Adam Torres and Avadhi Dhruv discuss entrepreneurship.
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Show Notes:
New book alert! In this episode, Adam Torres and Avadhi Dhruv, International Bestselling Author, Youtuber, and a Business Guru at, releases The Family Business Guru: A Secret Guide to Alchemize Conflict into Harmony, Lead with Confidence, and Generate Profits.
About Avadhi Dhruv:
Avadhi Dhruv is an 2x International Bestselling Author and Business Guru who helps leaders of
family legacy businesses run their companies in a way that fosters healthy family relationships.
Avadhi’s brand Avadhi.Guru brings a holistic approach to businesses. She helps entrepreneurs
gain clarity and confidence in achieving their business dreams. Avadhi resides in San Diego,

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right, so today’s guest is Avadhi Dhruv, and she is an international best selling author, a YouTuber, and a business guru.
Her website and brand Avadhi And also I should say author of, we’re going to be talking a little bit about her book as well today, the family business guru, which is part of her overall, the business guru series. Abdi, first off, welcome to the show. Thank you, Adam. Such a pleasure to be here. All right.
We got a lot to talk about today. So I definitely want to get into the overall topic you know, making business decisions in business and life and kind of your approach to doing that. And I guess just to get us started, how did you get started in this business? Like, as becoming an author, a business guru a YouTuber, like, where did all that start for you?
Right. Right. Yeah, I was basically pulled into it. I was called into it, I would say. I never planned on any of this. I went to school for engineering. I went to Georgia Tech and got my undergrad in industrial and systems engineering. With the specialization in supply chain management and went into the corporate world and got a good, well paying job and all the, you know, regular things that society told me to do.
And just because I came from a family, That has owned businesses for several decades. And my grandfather being a serial entrepreneur, my father being a business owner for all his life and coming from that background in India where business was, like they said, it was in my blood that I just could not contain myself in a cubicle for longer than a few years.
And so from my corporate career, right. One day just wrote my resignation letter and thank my boss and yeah, out of just almost out of nowhere, I felt like I was called to be an entrepreneur and I, Made the shift and that began my entrepreneurial journey. So that to today has been a whole journey that I talk about.
I tell the whole story in my books. My first book, Energenius Outer Guru has the full story. And then right after I resigned from my corporate career, and then my second book, The Family Business Guru goes into how I got called into my family’s Business empire and how we’ve built a long lasting legacy for that to continue on for many more generations to come.
So, yeah, lots has happened, but I was definitely called into this role that I’m playing now in terms of leadership. What was it like? I want to stay in the early days a little bit longer here. What was it like when you finally made that jump and you’re like, okay, I’m doing it. Like, do you remember what that was like?
Yes, it was scary. So scary, right? It was terrifying and it was exhilarating at the same time. I had been I would say financially responsible and educated as I could be at the time. Like I had saved up. enough to, like, carry me on for a few months or a couple years, and I thought I will build something of my own by that time.
Of course, I definitely underestimated the amount of time, energy, and effort it actually takes to, for an entrepreneurial venture to, really take off and be sustainable enough to sustain me and my lifestyle as well as The business itself. And so there is that whole story of fear of running out of my savings in my first book and just all of the like the burnout I faced and all of the trouble that I faced and I learned through and grew through it.
But it was scary to take that leap. Even with the safety net, the quote unquote safety net that I thought I had for myself at the time, and my family has been , so supportive , in my journey to help me get through. What do you think kind of kept you like motivated and kept you going forward?
Let’s just say when the times got hard, when things that weren’t necessarily happening as fast as you wanted them to or otherwise, like what kept you going? It was my heart and soul that just, I couldn’t go back to where I came from. I was in the middle of like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly and like, you know, it wasn’t a caterpillar anymore.
And I hadn’t turned into a butterfly yet, and so, I couldn’t go back where it was, but I, didn’t know what the future entailed. So yeah, that was the scariest part. But something in me, my inner voice, and I’ve been very spiritually inclined. And so, being in my spiritual quest as well and doing my work, My inner work and spiritual growth work in that time is what kept me more and more rooted in myself and discovering my true and authentic self, my inner genius, as I call it.
Just staying in that, the self discovery process and that spiritual growth journey definitely kept me going until I finally emerged on the butterfly end of the channel. Let’s get into this series because I’m curious about it. So you’re having these experiences, you’re documenting them, you’re putting what you learn along with your business sense in there.
Like what, inspired the business guru series? Yeah, well, I published my first book, In Urging a Southern Guru, two years ago. And as soon as that book was published and released, I had, it was almost like the seed for the second book was planted in me. I started the process of creating that, the experiences that were going to lead to the second book, and as this year, I mean, the end of last year rolled around, I started to feel like, okay, it’s time for it to go through.
Come out into the world and be first in this year, 2024. So, it turned into this process that the best way it could be released out into the world is as a series. The series is called the Business Guru Series because it’s a blend of, it’s a very unique blend of, The business, like in traditional sense of the word the business strategy and how to think of it and how to persevere through the journey of building a business around your passion, with family, harmony all of that.
So there’s no need to sacrifice one area of life for another. And at the same time, how that is possible through being rooted in spirituality and the family values and culture and tradition in the most I would say modern sense, most applicable sense in the modern world. How that all comes together is what the Business Guru series is about.
