Adam Torres and Raghda Ali discuss Mega Mix Expo.
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Show Notes:
Listen to Mega Mix Expo coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Raghda Ali, Realtor at Keller Williams Realty, explore the upcoming Megamix expo.
About Raghda Ali
Realtor, business professional, and mother of two, Raghda understands the specifics of what goes into house hunting, and more importantly, what makes a house a home. Raghda has extensive experience working for Fortune 500 companies, which enables her to be an effective communicator, savvy negotiator, and most importantly customer focused. Being part of a highly experienced team specialized in providing top-notch real estate services, gives Raghda an edge in providing you with unique and smooth experience in every step on the process.
About Keller Williams Realty
Austin, Texas-based Keller Williams, the world’s largest real estate franchise by agent count, has more than 1,100 offices and 176,000 agents.
The franchise is also No. 1 in units and sales volume in the United States.
Since 1983, the company has cultivated an agent-centric, technology-driven, and education-based culture that rewards agents as stakeholders.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I have Raghda Ali on the line and she is a realtor over at Keller Williams Realty.
welcome to the show. Thank you, Adam. It’s an honor to be here with you. Thank you for the invitation. All right. So we’re happy to have you and correct me if I’m wrong, you’re going to be participating in the mega mix expo and you’re going to have a booth there. And I’m, telling you, I’ve been talking about this expo.
And I feel like for about a couple of weeks now, I’ve done a couple of interviews for them and I’m getting excited. I’m going to be going, I’m going to have a booth. I’m going to be doing some live podcast interviews. And for those that are newer to this and don’t know what I’m talking about, just let you know, you could go to MegamixExpo. com
the event is going to be coming up on March 12th and March 13th. It’s at the Santa Anita park in Arcadia, California. Definitely want everybody to go pick up tickets.
So again, go to MegamixExpo. com. But Ragda, circling back you’re going, correct? You’re going to be there. I don’t make sure I don’t have no missed information here. Yeah, of course. I don’t want to miss it. Oh, that’s great. And you’ll have a booth. I want people to come visit. Yes.
Yes, I will have a booth there and I’m super excited to meet you in person there and meet everybody that is listening to us now. Now, have you been to a Megamix Expo in the past? I’m curious. Not Expo, but I usually participate in local expos and events. So I attend a lot of events.
Locally, but this is going to be my first time at make a mix expo. That’s awesome. , you and me both, by the way. So this is my first time going to. So we’re both going to be newbies, but I’m telling you, I’ve seen some of the previous videos. I’ve seen some of the other things that I’ve had interviewed a couple of other people that have been there that they’re going this year, but then they’ve also been there since the beginning.
And they’re talking about, like, the amount of people that come, the networks, the connections, like, all of that. Like, what made you decide to participate? Like, why do you think it was important to show up the exposure and just to be more connected locally? Uh, This is one of the ways that I stay on top of my business is I attend local events, I organize local events to stay connected with local businesses and to, expand my reach to clients as well.
One of the ways that I’ve. did this is that I became a co-founder of the Arab American Business Chamber, and that is also an avenue that is similar to the Expo, but we do it in a more strategic way. We have monthly meetings mixers, events teaching, learning experiences.
A lot to do there and we connect with local businesses. So the mega mix expo is just another avenue. But this is what I do for my business. I connect with local businesses. I help them grow their business and also that way I stay on top of market trends and I get to have exclusive opportunities that pour back to my clients.
So being a resourceful. Realtor goes a long way. It’s just not just about buying or selling a house. It’s more than that. Usually I’m more focused on building a relationship with my client. So, if you have a client for years, they’re gonna come back to you asking for a referral for a CPA for an attorney for a different kind of, professions.
Generally, so you want to be resourceful and connected to other business owners in the in your local market as well. And I’m curious about this because you’re definitely a connector. You’re obviously in the community and you’re doing a lot of great work. Like, what does that mean to you?
Like, the, the concept of collaborating with different organizations, or maybe even strategic networking? Like, what does that mean to you? my clients, it all goes back to my clients. You know, I try my best to improve my skills and improve myself in general to pour more into my clients. So, to them, it’s all about the credibility in my work in my connection.
It’s about building trust. It’s about referring to them, the professionals that are gonna make me look good. So. Being part of networks in general, whether it’s business chambers, expos whether it’s, partnerships with nonprofit organizations, I expand my reach to clients to other business owners that helps me build credibility and it increases, the value that I provide back to my clients.
