Adam Torres and Chance Dite discuss Quantum Wellness Spa

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Show Notes:

How is Quantum Spa different? In this episode,  Adam Torres and Chance Dite, Partner at Quantum Wellness Spa, explore Quantum Wellness Spa and the vision for its Downtown Los Angeles location. 

About Quantum Wellness Spa

Located in downtown Los Angeles, the spa provides an immersive wellness experience for optimal rejuvenation and human connection for wellness enthusiasts and business professionals.

Full Unedited Transcript

 Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I have Chance Dyte on the line and he is a partner over at Quantum Wellness Spa.

Chance, welcome to the show. Adam, great to be here. Thanks for having me excited. Oh, man. you’re in my neighborhood and or I’m in your neighborhood. I don’t know who was here 1st, but you’re doing big things in downtown L. A. but correct me if I’m wrong. We met and we met in Newport, right? Yes.

Correct. We met at a G. C. N. and Newport Beach and. Oh, yeah, at the conference. How was that? How was that for you? I had so much fun. I was running around like a podcaster. Like, yeah, I’d cut off. How was it for you? It was cool that my first time meeting you, I got to see you in action. Sometimes you don’t get to see people in action for a bit.

So that was cool. That was great. I mean, great people, great networking. I met you there, so. It’s worth it. Yeah, it’s good stuff. Well, let’s let’s get this episode started the way that we start them all chance with what we call our mission matters minute. So at mission matters, goal is to amplify stories for entrepreneurs, executives, and experts.

So that’s what we do. Chance, what mission matters to you? Mission matters that matters the most to me is walking in from a, I’ll do a personal business from a personal standpoint, which also ties into business. Is walking in love and being a kingdom ambassador and that ties into business and especially the wellness spa and what I’m working on is that everything I want to do, I want to improve the human condition or enhance humanity.

So anything that I can do along those lines to build people up, to raise them up, help them step into what they’re called to be, what they have the potential to become that mission matters for me. That’s, that’s heart, soul, mind, focus. Yeah. That’s awesome. how did this concept for a wellness spa, how’d that come about?

Were you always in kind of the health industry or like where’d that start? well, the spa has been around a dream for probably like 10 years to be honest with you and i’ve been amazing wellness For a while. I played ball played baseball. So an athlete my entire life. So it was generally around it in that Entrepreneurial life, you know started an entrepreneur early as a kid sold drugs in college.

So did that entrepreneurial stint? You Went hard, a lot of business, a lot of partying, a couple degrees, played college right. Then when I came out here and started a, a water company, and this is where my eyes really got open to the impact and the importance of this. I ran a lab on myself and I was completely messed up.

Every marker was messed up. Low testosterone, women level estrogens, leaky gut, congested liver, low melatonin, and stage 3 adrenal fatigue. While I was running a company, I was in shape. Did you know you were, by the way? Did you know these things during that time? No, I didn’t. Or were you just thinking like, oh, I’m just a little tired or something?

Well, yeah, so this is how it went. I would wake up in the morning and I would not wake up. I’d be dead ass tired. And I just told myself, Hey, don’t be a little punk. Everybody’s tired when they wake up, just get up and get it done. And that’s what I did. We do, you know, you just push yourself and you’re like, you got stuff to do.

So you get it done. Well, I was doing that, but all that time, while I was doing that, I was. Continuously burning myself out more and more. So the labs were just something cause I was studying it while launching the water company. And I just ran the labs on myself and looking at me, you wouldn’t have known.

I did a photo shoot with the king covers, Jason Ellis. He’s shot over 600 magazine covers. A friend of mine, I wasn’t going to be in a magazine. It was just a friendly photo shoot, but I looked good. Six pack could have been in a magazine, but on the inside, completely blasted. I was on the brink of death.

So. Yeah, it was a major eye opener for me. Wow. so now what happens next? So you’re having this eye opener, you’re thinking about it. Like how do you get your personal side of this together? Cause this is a big wake up call. Yeah. Well, thankfully through the, I was studying not medicine, the sense of a doctor, but I was studying functional holistic approaches that many doctors should be doing, we’ll just say that.

And so I had the tools and I had the resources and I had the network in the protocols all there in place. So. I did what businessmen do and what military men do and what athletes do. You take the plan and you execute. So, I took the plan and I executed. And I have not had a single problem since then. No real sickness.

I got COVID once. Other than that, I don’t get sick. I don’t have ear infections. I don’t have issues. I don’t have digestion issues. Yeah, nothing. Everything’s fixed. Man, same here, but now you got me worried. I’m like, I gotta take some, some, I gotta look at some things here, too, man. I’m like, wait a minute.

This is interesting stuff. So, that, like, let, fast forwarding a bit, like, you’re, okay, so, obviously, you were, whether it was before that or otherwise, or going through this, you’re getting further and further in your knowledge of just health and wellness in general. And so when does it click for you that you’re like, Oh, okay.

