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Entrepreneur and educator Lewis Sheats shares his origin story with host Jason Shupp. In this episode, Lewis takes us through his serial entrepreneurship journey and parallel path in academia. He talks about the value in opportunity recognition, launching the student, and the clinical approach to piercing the entrepreneurial bubble.
Lewis Sheats has an extensive background in new venture planning, concept consulting, opportunity creation, marketing and strategic planning.
As an entrepreneur, Sheats is focused on opportunity identification, execution and education. His leadership has guided the opportunity creation and development of several unique new ventures from launch to profitability, and he has raised venture funding and bootstrapped several ventures from concept to exit. Interstate Logistics, A Sweet Reminder, Securus and Malartu are among the companies he launched, serving as founder and member of the management team that took the startups through the entrepreneurial process.
Sheats has leveraged his experience to develop and lead an entrepreneurship curriculum based on experiential learning and individual student development. As an educator and consultant, he has been involved in the launch of many other ventures with foundations in non-tech and high technology, venture backed or bootstrapped, and high growth to lifestyle start-ups.
As director of the Chaifetz Center for Entrepreneurship at St. Louis University, Sheats drives initiatives to expose students to experiential learning, embed them in the entrepreneurship community and provide the space and tools needed to execute their own ideas.
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