So this is just one way of doing it. Amazing. Can you talk a little bit more about the chamber that you mentioned? I didn’t quite catch it, , I was taking some notes too, but could you talk a little bit more about the chamber that you’re part of, please? So I’m a co founder and the Arab American business chamber.
We created this chamber because we saw a need to bring all the. Arab businesses together, but to my surprise, a lot of our members are not even Arabs. So it was a venue for inclusivity for diversity. It’s broke everybody together which is more amazing. You know, it just broke more opportunities for everybody.
Everybody’s welcome to join as, a business owner or a professional, and we come together, treat our businesses like businesses, especially if you’re a business owner, sometimes you feel like you don’t have a manager to really tell you what to do the next day. So the progress is not systematic per se, so being among.
Like minded people helps a lot and improving and growing the businesses to the level that we want and we learn from each other’s experiences. We share resources. We bring in resources from the government from local organizations that help businesses thrive. So it’s been a venue for.
Strategic relationships, if I would say to help all our businesses together. It’s like, a partnership. And, of course, that brings, of course, more referrals to our businesses indirectly, but we are there for a bigger cause than just getting referrals from it. Hmm. what gave you the idea or the team of individuals?
I know nothing’s ever done in a bubble or by one person. how’d the idea for this even come up? And that’s so interesting. It’s fascinating. I had the idea a few years ago and recently I met with you know, other ladies that are very talented. One of them is Farah Kantar. She’s the president of our chamber.
it was all a coincidence and we were talking. we got together for a networking opportunity for business. And then we were sharing our shared interest of creating a chamber that brings all the Arabs. Or this ethnicity together from a business point of view, not just socially or culturally, and she had the exact same idea and, , just having different people share the same goal and vision brought it all to life.
We were able to, like, make it happen in no time. So. That’s another message. When you are around like minded people,, you might have a dream that, vision, something that you wanted to do for a long time, but maybe alone you cannot do it, but when you are talking about it with somebody that shares the same value, shares the same dream.
You know, strategy, another strategy, the goal, the vision, it will come to life and you will see the results. So being among, other business owners, people that are just open for networking opportunities for, growing in general will bring a lot of opportunities and the Arab American business chamber was just one of them.
What a great story and one that I’m happy to bring to my audience. I think it’s a great story of a business leaders and business owners coming together to make connections and to connect and to really thrive together. I think it’s, amazing. And this is one of my favorite things about even doing this show is that when you get the collaboration aspect, right, you get ideas, you get to hear from other people, you get to see, and also.
in my experience, being an entrepreneur can be kind of lonely. You might have a lot of employees, might have some other things, but it take, we work different hours, we do different things, right? So it’s kind of a good way to stay connected to, in my opinion. A hundred percent. I agree with you.
So, rda final thing here. if somebody’s listening to this or they’re, tuning in and they wanna follow up and they wanna learn more about your work over at Keller Williams Realty, or if they wanna learn more about the chamber, we’ve been talking about obviously everybody, I want you to cut to check out Megamix.
So if you go to the expo. com and you can grab a ticket and to the expo and then go see go come meet me and rod the in person will definitely both be there. But if other than that, if somebody wants to connect and follow up afterwards, how do they do that? Sure. So you will find me on social media, whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, but I would say the easiest way is to follow me on Instagram at.
So if you go to the expo. com and you can grab a ticket and follow up afterwards, I will definitely both be there. But if other than that, if somebody wants to connect and follow up afterwards, I would say the easiest way is to follow me on Instagram at. Al I dot realtor and for the Arab American business chamber, you can go to our website chamber dot org.
So these are the 2 venues that you can reach out to me. I will be there. I would love to chat with any visitor that comes there to share with them. How I can help them as a luxury agent as well, how I built my business around relationships with my clients and how my clients, find value in working with me.
I would love to be, the 1 to meet you and start that relationship for years to come. So. Thank you again, Adam, for having me today. It’s a great pleasure to be on the program, and I can’t wait to see you in the expo. Amazing, and happy to have you here. And the audience, everybody tuning in, just so you know, we’ll definitely put the links Ragna’s information in the show notes.
So you can just click on the link and head right on over and check out her Instagram. And speaking to the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet, Hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well.
So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Ragda, Hey, looking forward to seeing you at the expo. Thanks again for coming on. Same here. Thank you, Adam.