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In this part 2 of a 4-part series on the SOLUTION to resolutions, we will talk about change.
What is change?
What happens when we change?
How do we transcend just changing?
You will be challenged to ask yourself these questions:
– Are you willing to kill off all other options besides becoming the fullest expression of your unique, God-given design in this new year?
– Are you willing to bury the old story of who you have been so you can embrace with passion the person you have chosen to become in this new year?
– Are you going to merely change some things in your life, or are you going to TRANSFORM?
First, SAVE THE DATE for a live webinar to be held on January 5, 2023, at 5:30 pm. During that call, we will answer your questions and talk more about making the new year as fantastic as possible. If you’re interested in attending, complete this simple form:
Second, CHECK OUT THE COMMUNITY. We are launching a new online community platform for people across the world who are designing and living their own fantastic lives with the goal of growing UP and finishing strong. Visit and request to join.
To learn more, visit:
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