Our Authors

We are the world's leading speaker community for entrepreneurs - the "TED Talks for Entrepreneurs."4 Articles

Rani Khetarpal is an award-winning Healthcare Executive with a depth of experience in healthcare delivery and pharmaceuticals with proven leadership across commercial strategy, market development, and strategic partnerships. Rani has demonstrated an ability to successfully deliver positive results in new and changing environments, focused on outcomes driven by value-based care. With a core emphasis in oncology and post-acute care, Rani is fluent in the impact payment models and care delivery models for all members of the healthcare ecosystem. With an entrepreneurial mindset, Rani continues to successfully guide and implement internal strategies and innovative business models that optimize profitability and quality of care.4 Articles

Rani Khetarpal is an award-winning Healthcare Executive with a depth of experience in healthcare delivery and pharmaceuticals with proven leadership across commercial strategy, market development, and strategic partnerships. Rani has demonstrated an ability to successfully deliver positive results in new and changing environments, focused on outcomes driven by value-based care. With a core emphasis in oncology and post-acute care, Rani is fluent in the impact payment models and care delivery models for all members of the healthcare ecosystem. With an entrepreneurial mindset, Rani continues to successfully guide and implement internal strategies and innovative business models that optimize profitability and quality of care.4 Articles

The Sovereign Tech Summit brings together forward-thinking minds who believe in a different path with human-centered design.3 Articles