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“The level of human that you are will be the thermostat. And if you don’t grow into the person worthy of making a million dollars a year, even if you do that once but you’re still a 250 person, it will level back out… People who are committed, who have the work ethic, who have the discipline – they’re gonna win.”
In this episode, we talk about sales and closing deals but only as our springboard to discuss something much broader; and in most cases, more important, not just in business, but also in life. Join me and my guest this week as we explore identity, leveling up your identity to the human that you want to become, how to achieve that, and more…
Mike Szczesniak is an entrepreneur, consultant, and coach. He is the CEO and Head Coach at The Results Engine, where he helps commissioned sales professionals – specifically in the D2D Space – scale their production and increase commissions by a minimum of 30% in 60 days or less. He is also the host of the top-rated podcast – The Results Engine Podcast.
To learn more about Mike and the awesome work he does, check out:
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Ken Eslick is an Entrepreneur, Author, Podcaster, Tony Robbins Trainer, Life Coach, Husband of 35+ Years, and Grandfather. Ken currently spends his time as the President & Founder of The Leaders Lab where he and his team focus on Senior Leadership Acquisition. They get founders the next level C-Suite Leaders they need to go from being an Inc. Magazine 5000 fastest growing company to $100,000,000 + in revenue.
You can learn more about Ken and his team at
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