And it just made sense as it all came together when I released my second book. And that’s, that’s where, It all comes together. And I guess because it’s a series now, there’s probably , more books coming up in the series. Amazing. This most recent one, let’s talk about that for a moment, the Family Business Guru.
So what do you hope the readers get out of that book? The number one thing I would say is The hope that having harmonious, loving family relationships and creating a lasting family legacy through a business that is aligned with the family’s values and is profitable and successful in all the possible ways that one could imagine is possible and not only possible, it is very much tactically executable.
And my book goes into the step by steps of all aspects and facets of that, and I know that’s a big claim to make for someone who may have struggled with family relationships or with business when family You know, like, dynamics are involved, but my family business and the clients I’ve worked with are all testament to that claim and my business, , my book, The Family Business Guru, lays out the entire roadmap for it.
Yeah, , I think one of the things that the myths that I would argue your book is dispelling is that idea that you have to kind of run from the family business or it can’t work out or like all these other things. But you’re using your own self and your own case studies to show like, Hey, you know, it can, it can be a good thing.
Am I off on this? Absolutely. You got it right. Yes, that is the myth that we’re just spelling here. And not only that, I’m also claiming that the future belongs to businesses That operate based on strong values that families often are built on and family unity, a harmony and courage of I would always, I love this thing that says, if you want to go fast, go alone.
And if you want to go far, go together. And families. Our units that are already built to go together and therefore they go far and they’re built to go far. So building a legacy through a family business is absolutely the future that I see. Versus all of us kind of breaking out into our individual careers and nothing wrong with that.
I did that absolutely, it’s personal choice, but if someone is being called to build a legacy for their family For in a business in the world and contribute to the world that way, it’s absolutely possible. And it’s definitely part of an important part of the future that humanity needs to have.
Why do you think sometimes it doesn’t work out when, you know, when the next generation or like, try to carry on the footsteps? And I know this is going to be different for every business, right? But like, thematically, why do you think sometimes it doesn’t work so well? Yeah, it doesn’t work when one generation is closed off to change and thinking on new ideas that another generation is ready to and able to bring.
And also it doesn’t work out when a newer generation isn’t willing to accept and cherish the values and the foundation and The basic core foundation that’s been built by the previous generation and the culture and tradition that has held it up for so long, and to like, take that with you. as they bring in new ideas and bring in the change that is needed.
It’s a respect mutually that’s required from each generation to the other. And when there is that mutual respect and almost like trust and like cherishing what each generation brings mutually, And then creating harmony around that. That is what’s needed. And oftentimes I find that is what’s missing when there’s disharmony and discord and it doesn’t work out or isn’t working out.
So that is something. Yeah, it makes so much sense. Like, if the communications break down, ultimately, like, it can’t move forward. Like, for sure. It makes so much sense. On both sides, right? I like that you attack the angle from both sides, right? The next generation and the previous generation. So, both of them, there’s some give and take and some understanding that has to go to move something forward, because it still takes both of them, right?
Yes, yes, it’s mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual understanding that creates that harmonious communication, absolutely, like you said, that’s required. I know that your platform overall it takes the angle of there’s also a spirituality component to it. How does that take place? Like, can you talk a little bit about that?
Yes, . The unique aspect I find that I bring, that is necessary that I feel to bring is, is actually blending business and spirituality. And the reason. For that is because my friend’s vision for the world is to create a world of abundance and fulfillment Now, traditional sense of business, it’s all about, you know, making profits and making money and that’s important and that’s the abundance part of it, but I have seen people who’ve made a lot of money and have Built these so called successful businesses, but then or even careers, but then there’s this something missing.
There’s this emptiness within. There’s not that fulfillment. Like, there’s just constant lack of satisfaction and the sense of fulfillment. That the next big achievement , is just not going to be. Bring that in. That’s where the spirituality and that angle comes in to the picture. That’s where I bring that in because that happiness and the joy and the bliss that they’re looking for, the business leader is looking for.
It really comes from within. It comes from connecting with your truth, the whole school. And that magnificence within and finding that success and that sense of fulfillment from within. And that’s where that spirituality angle is really, really critical. For all my clients, I found that is really brings it all home and contributes to fulfilling relationships success overall, at the end of the day, and that long lasting legacy that I always talk about.
So. Yeah, amazing. Well, Avati I know we, we are just getting going here and we’re about out of time for this particular episode, but I know that within the books you’re teaching, the platform overall, there’s so much more that you have to offer the audience. If, if somebody wants to connect, read your books plug into your network overall and follow your journey, how do they do that?
Yeah, if they Google my name, Avadhi Dhruv, they’ll find my website, Avadhi. guru. And my website has links to my books. They can they can get copies of my books from there. They can find my YouTube channel. I have lots more content where I go deep into everything we talked about today. So they can find me on my YouTube channel.
That’s also Avadhi. guru. Guru and I’m on social media, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. So they could sign me on those channels as well. There’s lots of ways to connect and I’d love to have have people come over to my network so we can together build a long lasting, harmonious legacy for humanity.
Perfect. And for everybody listening, just so you know, we’ll put the links to the website and all that good stuff in the show notes so that you can just click on the link and head right on over. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t hit the subscribe or follow button yet we welcome you to do so.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re providing you new content, new ideas, new interviews, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way on your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and I’ll be again. Thank you so much for coming on the show and appreciate it and congrats on the new book.
And I already know, I know we have, we were just meeting each other, but I have a feeling there’s some more in the series coming up. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. It’s been such a pleasure to be here.