Like this is obviously at a water, water company. I think you mentioned when you were, when you’re going through this, when does it click that you’re going to become a wellness entrepreneur, or I don’t even know if a wellpreneur is a term. I make it up, whatever I make up words all the time. If it’s not a wellnesspreneur, I’ll take it, whatever.

When did you know that like that was going to be a path in like a Serious part of your life. Cause I’m guessing at the, at the, you know, at the water stage, when you’re in that, doing that business, you’re, you know, grinding as an entrepreneur. Was it necessarily the front and center? Like when do you know it was going to be a thing for you?

Yeah, I mean, it actually started back before that, I guess in terms of the entrepreneurial side of it. I, when I first moved to California, I was doing real estate and did well even had a few of my own spots, but saw the 2008 thing coming and pivoted out of that. And then my buddy moved here from Chicago who had a huge personal training business in Chicago.

And I was always an athlete. So I was like, whatever, I’ll figure this out. So him and I joined forces Corey Beasley, the badass still trains a bunch of pro fighters and we were the number one personal training company in Orange County within a year. And then, then after that, I went on a spiritual journey, was homeless for a year, living on couches doing community service, finding myself.

Man, you’re a real entrepreneur. This is a great story. You’re legit. Go ahead, please. I just had to give you some credit there, man. I love it. Not that you had to go through that, but like, I love the real story so that, you know, it’s easy to look at somebody where they’re at otherwise and be like, Oh, okay.

They have this and that, or they’ve done this and that. to hear the story, there’s some people right now that are probably, you know, doing the exact same thing right now. And they’re like, Oh, this guy did it. He’s like, you know. It’s a go back. Yeah, you just stay the course, right? So with that, then I jumped back into personal training, working with sober houses and pulling some guys out of drugs and abuse.

And it’s like a thing when you get into that network, you just turn one vice into another. So like, okay, you can’t do coke, but you can certainly rip cigarettes and drink soda. Right? So there’s, there’s these replacements that come into that whole realm, which is good. It’s all progression. It’s step by step.

But working with those guys in terms of integration back into life transitioning out of that world. It’s a hard pit to get out of. Then from there that’s how I got into the water company. So I kind of had that seeded in wellness and the water company was built around wellness and then I just started studying functional medicine because I was on the road a lot launching that company.

So I was just doing coursework in the van, basically. For sure. And so now this is the, correct me if I’m wrong, this, wellness spot, so quantum wellness spot. This is like the culmination of all of those years and that dream and that focus and everything else to make this a reality. Am I off? No, that’s that’s dead on.

So this is a dream project for me, something I’ve always wanted to do. the one above this even is a destination spot. So I have a spot in Costa Rica and a couple other spots. It’ll be a big kind of destination resort type deal, but this is the flagship piece of all of that. This is the culmination of all the years of studying, all the things I’ve gone through, all the stuff I’ve figured out, all the people I’ve met, the network, the doctors, the trainers, the supplement companies.

This is coming to a culmination of all that, where we can plant ourselves where it is desperately needed. Downtown LA and just ripple out into the rest of the city with good vibes, energy, wellness, all that kind of stuff. So, yeah. So tell me about the concept of what makes it different. So it’s a combination of, and this isn’t, different.

This is kind of becoming a buzzword in marketing, but I’m going to use it anyway. It’s ancient healing with modern technology. So we are actually combining those two things. And our, place. It’s heavily built on social wellness and building community. That is desperately needed in today’s world. COVID absolutely just ransacked through the entire world and people.

I just had a phone call today with a guy who’s still trying to lose a hundred pounds that he gained during COVID. So COVID messed some people up like terribly, and we need to come back together and unify and build together, grow together, learn together, share together, live lives together. We’re built for tribal stuff.

Like go back thousands of years. We rolled around in tribes. We’re in the same skirt. So, now it’s a little different, but we’re still humans and we still need that connection. So, social wellness is a huge piece of that, but it’s all experiential and integrated. So, when you hear the word spa, you have something in your mind.

We’re going to be something different than all the traditional spas in terms of the, the intricacies that went into it, even the paint, the copper wiring. The flooring, the layout, the zones, the scent, the soundscapes, all of it has all been curated specifically to create an environment of peace and rejuvenation.

Yeah. One of the things you mentioned is like, you know, whether it’s different, whether it’s not all these other things. And in my mind, when I see like a new wellness bar, when I see something that’s health oriented like pop up, I’m always like, man, we need one of these on every corner.

Think about like what fast food did for decades in our country and now, you know, worldwide. It’s like, what, well, imagine if we had a wellness center on every corner instead of, you know, depending on where you live at, right. It would be a fast food place. It’s like, how about that? Like that would be cool.

