am I adopted. com? And if you, if anyone wants to, any, any questions or do they want to maybe talk to us or whatnot if they just do info at, Hey, am I adopted.
com? We’ll get right back to you. So we’re on it. Our K is the gatekeeper. Yeah, it is going to be the gatekeeper of the info at Hey, am I adopted and then she’ll pass it on to both of us because many times, Emily sitting on a horse or to be the gatekeeper and she’s got a pretty expansive personality.
So she’s the perfect person to perfect person to do that. 52 years, Adam. I’ve been married, it’ll be 52 years in June. Amazing. Congratulations. That’s, that’s amazing. Well, I have to say this has been one of the first, this is, I mean, I’ve done over 6, 000 episodes. This is my first father daughter episode and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself.
My job, I’ve laughed so hard. I have some new words. I have some new phrases, man. I hope the for everybody listening and watching this, I hope everyone got a lot of enjoyment out of this cause I sure did. We’ll put the website, all that information into the show notes so that you can just click on the links and head right on over and speaking to the audience, if this is your first time with us and you haven’t done it yet hit that subscribe button.
This is a daily show. We have many more great. Stories that we’re bringing to you. And we don’t want you to miss a thing. And if you’ve been watching us for a long time, we’re listening for a long time. And you haven’t left that review yet. Definitely get that review. And we definitely appreciate it. And Emily, Jean, thank you so much for coming on the show.
This has been so much fun. Thanks for doing that. Bye Emily.