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Many people are learning about increasing their IQ (intelligent quotient) and EQ (emotional quotient) but many are not increasing their CQ (cultural quotient), which is their ability to connect with people who are more culturally distant from us. There is a greater need for people to get along with those who are different from us. The words of the late Stephen Covey, “Seek first to understand then to be understood,” becomes more critical to avoid continual misunderstanding that can lead to interpersonal conflict at home, intergroup conflict at work and even international conflict abroad.
Today, interactions between countries spanning the distance of oceans seem like merely a block away. Although commercially the world has become increasingly smaller with technology, culturally many act as if they are planets away. This means the more multicultural, multiethnic, and multiracial that we become as a society, there is a greater need for people to become knowledgeable about each other’s cultural background to be successful together.
Join this podcast as we talk about taking our CQ to build our strength to understand each other’s culture.
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