Adam Torres and Shanne Carvalho discuss Shanne’s upcoming book.
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New book alert! In this episode, Adam Torres and Shanne Carvalho, Broker Associate at eXp Realty, explore Shanne’s upcoming book that he will be launching with Mission Matters
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About Shanne Carvalho
Whether you are a buyer or seller, Shanne brings a wellspring of experience not only as a REALTOR®, but previously as a general contractor and mortgage broker. His negotiating skills are unparalleled (which explains his expert poker game) and he walks with a myriad of highly qualified stagers, subcontractors and tradespeople to streamline the process for you. He grew up on and studied the arts and skills of business persuasion.
His team is powered by the Exp Realty platform and has available all the necessary supporting crew in the fields of technology, communication, and advocacy.
Shanne is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. In his spare time he enjoys cooking, entertaining, music, fishing, soccer, golf, and travel

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today’s guest is Shane Carvalho and he is a broker associate at EXP Realty.
Shane, welcome to the show. Thanks, man. Good to see you. It’s been a minute, man. It’s been, it’s been a while and excited, excited to finally get you on the show. It’s been, we’ve been talking about this for a while and, and, and also we’re going to talk about the book that we’re launching together. That’s going to be coming out.
I think later this month off the top of my head. And I was talking to the editor actually yesterday and I think we’re really close to this launch, but just get us started. Shane, we’ll start this episode the way that we start them all. Okay. With what we like to call our mission matters minute. So Shane at mission matters, our aim and our goal is to amplify stories for entrepreneurs, executives, and experts.
That’s what we do. Shane, what mission matters to you? You know, I’ve always been a person of service and that’s just who I am. And I think that. You know, as much as I’ve done really well for myself, it’s come from, you know, always putting others first. And, you know, my mission has always been to, you know, not only serve my clients in business and, you know.
Build those relationships and do what I do, but I also really love to give back to the community and participate in a lot of community events and you know, whatever assets or resources I have that I can provide, you know, there’s certain charities that I really love to support. And so, yeah, I just, since I was young, it’s just, that’s been my thing.
I’m I’m of service. Yeah, it’s awesome. And that’s what I know you for Shane is a being of service and all, and a connector of sorts and glue for many organizations. I’m, I’m interested. So how did you, where did you first get into this concept of entrepreneurship or when did that start? Was it when you were a kid or like, when did you become an entrepreneur?
Such a funny story, man. I, you know, Being in sports and being super athletic when I was young, I really envisioned being some kind of a sports medicine doctor. And so I didn’t go straight to university from high school. I wanted to go to junior college to kind of be sure and get my, you know, lower division done.
So I went to a really good community college that we have here locally, Cabrillo. And I played on the football team. I played in golf and I also became part of like the honor society and some other clubs. Like I was an overachiever. I had three part time jobs. I was. I’m like, I’m going to just make life happen.
I’m going to get after it and I’m going to do this pre med, you know, lower division. So I was a bio major, long story short, chemistry, organic chemistry. Some of like, it was just, wasn’t working. I was just like, that’s the one that gets, that’s the one that gets people. That’s where, you know, like organic chemistry, if you’re, if this is something you want to do or not, well, yeah.
And physiology and all this other stuff, I was just like, wasn’t feeling it. And I was like, I had to get through this stuff to get to that. I lost interest and I moved to becoming a business major. Ironically, so I transferred to San Jose State to their business school. So when I moved up to the Bay Area, I was still working at Wells Fargo Bank.
And honestly, it was, I would help the merchants, help the, you know, the business owners not. And I was always in the merchant windows and serving them. And this one real estate broker, you know, one day he’s just like, and I’ll try to keep this short cause I know we’re limited on time, but I this broker, you know, I’d see him all the time.
He, his office was down the street. He’s a real estate broker, but I mean, I’m like, 21, 22 years old. I don’t know about all that, but anyway, long story short, he’s like, he’s like, Hey man, you’re always trying to sell me something. Like when I come in here, cause we’d have competitions, like who sells the most credit cards today or this or that?
Dude, I’m a gamer when it comes to that. Like, I love competition. I love, like, I love games, even like board games, you know, just games with front, whatever. I just, I love competing. Just I’ve always been into games. Right. So it’s like, Oh, contest. Yeah. And so he told me, he’s like, Hey, they must not pay you a lot.
