Adam Torres and discuss Bronson’s new book.
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Show Notes:
New book alert! In this episode, Adam Torres and Bronson Hill, Managing Member at Bronson Equity, explore Bronson’s new book, Rich Brain: How the Wealthy Change their Brain to Change their Bank Account.
About Bronson Hill
Bronson’s committed to helping educate others about the benefits of passively investing in multifamily syndication. While most people have never heard of this, it allows individuals to own a piece of large apartment buildings, receiving outstanding tax benefits, and get great returns without the volatility of the stock market.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today’s guest is Bronson Hill and he’s managing member over at Bronson Equity.
And he’s also author of the book, Rich Brain. Bronson, welcome to the show. I’m really excited to be here, Adam. Looking forward to talking with you and can’t wait. All right, Bronson. So for my longtime listeners, they know I love promoting authors. I love selling books and I love getting into that. So we’re going to talk about your book today, of course.
And I want to, I want to hear more about what you’re doing at Bronson Equity, of course. But before we do, we’ll start with our Mission Matters Minute. So, Bronson, at Mission Matters, our aim and our goal is to amplify stories for entrepreneurs, executives, and experts. That’s what we do. Bronson, what mission matters to you?
Well, I have a number of missions. I think my, core mission at the core of everything is to try to end modern day human slavery in the world. And so that’s very centering for me. That’s a big, very audacious goal today. There’s 20 to 40 million human slaves in the world more than we’ve ever had. A lot of people didn’t think it’s real, but it is real.
And so that’s my big why. And then what I really do to help helping that I get involved in human trafficking causes. And I have my business that helps educate people about financial freedom. So we can give to that cause and help create awareness about that. So in our business, really, we’re helping people achieve financial freedom through compelling investment opportunities and also education.
I have. Two books. One is called Fire Yourself. It became an Amazon bestseller. It’s about alternative assets and how do you replace your working income with passive income. And that has been a lot of fun. And then the second one is called Rich Brain, which is coming out, and it’s how the wealthy change their brain to change their bank account.
So what are the wealth mindset wealth mindsets, and wealth habits that people have used to really transform themselves? And I’ve had over 2, 500 interviews with And so it’s just really fascinating, a lot of surprising things to me have come out of that. And I’m just very excited to be able to share that.
That’s amazing. Where did you, how did you originally get interested in either finance or business in general? Like where’d that start for you? So for me, you know, I grew up in a single parent household and I was, we were very middle class. And, you know, I, I had this correlation between if I, you know, work, I could actually make money and I could actually get things that I wanted.
And so going from being a teenager and, you know, 12, 13, and having an allowance to seeing my older brother have a paper route where he was able to deliver newspapers. And he was able to buy his own car. So I saw that example and I want to do that. So I basically followed him and realized just even the responsibility of having a newspaper delivery job being 14 and come rain or shine in Seattle when it was snowing, whenever it was.
Direct correlation of like, okay, I got to work at some point. I need an hour to go do this. And so it just taught me a lot of responsibility that taught me. There was a direct connection between, I do this work and I get paid. And it sounds very simple, but to me it was like, oh, okay. If I work harder or smarter, I can get paid more and I can really, you know, do well for myself.
Yeah, that’s a great story, and I’m always jealous of anybody that had a paper route because I missed out on that one. I have like other little side business and things, but I feel like I was I missed out on the paper route, man. Do they do those anymore? I don’t know. You know, I think right after I left mine, they started going to morning delivery only, which just sounded terrible.
I did it on the weekends for the morning, so it was afternoons after school, so I could do it after school. And there was a lot of things I had to say no to after school because of that, but it also gave me the structure. But then they went to mornings only and just thought of getting up at four or five, six o’clock every day.
Not sound very feeling. Oh, man, I’m saying, all right, well let’s go further into, I want to, I want to start getting further into just your, books and like, why? So you mentioned you wrote a book and then you mentioned rich brain is coming up, like, , what sparked the idea and, or the writing a book, putting out a book, a lot of work, like, , what sparked bringing this one to life?
Yeah. So for rich brain specifically, you’re asking , yes. Mm-hmm . Yeah. So I was actually on a I was on a business trip. I was traveling through Dallas and I was on an Uber ride and I had a call from an investor. We have investors in our business that invest in some of our projects. And you know, it was just a call normally that I think most people wouldn’t overhear, but you, somebody’s wiring a hundred thousand dollars, $2,000 or whatever it is.
