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Rev. Anthony Smalls is delivering powerful words to encourage your mind, body and soul. The divine powers of Sunny’s Legacy Tithing and exploring the 10% rule for financial freedom and living your dreams. Old habits might be hard to break, but learning new tips, tricks and savings are simply done in a blink of an eye.
Rev. Anthony Smalls, a Senior Pastor at Missionary Baptist Church, shared, “As I look back over the years from 8915 Superior Ave. to 997 Lakeview Road, to this present location of 14516 Euclid Ave. East Cleveland, Ohio; in the heart of East Cleveland. God has been very good to all of us! Now my brothers and sisters it is our time for the Second and Third Generations of Starlight, to stand up and press forward, the foundation has already been lay for us; I am calling on all of those who have served and are still serving, and to those who have visited this place of worship to aid us in securing our future by planting a Seed in this Ministry. Let us galvanize our efforts to make this dream come true.”
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