Like, why don’t you come and talk to me? I feel like you, you know, might be good at real estate. And so anyway, I met with this guy after work one day and he got me started on getting the principles of real estate. And I mean, shoot, I, it took me a couple of years cause I was still in school and I transferred to another job.
It took me a couple of years to get my license, but but yeah, he, he put me on my journey to getting my real estate license. And then once I got a taste of real estate and kind of got on that path, you know, my dad had been a general contractor and he was retiring and I grew up building. And so it’s like, I.
When these pieces came together, I just had this vision from a young age that someday it’s going to be all of it. It’s going to be the building, the financing, the selling. And, and by chance, that’s the journey I took. I ended up in lending right at college and then moved into sales and also my general contractor’s license.
So it’s. It’s where that vision from, you know, almost 30 years ago came to fruition, you know, which is, I completely agree with you. Like all these little pieces of life and some of these experiences, some of these jobs that you hold when you’re younger or otherwise. And you’re like, like, how is this going to help me down the line?
Like, I don’t know, but, and obviously when we’re in our early twenties, we’re not thinking about it that way. Like, oh, well this is going to help me down the line. No, we’re still. still, you know, we’re focused on what we’re doing, but I want to stay in those early years a little bit longer. Like what kept you going?
Like whether it was from switching from, you know, premed to business or switching from, you know, one job to another and not necessarily, especially at that age, like knowing what’s next, like what kept you going? Like what kept you moving forward? This is funny because you’re going to laugh. It’s not even that much money now, but I wanted to make 100, 000 a year.
That’s a lot of money. That’s more than most people in this country and worldwide. That’s money, man. Don’t say that. But I’m saying because of inflation how things changed. I’m saying this was a big number. That is a big number back then. That 21 years old in, in the early 1990s. Yeah, yeah. That’s, I guess, no disrespect to 100k now, I’m just saying like, Yeah.
You know, when you look at, For sure. The value of that now, right? Like, that’s like somebody saying I want to make a million dollars now. That’s what it was like in the early 90s. But Another story, a best friend, one of my best friend, his brother in law, he was Portuguese background like myself and he worked for Bank of America, he drove a BMW, he had the coolest shades, he was doing real estate loans for Bank of America, and You know, he’s just the coolest guy.
I was like, I want to be like that guy. It’s like, it was weird. It’s like I idolized his brother in law and this was at a young age. And so that stuck with me when I moved to, when I went up to San Jose state, that stuck with me that I want to make a hundred K and I learned that, you know, I was a dishwasher, a union dishwasher at a golf club.
Cause I played on the golf team and we’d get free golf privileges. I was making 6. 60 an hour. And I knew that you were doing the math on how many hours you’re going to have to work, baby. And it was going to be hard to make that a hundred grand was not coming washing dishes. So I, I just had to, you know, I started like, you know, I started like working backwards.
Right. It’s like trying to figure out like, well, what do I got to do? Like where, you know, how can I get there? So. The early motivator was making that big dollar amount. That was what drove me back then. I mean, things have changed, but back then that’s what, that’s what kicked it off. And so it was, I like that you said that that plan side of things.
So you, you saw what you were currently doing. Wasn’t necessarily going to get you to your goal. You worked it backwards. And so what was next? Like, as you’re like, okay, this isn’t exactly going to work, but you also still worked, right? Like, so you were working, you were still operating in your Spear of influence and you’re still productive.
You weren’t just sitting around thinking about it. You were doing stuff. I’m like, what was next in terms of like, okay, maybe this could be the next thing. Like, what, what did that look like? This is funny, man. So I was at the bank. I think I was making 12, 13 an hour, you know, working part time at the bank while I was in school.
Well, one of my cousins from the central Valley worked for a mattress company called sleep train. Sleep train back then was an up and coming company, man. I’m getting all the good stories. Tell me more. This is great. You’re pulling stuff that I haven’t even thought about, but no, I, I just, I cousins like, Hey, you know, we, we have this company going and we want to open up California, but right now, you know, we need some help up in the Washington market.
We’ll put you through some training. We’ll send you up to Seattle for, you know, a couple of months, or I don’t remember how long the period was to sales and stuff. So, Man, I saw like commission, the bonuses and the percentage and I saw the matches you’re making. I was like, this could get me to my hundred K.