Cause the market, I mean, who needs wellness? Only every human being on the planet. Where’s the market for this? Are you breathing still? You need, right. You know what I mean? Exactly. So when I think about that, yeah. And I love it. I think it’s a great thing. I think it’s progress to kind of undo some of this, these things that have been done.

And I’m not saying by one, one person, but like convenience, the drive through, what that do. Well, I look at this as kind of like a, a counterbalance and we need it. And people are escaping the trap of the the medical system and understanding that they need to take their health and wellness into their own hands because they’re responsible.

Your daddy ain’t responsible. Your mom ain’t responsible. Your husband ain’t responsible. You’re responsible for your health and it’s up to you to take control of that. And it’s up to you to do your own research, interview doctors and get second opinion. Go do the research. Go find the people that are your tribe, that know what they’re doing, that can emulate what you want to succeed to.

But yeah, there’s a huge shift across the board in terms of wellness, moving from sick care to health care. Talk to me more about like the about the amenities in terms of like, what, what you offer and the programming. I know you do a lot of events. Like, talk to me a little bit about that. Sure. This so we’re going to break the spot on in the 3 zones and this is not all the stuff that we have and keep a little bit.

That’s secret, but just in case we add some extras or pull some stuff away, but the 3 zones are refresh, rejuvenate and remember. So refresh is more of your kind of high velocity. In and out 30 minutes to an hour kind of biohacking themed or in that realm. So, we have the IV lounge, which will have lymphatic drainage, light therapy, IV shots.

We have an aesthetic beauty room, so all holistic beauty face yoga, exosomes, stuff like that. And then we’ll have an infrared sauna suite. So it’s it’s own private suite and then rejuvenate is more of a traditional bathhouse model, but it’ll be a 3 part series with group classes. So this is again, community wellness comes into this with the lounge and with this section huge sauna.

We’ll, we’ll do group classes of like, 30 people that’ll rotate between large sauna, the cold plunge room, and then the earth room. Your room is essentially a step out of the concrete jungle and into the real jungle. So it’s going to feel like you stepped into nature. As an escape from the city for decompression meditation and the entire floor Will be grounded so you got all the health and therapeutic benefits of that last section is remember And we call that remember because nobody’s really broken.

We just forgot that we’re whole we were designed perfectly Everything is in place all the systems function without you thinking about it Chiropractors operate on this method, you know, you turn the system on it knows how to heal itself. So remembering is tapping Down to those intimate Genetic details that are built in.

So you’re talking like a deeper, intimate work with like practitioners, massage, chiropractic, aortic. And then we’ll also have some of our proprietary tech in that zone, which will be the quantum energy wellness bed. So all of that is our spa. And then we have the largest rooftop deck in North America. We have a two acre rooftop deck that we do monthly events on.

And then we do partner events. Like we have a cool partner event coming up in March, which you are invited to. But yeah, so all of our clients will have access to the rooftop, pool, jacuzzi, sauna, hot tub. Wait in March? Do you mean May? Coming up in May? I mean, May. Yeah. Yeah. There we go. I was about to say, wait a minute.

You just knocked me back a month. I’m like, we’re April. The end. The end for me. No, it’s good. Wow. Yeah. And I’ve seen some of the pictures and things like from the rooftop. Like that’s a, amazing layout too. Yeah. Yeah. Like like just the layout, the amount of, you said it’s two acres.

Geez. I didn’t realize it was that big. It’s huge. New acres, all skyline views. So yeah, we’re having like a partner events. So we’re, we’re working with other people that just throw events like grateful giraffes is the one that we’re going to be partnering with for this may event. So, yeah, we have tons of opportunity up there and we’ll just bring wellness to any event, anybody wants to do up there.

Full point is IV. Pryo, all that stuff. So a lot of different places that you could have went to with this concept. I’m just curious about, I’m happy by the way, cause I’m in downtown, that’s where I spend 90 percent of my life probably at this point. So I’m happy about that other than when I have to travel.

But that being said, like why, why downtown versus some of the other markets, like, well, you know, WeHo or, or I don’t know, Santa Monica or even Orange County, like why downtown? Yeah, we get this question every single time. Other than for me, other than for me, Chance, you just met me, so that’s not the answer.

Go ahead. You’re now on the list. You’re now on the list of reasons we’re going to put you in the deck. Thank you. well, it’s needed. That’s like the easiest answer is that it’s needed downtown. Downtown doesn’t have anything like this and it’s needed and we can create something special and serve a specific community.

Now, on the stat side of it, L. A. is amazing. LA just got a billion dollars in funding for the Olympics. They’re probably getting funding for FIFA too. All that’s going to go into cleaning up the city and making everything nice. They’ve done a lot of stuff with the down by the Staples Center. It will always be the Staples Center.

