Adam Torres and Jordan Blizzard Planit discuss Planit Butter™.
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Show Notes:
What is the key to comprehending Self-Friendship and Planit Butter’s mission of United Individualism? In this episode, Adam Torres and Jordan Blizzard Planit, Founder & Creator at Planit Butter™, explore Jordan’s journey and Planit Butter™.
About Planit Butter™
Jodan Blizzard Planit created Planit Butter™ in her ever-playful way to empower society with Self Friendship™. Through Self Friendship Podcast, Coffee Table Books With a Lesson, & Planit Butter Publication. Her mission is to cultivate United Individualism; A society that operates independently together.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of mission matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to mission matters. com and click on, be our guest to apply. All right. So today’s guest is Jordan blizzard planet, and she’s founder and creator over at planet butter.
Jordan, welcome to the show. Hello. Thank you for having me, Adam. I’m super excited to be here. Ah, Jordan, I haven’t had such a cool name in so long. Do I call you Jordan? Miss Blizzard? Miss Planet? I mean, there’s just, we’re gonna, I’m gonna play with that. By the end of this interview, my guarantee is by the end of this interview, I’m gonna have this down, but let’s, start this interview the way that I start them all with what we like to call our Mission Matters Minute.
So Jordan, that mission matters. Our goal and our aim is to support and to bring on other founders and entrepreneurs and help them get their mission and their vision out. That’s our mission. Jordan, what mission matters to you? Planet butter’s mission, I will say is united individualism, which is essentially, being independent together.
So it’s everybody operating on their own optimized way of being so that they can most effectively show up for society as a whole in a much stronger way. where’d you originally come up with this idea? Like what was the inspiration? Was it like one of those aha moments or was it a buildup?
Like, like what led to that? Total buildup. For a few years already, I, with Planet Butter, it’s kind of just spiraled from playing on my name and peanut butter and making a world out of peanut butter in my brain. And it evolved into, I want to write a book that takes place on this world. And then what was this book about?
Then the book came to be about what I now call self friendship and identifying what that was. And then. I built on that and realized, okay, well, if everybody practices self friendship, then we can eventually achieve what that mission eventually became, which is united individualism, because everybody would be self reliant to the degree that they actually can healthily depend on one another.
So how did like, like take me through some of this, like time period, what’s this time period for this idea to evolve? I’m always curious about like the timing of like, how long would you say that was? It’s still building. I say, I’m still on the learning curve. We’re all on the learning curve, but to get to this point, like, when did this start?
Sure, So I guess now it’s been about four years, which is crazy to me. Oh, that’s fun. That’s when, you know, you have an idea that you’re stuck with. You’re like, Oh, I’m still doing this. I’m still thinking about it has to happen. Like, it’s great. So when did you, when did you know that this was going to be like and I, obviously with the understanding, we’re all evolving, we’re still learning.
We’re growing. I get all of that. But like, when did you know where you’re like, Oh, I’m going to be like, cause you have a book coming out, you have other things going on. When did you know this is going to be something that you are like, going to really spend some of your creative energy on, like, seriously, honestly, when I was simply just.
Spending all of my creative energy on it. When I started to realize that all the things that I’m already doing are essentially planet butter, because I say planet butter is kind of like my world. And I do make it as the physical world in the book. And I say that it’s like, this is my world. And I hope to inspire you to develop yours through your self friendship practice.
So I’ll sign off everything saying from my planet to yours, because it’s that kind of. way. So I don’t know. I just became obsessed with it. I did. I thought it was so cute and funny. And then I thought it was playful. And then I was like, there’s a deeper message here with this meaning of self friendship, because that’s what is so innate and meaningful to me that, It just felt like my thing that I need to communicate and I need to communicate in the best way I know how, which is this playful and fun way of delivering things.
And, and that’s just how I show up in the world. And that is my creative energy. So I just really just more and more time would go on and I would come up with all these different ideas. Like, Oh, it’ll be a nut butter. It’ll be a book. And I am working on those things. And then it became, Oh, it’s a podcast.