I was like, this is working. And so, yeah, I ended up in Seattle and I stayed up there cause I liked it so much. And, and actually we’ll touch back on that in a minute. Cause that’s what launched me into the entrepreneurship of my career. That’s what took me in the landing was this, this stepping stone ended up putting me where I needed to be.
Wow. Who would have ever known this would be the connector. To get me into where I’m at today. And you wouldn’t have thought right mattresses, right? So I quickly like was up to, I mean, I’ve always been a great salesperson, good with people. I was one of the top three salespeople in the West Coast and I was, I was actually in the top five in the whole company in production.
And so I’m saying that not as a brag, but this is going to be important for the next part of the story. But anyway. I liked it up there. I also like to be challenged. I was promoted to an assistant manager pretty quickly. And then this store opened up that they needed a manager, but it was a store that had gone to crap.
The numbers were horrible. Employees were horrible. They were down to just one employee and she was terrible. And so this was my first stab at entrepreneurship at the age of like 22. Yeah, but now you’re responsible for this store. They gave you this broken leg, zero, zero. No, you’re going to love this. Not only broken, but I fired the one employee when I got there and they sent me a new trainee, Dwayne.
I love this guy. I lost touch with him. I thought about it the other day. I wish I had contact with him, but Dwayne was Mr. Personality. He was like six foot five, this tall, skinny guy, big personality. And I’m like, Dwayne, we got our work cut out for us, bro. But I’ll tell you what, Dwayne, Dwayne, I’m guessing was older than you.
Right? No, no. My, he was younger than me. Okay. My employees ended up being older than me. Dwayne was, I think, right about my age, but then, okay. Got it. Yeah. So you and Dwayne are on a mission. Yeah. So I don’t remember how many months it took, but we’re top three in the market. Out of like 15 stores, like pretty quickly built a staff, recruited some agents from other stores and had some new agents come in.
My, my staff was much older. And in fact, one of my employees, he looked just like George Costanza. I’ll never forget him. Oh my God. The guy was laughs. The guy, I mean, and then there was another store down the way where, I mean, it was, those are fun times, but anyway, I guess what I just to kind of keep us on track.
Cause I could go on forever. It. Essentially, this company ended up shutting down the Washington market and the Oregon market. They consolidated just staying in California and they expanded California. And so I came back to California, but because I was in the top five. Yeah. I still had the dream of doing real estate and everything else.
And one of my buddies who was my roommate at the time, he called me in California, he’s like, Hey, he’s like, I just sent, you know, I just got on with this company and they want to interview you. They asked me who the top five salespeople were at our company, because obviously they shut down the Washington market and you know, they feel like this is something that’s relatable to what we’re doing here.
So I came up and I got hired by this mortgage company, national mortgage company, and we were in a call center where they would make outbound calls and people would call in for loans. That’s how I started the whole mortgage. And then, you know, the journey to mortgage real estate and, you know, that’s how, and I’m guessing going alongside of your theme, there’s competition, it’s a competitive environment and you’re in, you’re putting up numbers, am I off on this?
When you get to mortgages? Oh yeah. I mean, the theme here, man, I’m noticing a theme. Yeah, no, the 100 K came quickly. And when you’re rent, you know, you have a roommate and your rents like 1500 a month and your half is like 750 and your car payments like 200. Like, it’s like when you know, The good old days, man, you better stop.
I’m just saying like the you know, at that at that point, like that was I was living a good life. I mean, I was enjoying, you know, I wanted more. I wanted to build more. I wanted to invest. I started looking to buy real estate. Like I, it was just the beginning of the journey, but quickly jumped. And then from there, when I came down to California, you know, cause I, then I got recruited by a company here back home.
Cause this is home, even though I loved it up there. I was only up there for three years. I came back here, I got recruited by a local company here and it just exploded. I was number one at this company here for five years before I crossed over to real estate. But you know you know, I was so getting to the real estate portion now.
So now you have the, obviously you have the skill of marketing sales at this point in your career. You obviously are smart. You, you have management experience. Experience. You ran a store, you have, you know, a corporate experience, you’re working within a network of other stores. Now you have real estate experience from the, from the mortgage standpoint.
Like where does the other pieces start? How do those start to fall in line, whether it’s the development or, or otherwise. Once again, it just, the way things happen, I mean. You know, I’d wanted to get into sales because that’s why I originally was going to get my license. But I built such good relationships with agents that would send me clients that it’d be weird to just jump on their side all of a sudden and compete with them.
