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You crave freedom. Who doesn’t?
But freedom so often eludes you. Why is that?
The answer, according to my guest, is a healthy lifestyle. Freedom to move, to do what you want to do. To get down on the floor with your grandkids. To stay up with your spouse when walking through town. Freedom.
Listen as we talk about what keeps a person in their 40-50s from healthy living and what you can start to do as soon as you finish the episode to get on your own path to freedom.
In fact, here’s the link to simply have a discussion about what you can do and how Patrick can help you:
Patrick W. Becker retired from a 28-year career in the US Army Reserve in 2017 as a Lieutenant Colonel. During his career, he held a variety of staff and leadership positions, culminating in his assignment as an Area Coordinator for the Army Reserve’s Command & General Staff College instructional unit in the western US.
Shortly before his retirement, he opened his own health & wellness practice where he provides access to information, support and a positive Community to anyone wanting to live a better life.
He also guides his entrepreneurial-minded clients to create their own successful businesses to create impact across generations.
Patrick is also a founding member of the 123 HELP App, LLC partnership preparing to launch a new app for homeowners enabling them to connect with reliable emergency service providers in a time of need.
In addition to his entrepreneurial interests, Mr. Becker has also been employed for over 16 years by United Healthcare, where he is currently a Program Solutions Manager for the Community & State Government Operations segment. He manages a remote team of 6 analysts across the US supporting numerous Medicaid reporting requirements and is responsible for their career development and advancement.
A native of western Pennsylvania, Mr. Becker has been a full-time resident of the Phoenix metropolitan area since moving to Arizona in 1992. He is the proud father of one son who is attending Law School at the University of Pittsburgh.
You can contact Patrick using these links:
Mobile: 1-602-509-5763
To learn more, visit:
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