Oh, it’s this. And I’m still in such early stages, but The amount of different types of seeds of excitement that have come to me over these years and that I’ve let myself explore without putting too much pressure on any of the seeds I think that’s what has allowed it to become even what it is.
Is today and it’s still the early stages. So that’s kind of how I’ve just realized it as just I have been giving all my creative energy to it. It was just by default. It wasn’t by, I mean, it became all consuming. Kind of like it became, yeah, I get it. Like when we started, when I started podcasting, I was like, I was like, it was just for fun and it was just kind of like part of this, what we did at the company and it was like, okay, well, another way to get our message out.
But before I knew it, I’m like, well, wait a minute. This is. This is taking up like a significant amount of time in my life. And I got further and further and I’m like, Oh wait, I do take this seriously. This isn’t just, you know, marketing, like this is something different for me. And it just kind of clicked in my brain.
And then after the years past, you know, we’re over, I’m over 6, 000 interviews in, and I’m like, Oh, wait a minute. I guess, I guess that, you know, this is, and then you just, look at things differently and it evolves. And then you see, you see things that maybe others don’t see and it becomes interesting.
So for you. In my opinion, what I see is, is I’m being introduced to the planet of butter or the planet butter. I’m like, I want my planet too. And my party of one to like, , help me understand this idea of self friendship and how, how that concept even evolved or works. Sure. So self friendship, I define it as embracing understanding and enjoying oneself.
And I also like to encourage that it is a daily practice. It’s like this act of really meeting yourself where you’re at each and every moment and showing up as the way your ideal best friend would and forming that friendship with yourself. And I think that the biggest thing that I say to really help understand it and I’ve been playing with this recently, honestly.
So just full transparency. So I hope it resonates. I would love your thoughts on it. I, Say that the key to understanding self friendship is understanding that there’s two ends of the spectrum, which are adults and kids. And I see it as adults having been conditioned out of what I call their party of one, which is having fun with yourself, for yourself, as yourself, anywhere, everywhere, no matter who’s there.
And so adults have been conditioned out of that, which is why I encourage adults to practice self friendship so that they can return to what I call their party of one, but kids on the other end. Are born as their quote unquote party of one and if they are surrounded by a culture of adults who do practice self friendship Embracing, understanding, and enjoying themselves, then kids can actually sustain their already existing party of one because they’ll be conditioned into their self friendship practice, which will allow them to sustain that playfulness, that having fun with themselves, for themselves, as themselves, not caring what other people think, being grounded in themselves, whether they’re alone or with other people.
It’s this comfortability of Really being with yourself on honoring that we’re actually never alone and that there’s we always do have Ourselves and even when we’re with other people which is the biggest I think nuance is that it’s not about only Being comfortable with yourself on your own. It’s being comfortable with yourself with other people Yeah, and everybody, no, and it seems like like kind of just unpacking this.
So everybody’s obviously, because it’s everybody’s own planet, right. To define as they like, right. That’s their own planet of one. So it’s interesting because the obvious for me would be like, okay, well, you know, for the only children out there, they, they probably been on some planets of themselves for a while.
Anyway I was an only child. So I’m like, yeah, I’m pretty comfortable. And then I think about like I’m not a musician, but I have friends that are, and I’m like, okay, they, you know, they spend a lot of time in the studio and sometimes it’s just them or them and their instrument and them, and they’re like, they’re on a party of one pretty often.
So I feel like certain, maybe some people are prone to have some ideas of like, they’ve been kind of party of one for certain things and having their own plan in a way, and I mean, okay, I do have to say, I love that point. Then there’s the extreme example of the megalomaniacs out there. Well, they’re definitely parties, but they were born parties.
So I feel like for certain people, like this is going to be somewhat intuitive and comfortable, but I feel like for a lot, for the majority, this is going to be a pretty new concept. Like, especially the way you’re describing it, like, so for them, it’s going to be, I’m not saying it doesn’t have the ability to do this for everyone, but I just mean like, so not, not categorizing people, but for some people, like, this is going to be really a little bit of a stretch at first, but once they get comfortable, I feel like it’s going to be liberating maybe.