Look, one thing that I didn’t take for granted that, you know, we’re talking about earlier, like the early years, I kept my languages. Like I’m fluent in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Wow. And working where I was working here, over half of my clients were Spanish speaking, you know, when I started early in my mortgage career.
And so it’s, it’s interesting because, you know, there’s certain things that, you know, I kept in place that really helped me, but then as far as, you know, taking the next step while I was pretty comfortable, I was doing pretty well, well, the, the mortgage crisis came and our company folded. Yeah. Yeah, and so they, they pretty much shut down.
Some of us didn’t get paid our last checks. And so. I’d like a, a protege or like a partner that had come in at a college and worked with me and he became like my right hand, him and I moved to another company and we’re still, we’re still really good friends. He’s really, if I think of him as a brother, but yeah, but Victor, he and I have a brother named Victor as well, which is ironic to Victor’s in my life.
But anyway, he you know, we moved to another company that was still in business. And then at that point I decided that was a good time to transition over to sales because, you know, a market had tightened up 2008, the crash, a lot of it slowed down. It gave me a chance to finally switch teams.
And so that’s when I crossed over, you know, into sales. What was that like that whole, cause First off for 2008, I mean, everything was going crazy. Like all the markets were not making sense. And it was, it was pretty much doomsday for real estate and a lot of the world for many, many markets. So how’d you work through that portion of it to then get to where you’re at now?
Well, you know, it’s, I think that was the first, I think it was the first time in my life that I Realized just how resilient I am and how adaptable I am. When you have the will to be successful and you have the drive, yeah, you adapt. And I had learned a little bit about adapting with how we would follow the market with the mortgage company I was with.
It’s like, you know, when rates, you know, we’re low, we do a lot of refinances, you know, when, when rates were not great and people need to consolidate debt, we would do debt consolidation seconds. You know, I did a lot of VA streamlines when the rates were down for veterans, it was like. We used to have to kind of follow, you know, what the market was doing.
And so, you know, when I crossed over into sales and the market was different I walked into short sales and REOs. REOs are, you know, bank owned, bank owned properties and short sales is when you negotiate with the bank because the debt was higher than the value. Yeah. Well, coming from mortgage and being really good with numbers and understanding the whole back end.
I was able to, you know, get out to kind of a head start on how to manage that kind of business. So for the short sales, working with lenders to negotiate, you know, the short sales, because I understood lending and title companies and everything else. That was fairly easy. And then what was really great too on bank on properties was, Hey, construction background.
And really good with people. Okay. Here’s this property. Go see if anybody’s there. Someone’s there. Kick them out. You have to get them out because the bank owns the property now. Oh, the property’s trash. It needs to work. It needs to be cleaned up. Oh, construction background. Perfect. Bring in all the subcontractors, clean it up, get it in good shape for the bank, and then take it to market and sell it for the bank.
I instantly just found my path where, Hey, these short sales, no problem. I did mortgage. I understand how this works. Banco and stuff. Hey, no problem. I can service all of it because I can do that. I can deal with the lending part Yeah deal with the sales part. I can deal with the construction part. And so that was That’s how the journey launched as far as Really just, you know, 2008, was it a tough year?
Hell yeah. It was tough for everybody. I mean, it was easy, but a lot of people left the business that year. I said, no, you know what? We’re going to suck it up. We’re going to adapt. We’re going to keep going. We’re going to keep grinding. Yeah. It’s interesting to me. Your career has proven that, you know, with that word adaptability, being flexible, like looking for the opportunity, especially in something as flexible as real estate.
Like there’s always different opportunities, always different ways to earn and add value. Really what you found was you added a, you, you found a way to add value to the marketplace and you were rewarded, right? You know? Yeah, I did. I mean, I think bringing value is also a constant theme in my life. Like, you know, being of service, right?
Leading. It’s like, it’s just natural to always. Like you’re not a taker, you’re a giver. And so I found myself these short sales. I was really helping people, even with the bank and stuff. I would help those people. I mean, I, it was, you know, they’re getting kicked out of their house, but I was always very compassionate.
I would try to help them out. I even wrote a couple of people checks out of my own account to help them out. Just because it was brutal. Like I’ll never forget. Like there was this family at Christmas time, Christmas time, like almost like the same time as we are now. And yeah, they just, you know, the money, the bank was offering to help them relocate.