In terms of the CityWalk or Downtown or whatever they call it, they’ve been doing a lot of rebuilding. To your point that you just said, 90 percent of your life is downtown. So downtown has its own community vibe and it’s community centric. And they live that and they love that and then they appreciate that.

So we’re tapping into an existing community to supply them with something that is inside their community that they need. 41 percent residential increase downtown LA over the last decade. A lot of people don’t understand that. Huge amount of residential buildings have gone up and they have a very high occupancy rate.

Yeah, commercial still has a hit from COVID, but tons of people live downtown and it is expanding rapidly. And then you have the tourism market. 50 million people come into LA a year. 22 million specifically just downtown. So plenty, plenty of market there. And it’s all built for that specific community. So it’s the right spot.

what kind of feedback have you gotten about this concept so far? Like, like what have people, have you been kind of as you’ve been out there, you know, building your community and otherwise, like, what’s been the feedback? The feedback’s been great. It’s always encouraging. Obviously I like getting holes punched and everything too, ’cause then you can help prevent stuff.

But every, the feedback’s been great from, from talking to vendors who are out of country saying they want to come visit to talking to, like, even our sauna builders are like, dude, we, we gotta come out. Everybody, every vendor I’ve talked to, every doctor, they’ve all wanted to be on board or involved with it.

And then on the, on the other side of it, people coming to our events, people coming to check it out, friends, and then people that we know in LA, they’re all stoked about it. They’re ready to sign up for a membership today. And we just don’t have the link ready yet, but yeah. Everybody’s been extremely receptive and excited about it, which is awesome.

Yeah. Can’t wait to launch it. Tell me about the, tell me about the plans for the rollout. Like, well, like how, how’s this plan like in terms of next steps on your end? So we’re in our go to market phase right now. It’s traditional with most go to market with any kind of brick and mortar business.

It’s the local kind of low hanging fruit, quote unquote that’s right around you. So we do have a lot of residential around us. We’re in a residential building. So a lot of the events that we do, we even do a friendly neighbors event for local residents. So, that’s the beginning, right? Starting the kind of whispers, the talk, getting all that.

We’ve been developing socials, you know, all the traditional, the emails. We have an agency doing a lot of the work for us in terms of the funnels and all that kind of stuff. But yeah, it’s events is a huge piece of it too. We’re having events every month they’ve grown month over month. We’re doing the partner events, and we’re going to have some pretty well known speakers or keynotes coming in that are in our network that will co host events with us to bring their crowd around to.

Yeah, this is great. It’s a great story. One that I’m happy to bring my audience, especially my LA audience, because we want to check it out. So I’m, I’m a big fan of this and what you’re doing there and just, you know, like concept again, why do we have so much fast, so many fast food locations and so few wellness locations?

I want to see one of these things in every market so that, you know, people can be helped. And again, their, their quality of life can be improved. And I love that story from the beginning about like, it’s so much more than just looks. I think sometimes you know, that’s what we’re thinking about. Like, and you said you were in shape, you had all these other things going for you and all of a sudden you take, you know, get some tests done and you’re not in the best shape inside.

Right. So it’s like, it’s on. Preneur is out there and as, you know, especially with the city life side, I’ll, I’ll I’ll stereotype a little bit. I feel like people that live in cities, like downtown, downtown areas in any city are, I think that we’re pretty prone to put ourselves in some pressure positions in terms of our work scenarios.

I don’t really, you’re not usually in the city because you’re like, Oh, I want this peaceful country life. Right. So I’ll throw a ride. Hustle mode, baby. Exactly. So having these in an area where, you know, the, the community can benefit from that, I think is amazing. So Chance, that being said if somebody’s listening to this or watching this and they want to follow up, they want to learn more, or they want to sign up for the newsletter and get involved, how do they do that?

Very easy. Quantum. spa is the website. And then all of our social handles are TheQuantumSpa. But the website is quantum. spa. There’s a sign up form on that. It’s just a splash page right now, but the new site will be live within the week. But there will be a sign up form on there and you can stay in touch or follow on socials.

Fantastic. And so for everybody, again, we’ll put that quantum. spa in the show notes, so you could just click on the link and head right on over. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters this is a daily show each and every day, we’re bringing you new entrepreneurs, new journeys, new.

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So, and again, thank you so much for coming on the show. Yes, sir. Appreciate it. Thanks for having me.

Adam Torres

Adam Torres is Host of the Mission Matters series of shows, ranked in the top 5% out of 3,268,702 podcasts globally. As Co-Founder of Mission Matters, a media, PR, marketing and book publishing agency, Adam is dedicated to amplifying the voices of entrepreneurs, entertainers, executives and experts. An international speaker and author of multiple books on business and investing, his advice is featured regularly in major media outlets such as Forbes, Yahoo! Finance, Fox Business, and CBS to name a few.

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