Yeah, I hope so. And I do. I appreciate that there’s this difficulty for a lot of people to really wrap their heads around it. Quite frankly, that’s what I like. That’s the challenge for me, right? Like, how can I communicate this in such a way that it seems approachable and fun for people to genuinely appreciate themselves as they are and being with themselves, whether they’re alone or with others.
And That challenge to me is part of that mission of United Individualism. It’s working towards that so that we can create that much more powerful of a society that actually is optimized together because people do take the time to practice, hopefully. And theoretically, the way I do it with the book, for example, it’s taking place on my world, as I say it, planet butter.
It’s a world made out of nut butter. And it’s very silly and playful approach of, of simplifying this messaging so that you can kind of see what it’s like in action. And it actually embodies like sorry, it embodies the three core methods, which I think boundaries, confidence and alignment.
And I think those are actually a really great starting point which we ended up evolving the conversation into in a sense for those who find this more, more challenging than innate. I think starting with those three core methods is the most helpful because the first thing you can ask yourself is this something that, I is crossing my boundaries.
Do I feel like it’s something that I need to have a boundary for? And based on that answer, it’s yes or no. And then regardless of the yes or no honoring that boundary becomes confidence. You ask yourself if you need to put up a boundary or you, or if it’s crossing your boundary, and then if.
It is or it’s not honoring it either way gives you more confidence. And when you have more confidence, then you become more aligned with yourself. So that’s the three core methods kind of inaction. like, how did you settle on these? Like, I’m always interested when somebody finds like their, cores or they’re like, like, like what went into that?
Like, how do you settle on these? Great question, actually. So I, Well, hold on, hold on, wait, blizzard, planet, Jordan, what’d you expect? A bad question? Come on. No, I’m just joking. Joking.
Don’t sound so surprised. No, I I’m just, I do that to anyone that says it when they say I’m like, what? Thank you, Jordan. You listen to this show a lot. I understand. Go ahead. No, I actually have listened to many episodes. Oh, and this is the first great question. So you’re shocked. Nevermind.
I Surpris. Oh, well glad I could surprise. We’re so just showing appreciation for your consistent, good questions and letting you go. Oh, thank you. My consistent mediocrity. Thank you. Go ahead, . No, So the three core methods I settled on actually after having written the book, the book is only 500 words of three consisting of three interactions. And after. Selecting on these interactions, I realized, what do these three things demonstrate? And it just came to be that it was boundaries, confidence, and alignment based on my protagonist.
interactions with the other characters throughout the book. And when I realized that, I was like, this is great because I can extract those and have it still be like, that’s my core. Those are the core methods to practicing self friendship. And now if people know the core methods in advance of the book being published, and then they get the book and they can see it actually how, what that looks like, what it looks like to communicate that and embody it.
Then it just ties everything together even more. And it also gives people this more of a grounding sense of implementing it for themselves. Not just me saying, Oh, boundaries, competence, alignment, do this, do this, do this. It’s like, Oh, that’s what it actually looks like in a playful way. That is more digestible because it’s playful.
It’s not, you know, me standing on my microphone saying, do this, do this, do this. Oh, look at this cute disco ball of self reflection going on a world of peanut butter and, embodying these three core methods. Yeah. And one of the things like this idea too, because I think when you give yourself a little bit of opportunity to play, like one of the things I talked about.
But it’s like, you know, vision boarding and creating these types of boards and like things. But I, I like to, I don’t like to necessarily do them digital, even though I can, I know there’s apps, blah, blah, blah, but I like to cut stuff out and paste it and do all that kind of stuff. Because I feel that, taps into that, like just the youthful energy of like playing and that adds to to the ability for creativity to happen and to kind of get yourself out, especially if you’re at work or you’re.
Got all these responsibilities and all these other things, or whether it’s with your family or other things, whatever the responsibilities are, it kind of gives you that moment to have that little piece of, you know, you’re for your party in your own planet. You know what I mean? Totally. And I actually think what you said too, as far as it inspiring your creativity, there’s something really powerful about.