I mean, they had two little ones and you know, he had lost his job and it was just a tough situation, you know? And it’s like. I was like, look, you know, that’s all the bank will give you, but here I’m going to give you this. Yeah. I wouldn’t even make that much money. I mean, the place was probably worth 250, 000.
The bank would only give me 2%. So yeah. Yeah. After the brokers takes their money and stuff, I wasn’t, I didn’t, it wasn’t making enough to give them four or 500. But it’s, and I think that, so if you look back, I think it’s the fact that, you know, always. You know, leading with value, always, you know, serving, always looking out for the best interest of the clients.
I think that, you know, writing that line is what’s always got me through. So let’s get into your business today. Like what is your, what does your practice look like today? So it’s interesting because, you know, being an entrepreneur, you’re a sucker for a good pitch. So you easily get, I get easily distracted by, you know, somewhat shiny objects.
So, you know, look, the business came from when the market turned and we got away from the bank going in short sales, I became a perfect candidate to do corporate relocations. Cause I could manage everything. We could fix up the properties. I could just manage everything. So I did a lot of corporate relocation right after that.
And then, you know, when the market got even more normal, then I started doing a lot of second homes here down in the Monterey Bay, cause I work. Between the Bay area and here. Yeah. So essentially like I, you know, became really solid with my real estate practice, I brought in staging, brought in a stager, started staging all my listings.
That’s something I’ve done now for 12, 13 years. It’s part of my package. So consider myself full service. I help sellers. Well, I help buyers and sellers, but you’ll find that I’ll be heavy on the seller side because of what I can do. What’s happened though, at times is, you know, I got sucked into having a bunch of Airbnbs.
And so I went through the Airbnb thing where made a lot of money during COVID, but then tighten up a little bit. The regulations are always changing, but it became a distraction. Even though I had people working on that, it was a distraction. You know, had someone convinced me to open up a couple of retail stores.
Yeah. and stuff, home stuff. And you know, that really costs me a lot of money and time. And so I’ve look, I mean, as much as I’ve had a lot of success, I’ve also had failure, right? I’ve gotten involved in things that haven’t been successful. Like, I mean, I’m never going to sit here and tell anybody that’s been perfect or that it’s always been great.
Like I’m always realistic and very transparent. And so, you know, I’m really good at real estate. Like I’ve always been at the top. I’ve always been very, in fact, I’ve This year, coming back from this two year cancer journey, I made it to number 10 in the country in June in production. Wow. Are you kidding me?
Congratulations. I had no idea. I know that you’d come back and you’ve been, you know, and come on, man, that’s insane. Congrats. That’s amazing. Well, I mean, the reason I share that is that for me is a big, like, emotional victory coming back from all the adversity, but it’s like, you know, 72, 000 agents in the company here in the U.
S. And you know, we can be with big cities like Miami, Chicago, man, you’re a beast. I’m just saying, like, I mean, look, I want you to understand that. Like, if I can apply myself to this business, it doesn’t matter if I’m in an area that the prices are not as high. And you prove that going back to the mattress store, just throwing that out there, just throwing that out there.
I don’t know if you ever made that connection, but you proved that going back to the mattress store, man. You didn’t even have an employee. But you know, the thing, I guess the reason I wanted to share that though is because, you know, like, I, having that talent, but then allowing myself to, you know, be distracted has really hurt my consistency over the years.
Right? Like, yeah, I should also be, you know, I feel like I should be in a much better place as far as, you know, like, look, I don’t think I’m necessarily the type that’s going to completely retire or whatever, but I just like, and I know you can’t regret it because everything kind of gets you to where you’re at.
You know, I am trying to do a better job of not letting myself get distracted. Yeah. You know, so we’re in good company, man. You’re in good company. All us entrepreneurs watching this. We feel your pain and we’re like, ah, well, you just want to keep, you know, oh, that’s great. Or you get excited about other people’s ideas, right?
Yeah. So look, what I’ve narrowed it down to is I, you know, I’m an associate broker with the XP, I have my own branch here. Yeah. About 40, 50 agents under me around the country, different places. I’d like to continue to grow my agent base. I, the last couple of years, I, I didn’t really put too much focus on that, but I really do, I’m still selling real estate.