And so the driver was this she was a young woman in her early thirties. And she just, you know, after I was off the phone she said, Hey I overheard you talking. How do I learn about money or how to learn about finances? How do I become wealthy? And it, it kind of struck me back. It took me back a little bit because I thought, well, I don’t know if I really have a good book to really let you know how to do that.
There are books on kind of like investing. There are books on great books out there, but I think one of the biggest things, and one of the principles from this that I discovered is that people that are they have this thing I call wealth worthiness. And if you don’t get this in place, no matter how much you learn, or no matter how much you, like, tax this strategy, even if you make the money you won’t be able to hold on to it.
And what this really looks like is people that are wealthy, they, have a sense that they I don’t want to say it’s an entitlement, but they have a belief that they’re worthy of it. So, for example, somebody who makes 100, 000 a year, We’ll find a way to make 100, 000 a year. It’s like an internal thermometer, right?
They’ll figure that out exactly what they’re worth. Somebody makes a million dollars a year. We’ll just kind of figure out a way to do that. And so if I show up in a way, and there’s different examples of this you know, one example of this, if I’m a single person, let’s say I’m a single guy and I’m at a party and I see a beautiful woman.
If my self talk has been negative, right? If I’ve been like, well, you know, why would she want to talk to me? Or I, you know, I start saying things to myself that aren’t positive. How’s that conversation going to go? Even if I do go over there and talk to her, it’s probably not going to go well. Versus if I have this belief that I am worthy of a great relationship with a beautiful woman.
That’s going to be a very different conversation. And the same thing exists when it comes to wealth and it comes to business. It comes to these things. We, we kind of receive the level that we feel worthy of it. And these things are very subconscious, but until you get that in place, then some specific things, a lot of wealthy people do to get that.
But it’s something that I noticed to be very surprising to me, but it’s, it’s a very, it’s probably the most core aspect of the book. And you also mentioned that you’ve interviewed over 2, 500 people. So do you have a podcast or I love, I love promoting podcasters too. I want my audience to go check it out.
Yeah, I do. I have my podcast is called the mailbox money show. And so what a great name, the mailbox money show. That’s awesome. And how long did you start that? Cause that’s a, good, that’s a healthy amount of episodes. Yeah, I think we started three or four years ago, three or four years ago.
Yeah, it comes from the quote from Warren Buffett. He says, unless you learn how to make money while you sleep, you’ll work until you die. And so, mailbox money, it’s about, you know when it’s mailbox money, the checks show up. Now, we should call it direct deposit money because, you know, it shows up in your account.
The direct deposit money show does not sound as good as this. Money’s money, but I’m just throwing it out there. That’s funny. Go ahead. I know, but, but, you know, it’s really that is that how did, how do you make money with your money? How does your money work for you? That if you were disabled, if you wanted to, you know, the book fire yourself came from that of how do I fire myself so I can have enough income covering coming in to cover my living expenses and then I’m free.
What kind of life would I want to live? According to my values. That’s something I think when I talk to people, I said, if you had a billion dollars, what would you do? What would you, what would you do with your time? You had everything you needed. I’ll be like, I would travel more. I would spend more time with family.
I would write that book. I would do these things, whatever. So since I quit my corporate job, I had a job that was making over 200k a year. I had a great job, but I didn’t have control over my time. And so that’s the thing we say financial freedom. What really is about, it’s about time freedom. So we talk a lot about time, how you create more time, because you can always make more money, you just can’t make more time.
So come back to your question about, you know, mailbox money. That’s, we talk about different assets that allow people to generate passive cashflow. So we offer some in our business. There’s ones people do RV investments and parking lots and coffee farms, South America, and you can invest in airplanes.
You can invest in all kinds of different private deals and they’re all interesting. And some are better than others as far as investments, but it’s just really interesting to me to go and explore those. Mm. And so when you say, and again, the mailbox money side of this, so then when most people hear passive income, I think, I think most for most people, they’re going to go right to real estate.
So real estate can be a part of this, but you’re, you’re talking about other alternative investments as well. Am I, am I understanding this right? Yeah, yeah. So we talk about all kinds of alternatives. We started years ago. I did some single family real estate investing and that was good. It didn’t look the cash flow.
I wasn’t able to scale as quickly as I wanted. Didn’t leave to kind of led to another job for me. And I learned about multifamily investing. And so we’ve done over the years, over 2, 500 multifamily units. We’ve also shifted into car washes, ATMs, oil and gas and venture deals. Now we’re buying an e commerce business that provides a lot of cash flow.
