Adam Torres and Houda Chami discuss Monetize Talks.
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Show Notes:
Listen to the Monetize Talks coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Houda Chami, Founder of Girls Power Network, LLC. (GPN), explore Girls Power Network, LLC. (GPN) and the Monetize Talks event.
About Houda Chami
Houda Chami is a dynamic event producer and community partner known for her exceptional expertise in the event planning industry. With over a decade of experience living in the United States and a vast network built through collaborations with leading brands and individuals, Houda has positioned herself as a key figure in California’s event landscape. Her passion for connecting people and creating unique experiences has led her to establish the Girls Power Network (GPN), a private members club dedicated to empowering women.
About Girls Power Network, LLC. (GPN)
Founded by Houda, GPN is an exclusive community designed to support and uplift women through networking, collaboration, and unique event experiences. The organization’s slogan, “In unity lies our greatest power,” reflects its mission to foster a strong sense of community among its members, symbolized by the lotus flower.
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Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to mission and click on Be Our Guest to Apply. All right, so today I am in Beverly Hills, California. I’m at the 15th edition of Monetized Talks that David Rivera puts on every month.
Let me tell you today we saw some amazing speakers. I’ll be here next month as well. This is one become quickly become one of my. Favorite monthly events, especially in Beverly Hills in our backyard. And I was able to snag from the audience, someone I’ve been trying to get on the show for a while. Huda, welcome.
Thank you so much for having me tonight. All right. I’m excited to be here. Yes, finally. So for everybody watching, Huda is the founder of GPN, also known as a Girl Power Network. And first off, for those that don’t know what it is, maybe just start with telling this a little bit more about the company. Yeah, sure.
I would love to. So we are a woman organization in South California called Girls Power Network stands for GPN. We’re all about woman empowerment. We are a sisterhood community. So we are a safe space for women to create and build genuine connections, both personally and professionally. We host our own events.
We partner, we did, and we’re still like. Our goal is to partner with a lot of business out there to provide our members with different experiences and activities. We host monthly events for our organization, so if you’re part of our network, you get to be part of our community, be part of our network, and attend our events, and be also add you to our group chat for you to network with the other members and get to know them.
Where did the idea for, I know you’re a founder, where did the idea for GPN come about? What, when did that start? So two years ago, honestly, I was sitting on my bed and you know, I came here 11 years ago. I had, I don’t have any family, so I wanted to create my own family. So I never had sisters as well. So I wanted to, yes.
I’m an only child too. Okay. So I get it. I get it. Go ahead. I get, maybe that’s why we’re natural community builders. I don’t know. You know, life is about community. Yeah, really. So when you find your own community, it’s very easy to thrive, you know, easy to get to your goal, you know, I believe that every person is the key to another door.
You have to be social, your network is your net worth. It’s all about the people, you know, so that’s why I believe, yeah. So you were on your bed and you thought about GPN. Like tell, tell me a little bit more of the story. So then how did it come about? How’d you launch it? So it’s all started from a group chat on WhatsApp that I have, and I had my girlfriends in there and one day, like my girlfriends asked me, can I add my girlfriends and I was like, Oh my God.
And I was like, yeah, I. And then I had the idea to create a community. Yeah. So it’s just beautiful, you know, to like help people get to know other people. And I am a connector and this is fulfilling for me. I feel this is my mission and I’m happy that I found it. You know, so a lot of what I’m doing and actually people probably on the show, don’t even know this, but this a lot of what I’m doing, it actually started from a group chat.
So I know I’m not joking. So I had a, this is going way back for my audience. I had a group chat way back when, if you even remember, I don’t even know how, if you’re old enough for this, but BlackBerry, when we all had BlackBerry’s way, way back. Are you okay? Okay. So we used to have, and what I did was me and my friends, man, these were male and female, and we, we had a little, our own little thing and it was basically talking about gratitude and like, it was like every morning we would all share just something we were grateful for.
And that at some point turned into other platforms where Periscope and some other things, and then I launched a gratitude show and then it was on YouTube and then all that content is terrible. So we took it down. You can’t find it, but I didn’t know what I was doing. But I, but we had. Had a great community with it and had a lot of fun.
And that was kind of like the seeds that were planted. So I haven’t really heard of any other community that I’ve done a lot of interviews that was started from a group chat, but technically speaking, Hey, don’t, don’t hate on the group chat. Like don’t, don’t sleep on the group chat. And so let me throw in some inspiration.
So those at home, if you happen to have a great group chat, maybe that’s the seed of a community. I don’t know. Yeah. So now let’s go further with GPN. So now you have this idea, you, you’re, you know, you’re, you tell your girlfriends, they’re, they’re adding people to it and you’re like, all right. So what’s the next step?
Where does this become something where in the beginning, maybe it was just an idea, but at some point you decided to make it like formal. When did that happen? Let me tell you something. With every business that you create, you have to create an exit plan, right? So when I created this, of course, the goal for me.
Is to expand it, right? Right now it’s, it is just in South of California. It’s a private community, right? And well, should I announce it on the show? Yes, you should. Yes, you should. I am, I’m about to launch my own networking app that is going to take my organization to the next level and enable my members to connect.
With other members all around the world. So that’s what I’m working on right now. That’s awesome. Thank you. And now you also have, I know all the details aren’t done yet and you may not be able to say everything, but you have an event that’s going to come up and it’s actually going to be here in Beverly Hills.
And we’re going to, and I know David Rivera is supporting it. I’m supporting it. I’ll be here on site doing live interviews as well. Maybe talk a little bit about the event. Yeah, so we’re going to be hosting a high end event on March 23rd in Beverly Hills at this location right now where we’re here we’re going to have like very high caliber women like Congress.
We’re in here, so it’s a woman leadership award event. We will be presenting awards to these beautiful women that did so much. And you know, as you know, March is a very special, special month is woman empowerment month. So yeah, we would love for you guys to come and join us and celebrate with us this magical moment.
Yeah, it’s going to be very, very special. And yeah. Perfect. Well, I know there, I know the event’s still going on and people are calling you. What last thing I want you to do, Huda, look into the camera and tell people how they can follow you, how they can connect and how they can learn more, not just about the event, but about GPN in general.
Yes, I would love to. So if you want to learn about our organization, you can check our website. It’s www. girlspowernetwork. com. Also, our Instagram goes power net, so you can find all the information, our website, or you can check everything that we’ve done, like on our Instagram. And also on our Instagram, you have our WhatsApp business number, so you can just reach out from there and we can assist you.
Perfect. And for everybody watching at home, just so you know, we’ll definitely put all the information in the show notes. So you could just click on the link and head right on over. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new guests, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way on your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Huda, I’m glad I finally got you on the show. Thank you so much. Also one more. So if I’m on the show, I just want to thank all my friends that helped me build this organization.
I want to thank Dr. Kate Seuss. I want to thank Maribel Trevino. I want to thank my girlfriend, Angel, that is just right here. You know, all these beautiful women, like also all my board that, you know, helped me like, and supports me. Like along the way. So thank you so much. I don’t want to miss any names.
So I’m just saying thank you to everybody. Thank you for all the members. I love you all so much. Thank you for being my chosen family. I love you all. Amazing. And yeah. And Kate, you owe me an interview if you’re watching this. You were supposed to be here tonight, but all good. And again, don’t forget in the, in the show notes, we have the link so you can go check out GPN and have a great day.
Thank you, Huda. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me.