I’ve really ramped up again this year and I want to continue to do it as my primary. I did activate my contractor’s license a couple of years ago because I do have a crew that works on our listings, but then there was such a demand for more construction and my contractors are pretty booked out.
Yeah. And so I started having to do a lot of the work on our listings and some of our clients that buy property. So I have the construction, the real estate, and then I’ve always like, love flipping properties. And so right now we’re working on a couple of flips. And so I’m really trying to keep it down to just that.
But now that I got rid of all the other distractions the last couple of years, I found that now that I just have this, now this is kind of blown up and this has become a little too much. And so. You know, what am I doing now? I mean, yeah, I mean, things are great. I mean, I’m definitely, you know, going in the right direction, but finding myself like, look, I’m not like the guy that sells the whole proverbial life balance or whatever.
Like I don’t necessarily, you know, entrepreneurs, that’s not, that’s not really in your vocabulary. I mean, people could say that all they want. But I do think it’s important to, you know, it’s changed from when you’re 21, you want to make a hundred K I’ll work 20 hours a day. I don’t give a shit. Let’s go.
It’s definitely changed to like, Hey, I want to get in my workouts in the morning. You know, I want to have a productive day. I want to make smart man in health, right? Oh, totally. Unwind in the evening. And like really want to, cause I gave up, I mean, I got really heavy early in my mortgage career because I gave up all the exercise, all the sports.
All I did was. work, eat and drink day and night and create some health issues. And so I think that when I think about what balance is, it’s not the per real balance that people talk about. It’s more just let me get into key things. And one of my buddies, I guess the bare minimums, that’s my words, not yours, but it’s the bare minimums or the non negotiable like your workout, your workout, your non negotiable, whatever your, your boundary or standard is, you know, My buddy Casey, who’s a coach, you know, him and I are both been really successful in real estate, but he’s been doing coaching and used to be a trainer too, for, you know, like a sports chair, like at a gym and stuff.
And so it’s like, reached out to him last year. I was like, Hey man, I really want to level up my fitness. And he set me up on this app he has and stuff. And, you know, and he’s the one that he’s reminding me, he’s like, come on, bro. He’s like, you know what you need to do. But I mean, Like I always put, because I always put everybody first, like I won’t make time for myself and he’s just reminded me.
He’s like, Hey, he’s like, look, there’s these non negotiables that they just have that every day. So like, look, I mean, where I’m at now is I’m trying to trim out anything else that is just taking up too much time. Trying to stay laser focused on the real estate, building the passive income and the supporting construction.
And I think that on the flips, I’m going to ease up and just do the more cosmetic basic ones. I got myself into a pretty big one that, you know, I mean, I’m very capable, but it just, it’s very time consuming and it takes time. It takes a lot of money too. And so I think that, you know, where I’m at, where I’m headed is I’d like to be more high level speaking, you know, traveling more.
Helping other agents become successful. Yeah. Growing my organization. Yeah, just doing, you know, more things on the high level, like sharing my journey, sharing what’s worked for me and trying to help other people find success. And and speaking of that, you have, you have, I see that live on air behind you that, and to the top producing zone podcast and your show that you do with with Michael, maybe, maybe talk about that a little bit.
You know, so Michael, I met Michael through real estate. He was introduced to me. He joined my real estate organization, you know, a few years ago. He is someone that, cause there’s people that get their license that, you know, have a primary job. And so he, he’s got a great, you know, corporate job that he loves.
He does really well. And so he was doing real estate. And he was intrigued in real estate by his own home buying journey and how he thought he could do a better job. And so he got his license and he’s sharp. And you know, he also liked the idea of growing the organization. And so he basically, you know, was like, Hey, you know, we had talked about maybe starting a podcast because that’s one of the platforms that’s not utilized like everything else, right?
Everybody’s on YouTube and everywhere else, but it’s like, there’s not really a lot of podcasts. We thought, you know, what’s something we could do to. You know, share our experience. Like he’s got a lot of experience from the corporate side. I got a lot of experience on the real estate side. And then, you know, just in general, you know, being productive and, you know, it’s like we wanted to create a podcast that could help all their entrepreneurs as well as, you know, agents that are trying to level up or even new agents.
Like we want it to try and give back. And so. We launched this thing in March of 2023. Like what? A little over a year and a half ago. We released about one episode a week, and essentially that’s our focus and we, you know, we’ve been pretty, pretty consistent. We’ll bring on guests from different walks of life, not just real estate.
