In this show, Chirag Sagar Presents Mission Matters: Interview with Venture Capitalist Charlie Lass of Dallas Inc.
Charlie Lass is a career entrepreneur with multiple exits in the UK and US; Founder of Humble Private Equity; MIT grad & lecturer; advisor to start-ups; multinational and the security services. Expert on the “idea to market” phase and building great Teams. He’s also the founder of Dallas, Inc. a Venture studio and fund. Charlie will share his journey with our guests.
Show Notes:
- How and why Humble came about.
- The framework of Dallas Inc.
- Helping entrepreneurs, helping startups get their ideas out faster.
- The process of working with over 400 entrepreneurs.
- Discussing the future of investing.
- Charlie Lass’ platform and business experiences.
- Charlie Lass future plans.
Mission Matters Authors Attended:
- Chirag Sagar
- Adam Torres
- Charlie Lass
- Mark Weithorn
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