Our Authors

The Monetize Talks is the coveted haven for the relentless seekers of wisdom, propelling businesses to ascend to new pinnacles. Embark on this journey of enlightenment, empowerment, and exhilarating opportunities! Join us in an extraordinary evening brimming with enlightenment, motivation, and pathways to seize boundless possibilities!13 Articles

The DealFlow team started covering private investments in public equity 20 years ago with The PIPEs Report, and the deal-tracking service PrivateRaise. DealFlow also hosts the industry’s annual event, which is held in locations around the world.12 Articles

As an organization, the Korea Conference is a non-profit company with the vision of publicizing Korean innovations worldwide. More specifically, our mission is to select enterprising Korean startups who seek to scale up through global expansion and make a name in the international arena as Korean innovators and then showcase and nurture them to the U.S. market, the world's top competition venue for innovation.12 Articles