And I mean, the key, the key thing with us at the end is, you know, our, our kind of, our, our token question to the guest is. You know, if you were going to start a business in real estate today, like what would you do? And so essentially we correlate, you know, all entrepreneurial experience. We have them make a correlation to real estate, right?
So we’ll bring in entrepreneurs from all walks of life. And cause it’s all about being an entrepreneur, right? I mean, most of our guests are entrepreneurs or they’re Higher level, like even within our company, a VXP, it might be VPs or, you know, people, I mean, a lot of people that are very driven that have been, you know, entrepreneurs or people that, you know, big thinkers.
Right. And so there’s a lot of correlation, even if you’re in different lines of work, like look, the mattress, you know, like whole mattress thing. I mean, it all, great story, man. It’s a great story. It all correlates. So, so yeah. So the, you know, top producing his own podcast. I mean, we. Really enjoy our time, you know, and our guests.
And we also try to do some catch up episodes in between guests and just talk about stuff, you know, we both have an affinity for the 49ers, even though they’re not having a great year, but you know, different topics that we’ll talk about, but But yeah, no, I appreciate you asking about that. And yeah, looking forward to continuing and hopefully getting to a point where maybe get into some sponsorships or get into something higher level, you know?
Yeah, I think it’s great. I think it’s a great story as well. And I’m excited to release this upcoming book with you. So we got, we’re for everybody watching, just so you know, we’re not going to talk about the book too much today. We’ll be bringing Shane back on the show when the book is live. So don’t worry about that.
But. We got a whole, a whole nother episode we’ll be doing on that. But for today, Shane I just have to ask, I mean, what’s next? What’s next for you? What’s next for your career going into 2025? We’re recording this December 17th at 2024. What’s next for 2025 for Shane? You know, we, we really like my group agents that I’ve brought in into my organization, you know, there’s a couple of, especially, you know, one out of San Diego.
We really want to grow our organization and the, actually the agents I have in LA and San Diego are the ones that are really hot right now and pushing for growth. And so you see this wolf back here, this is on the side, it’s the logo for the wolf pack. It’s the group within eXp that I joined, you know, I joined, you know, Mike Sherrard four years ago.
And it, him and Connor, it’s an organization about 3, 500 agents and they’ve, you know, a lot of my colleagues that came in, I was one of the first ones to come in, one of the leaders of the pack and we, you know, we’ve all kind of created our, our organizations within the Wolfpack. And so I have a platform, that’s the West coast and the goal is to build up the West coast.
Ooh, I’m excited, man. You’re good. All right. You’re getting more and more dialed in, man. I’m excited for this next chapter. Yeah, we’re, we want to grow and then just, you know, in production, I want to continue, I enjoy production, enjoy helping clients. I want to continue to produce and, you know, look, my goal before I hang up the gloves on sales at some point is like I said, I probably won’t officially retire, but you know, I’d like to do a hundred million in sales here in my market, you know, myself, that’s my, that’s my goal.
And I don’t, you know, I don’t think I’ll quit until I get there. I think it’s possible. Well. That’s a great number, man. If somebody is listening to this or watching this and they want to follow up, how do they do that? You know, I am pretty easy to reach. I mean, obviously you can share my mobile phone if you’d like, but like on Instagram, the Shane Carvalho, you know, RE team might have to put that in the notes cause it’s hard to spell, but but yeah, I, I, you know, do, you know, talk to people a lot on Instagram.
I’m always happy to jump on a phone or text, whatever, but the platform I probably utilize the most for communicating with people is. Is Instagram, we have a lot of agents around the country and, you know, even we’re in 26 countries now. So I use that and we also have groups on WhatsApp, you know, cause you have people in other countries.
And so I think WhatsApp and IG and my mobile is probably the best way. Perfect. And for everybody watching, just so you know we’ll definitely put a Shane, the link so you can connect with Shane and the show notes. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, Hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new guests, new content, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way on your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Shane, man, I’m looking forward to having you back. That book’s coming out soon, man.
Appreciate you. Yeah. No, thank you guys for doing that. I mean, that was, you know, if it wasn’t for you guys, I probably wouldn’t have finally started on that journey. It’s been a dream for a long time, but you guys made it happen. You’re like, well, let’s just do it. So I’m excited. Game on, man. Appreciate you.
Yeah. Thank you, man. Appreciate you guys.