So people, you know, Typically look for either cashflow, appreciation, or tax benefits. And we look for deals that provide one or all of those. Amazing. And so going into it, I mean, we’re heading into for everybody listening to this far into the future, this is December 19th, we’re recording this 2024 going into the new year.
what kind of things are on your mind? Like what kind of things are on your mind as you, as you plan the next year? Yeah, so this next year, I just had a mastermind meeting. We had a group of investors in Austin, Texas, talking about this. And I think 1 of the things I’m looking at is there’s some tax benefits that have kind of been phased out or been phasing out from some of the Trump era tax benefits.
We think some of those may come back. So it may make real estate and other investments more attractive. Another thing we’ve talked about is as interest rates have risen It has reduced the amount of cashflow in things like real estate. And so we’ve looked to other investments such as oil and gas, such as private businesses that do provide a lot of cashflow and some of them cashflow very well.
And cashflow, if you look at comparing cashflow and appreciation, you know, appreciation is making a lot of money someday, which is great, but it doesn’t help you quit your job. It doesn’t help you to cover an expense. Now it’s great that someday that may happen, but if you know you have five or 10, 000 coming in a month or whatever your number is.
Is that enough? Or that’s maybe enough to cover what it costs you to live. And then you’re at the short, you’re at a place. Do I want to keep working this way or don’t want to do it differently? And you’ve reached a place of financial freedom. So cash flowing investments we really love, and then just also keep an eye on the tax what’s going on with the tax politically.
Yeah, that’s great. Bronson, how, what is the best way for people to connect into and to get your information and content? So you have the book is website, social media, like talk a little bit more about just like your ecosystem of content. Cause I feel like you have a YouTube channel. You got a lot of things.
I didn’t know your podcast before you came in here. So that’s amazing. I love it. Yeah, yes, we’ve got a lot of ways to connecting to search online. I have a gift for your listeners. If you like, I have a talk about inflation. They say inflation is only 2. 7%. I think it’s much higher and I think it’s going to continue to stay high.
And this is why grocery costs are over 50 percent more than they were 4 years ago. So there’s I wrote of how to use inflation to your advantage, right? So instead of getting the pain at the pump at the grocery store, you can actually be on the other side of the equation. We actually benefit from it.
So it talks about things like real estate talks about using debt in a smart way as well as precious metals. Some really unique strategies. People haven’t heard of as a 40 page ebook. I’m happy to share with your audience. If you text the word inflation, yeah. To three, three, seven, seven, seven. We’ll just go ahead and send that to you.
It’s pretty simple, but yeah, just the word inflation to three, three, seven, seven, seven, that’s a great way to connect with us and follow what we’re doing, but we’d love to have your audience have that as a gift. Fantastic. And for everybody listening, just so you know, we’ll put the, and you mentioned the book is coming out.
When can we expect that out roughly? I believe you said it’s coming out. It’s not out yet. 2025. Yeah, it’s coming out. As fast as my fingers can type it out. I basically got, I’m basically done with writing it. I’ve got to go in and add some more stories. 2025. Yeah, yeah. It’ll be 2025 and I’ve got to decide if I’m going to self publish again.
We self publish and we’ve got almost a thousand reviews on Amazon now for the first book. And your first book’s available. So it’s on Amazon right now. And that’s the one that you mentioned. Fire Yourself, I believe. Yeah. Yeah, it’s called Fire Yourself, and it’s just, you know, the subtitles replace your working income with passive income in three years or less.
Yeah, and I, I like this theme and I see a ton of reviews for it and a great, good reads rating. So definitely for everybody listening to pick up a copy of that, fire yourself, replace your working income with passive income in three years or less. And then we will all be equally awaiting. I like to put the pressure on the author.
And the author is Bronson. We will all be eagerly awaiting in queue. I won’t say that because that would be rude. 2025, I’m hoping soon. I, again, I’ve got to decide if I’m going to publish or what that’ll look like, man. I’m just happy that you’re putting out this great content for people. And especially on the podcast side to put out that many episodes is no easy feat.
It takes a lot of time. A lot of yeah. Blood, sweat, and tears and effort to get that, that, like a catalog like that, a massive congratulations. And to everybody listening, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day.
We release new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration. That’s going to help you along the way in your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Bronson. Matt, really been a pleasure. Thank you for coming on and sharing some of your knowledge with our audience, really appreciate it.
Thanks so much, Adam. It’s great being here. Appreciate it.