Simply using our own hands to create something, especially for something like a vision board, like you’re describing, it’s to put our own hands to our own visions in a physical way. That’s not through a computer is so powerful because you don’t even know what the difference it’s probably immeasurable.
The creativity that could come from simply using your hands and mixing different, you know materials to create this versus just clicking around on a mouse. And you won’t, I mean, you just wouldn’t know the difference until you actually try. So I just say, I think that’s a really powerful message, actually.
Just being using your hands and seeing the creativity that connects because of it. Tell me more about the the ecosystem that is kind of forming around this. You mentioned podcast, of course you talked about book, but you mentioned podcast, you mentioned like possibly CPG, like a physical product.
Like, like give me some more on the, on the vision. I know this is evolving, but what do you got for now? Yes. So at this very moment, self friendship podcast is under the umbrella of Planet Butter, of course. Amazing. I host it on my Substack publication, but it is available on Spotify, Apple, and everywhere else that you can get your podcast.
And I’ve been doing that for just a few months now. I started it early, no, late, sorry, late. How much do you love it? How fun is it? It’s so fun because I’m also a voice actor. So just another opportunity to talk into my microphone is just a good time for me. I love it so much and I get, it’s, it’s really great way for me to further intellectualize and also self reflect and offer critical thinking to people to further understand the concept of self friendship, so that it’s beyond just a terminology.
Like, I’m not just saying, oh, say self friendship instead of self love, as a lot of people might think. I’m saying, no, self friendship is this entire other entity and let me tell you about it. And so it’s a really great way for me to directly communicate with My audience, my listeners, my advocates, as I like to say, about different, my ways of thinking and, and different ways of actually understanding what self friendship is on a deeper level beyond just the terminology.
What’s your like, what’s your favorite episode so far? Oh, man. I do that on purpose. Cause that’s just a mean question. That’s what a podcaster is like saying. What choose between your favorite kids or your favorite, whatever you have that you like your pets or whatever, like favorite now, which episode would you say you could only have one episode, which episode would you save?
I will say there is always a favorite with kids or otherwise they’re lying. But which one would you save? You can only say one episode. Let me think. So I actually announced it even on the episode. It was like at the top of the episode, I was like, honestly, guys, this is my favorite one to date. I’m not just saying that because I’ve never said it before.
I think it was, I just did 19 last night, episode 19. So it was 1870. I think episode 15, I think, but I don’t remember what it’s called. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Off the top of my head. I don’t remember what it’s called. So you said there’s always a favorite name you would that’s saying I would save that kid, but I don’t remember their name.
It’s okay. It’s okay. Jordans. It’s okay. I remember their number way too many. I understand.
Oh my God. That’s so funny. I think, I think, I think it was episode 15. So hopefully it’s a good one. If anybody goes and listens to it. it about? Give us a little bit of the flavor. I just remember being really proud of everything that I included in it. Cause there were some really far out topics and I just loved it.
do you bring people on? Do you interview? Do you like, give me a little bit of the flavor? Yeah, so it’s actually, it’s a solo podcast and I keep it between 15 and 30 minutes maximum. And so that it’s really short to the point on beat. And what I’ll do is at the top of each episode, I will answer the question that I pose at the end of the pro previous episode, which is always I say it’s a question to self reflect and self connect.
And I invite people to email me their answers if they would like to. And then I take that question and I answer it for myself because I make sure that. I’m a team player and answer and self reflect and self connect also and so I’ll answer that question and then the rest of the episode is giving little story tidbits of like a party of one from the week which is just an example of because I practice my self friendship and I can show up as my party of one in my day to day life.
Here’s something cool or funny or playful that has happened to me this week because of showing up this way and so I’ll give a little anecdote story about that. And then I’ll offer a bunch of different perspective shifts. I’ll call it perspective dancing on the podcast. In the last few episodes, I started calling it that.
And then some other critical thinking offerings and then I end it with a new question. or like, I’ll give little new mantras that I make up, or word replacements. one time I did, what was it? Instead, like, like, you’re not distracted, you’re inspired. So maybe in the, in the moment that you are calling it distraction, actually you just got inspired to do something else.
And it’s a way to basically be lighter on yourself, and actually consider this perspective of being distracted. That you’re not distracted, because distraction has, like, a negative connotation. When actually, you, if you frame it as just being inspired by something temporarily, that’s okay. Then you can, you got something, something else came out of that.
Just because you weren’t focused on the thing you intended to focus on, that’s okay. You know, and it’s, it’s, it’s basically just making things more okay and more acceptable and more approachable and delicate for yourself so that you can operate. How do you feel about like carrying a show by yourself?
Like I would be deadly afraid. I’m like, Oh my gosh, I gotta have somebody. I like to talk. I like to have a conversation. Like, man, I, I even, even just hearing like, Oh, I gotta like do a whole episode by myself. Like, that doesn’t feel good. How do you feel about carrying a show? Like, how do you feel about that?
Well, so it’s an interesting point you make because I absolutely one of my favorite things in the world is talking to other people and I mean, come on, you did create self friendship and you did create like planet of one and you did I mean, so I would I feel like you got to be somewhat comfortable with this concept, but but it’s hard behind the mic.
No, that’s the thing. Yes, I am super, super comfortable with it, which is why I hopefully I’m inspiring others to feel the thing. However, that’s where the nuance of all of this does come in which I’ve said a few times But I’ll repeat just for the sake of it is that it it really is that Core of yes, I’m comfortable with myself, but I still I love other people.
I yeah, it doesn’t mean you’re a hermit or antisocial Yeah, I don’t think anybody gets that vibe. No, of course really
I’ll try to be nice. But now that you’re saying it really I mean come on blizzard but But I do, I do love recording by myself, honestly. It’s fun because what I’ll do is the pre production basically lasts the entire time leading up or even thereafter for the next episode. Like, it’s just, the pre production is just constantly in a state of flow.
So anytime I think of anything, I’m just writing it down. So basically my mind is always just like, because it is the way I Think and show up in the world. I’m just like, okay, this is one of those things that I know specifically fits for Self friendship podcast and I’ll just put it on my little notes and by the end of each week There’s like a whole list of stuff and if sometimes I even need to delete things because I’m like, okay that idea is not so great or the episodes gonna be too long or What have you and then I organize it in an order that I think will be digestible and then talking is easy.
I’m a voice actor. Remember? So for me, it was like, like, I just, I just talk. Yeah, I get that. I get that. Well, Jordan, this has been a lot of fun. Honestly, I, I’m looking forward to the book. I’m looking forward to watching Planet Butter continue to grow and evolve. And your podcast, of course, I’m looking forward to the Self Friendship podcast.
And I’m going to go listen to what number was that? 15? I do remember you said it was 15. I got that. I’m going to have to get further into the content and learning more about this. But that being said I know you mentioned that the book is in its final stages and when we were pre kind of warming up here, when does the book come out roughly?
So the ebook is actually already available on Amazon KDV, but the hard copies will be available on planetbutter. com by May. 11th, 2024, Can we say May 10th? Because that’s my birthday. Let’s say May 10th. Oh, it’s May 10th. It’s for your birthday. Actually.
Very kind. Thank you.
So for Adam’s birthday, thank you. Party of one. Self friendship in action will be available on May 10th. 2024. Oh, fantastic. That’s exactly what I wanted. So thank you for that. Can you leave the website one more time, please? Yeah. So it’ll be on planet butter. com. It’s P L a N I T. And I say the I is for individualism and it just so happens to be my last name.
Amazing. And for everybody listening, we’ll put that the link in the show notes and all that good stuff. So you could just click on the links and head right on over. And speaking of the audience this is your first time with us and you haven’t hit that subscribe button, this is your, notification, your reminder, your invitation, whatever you need hit that subscribe button.
Because this is a daily show each and every day we’re bringing on new guests, new entrepreneurs, new executives, and we don’t want you to miss a thing. Jordan, thank you again so much for coming on the show. Thank you so much, Adam. This was so fun.