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sizzle Q1: Does marketing in a magazine still work?
Sizzle Q2: What can business owners do to help each other and save some money?
Sizzle Q3: Have you ever had chicken and waffles, together?
Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: A-AA Roadtrip-Magazine Marketing
Hear how a magazine inspired road trip lead to a really cool business discover that some resturanteer are doing. Discover that magazine marketing is alive and well and gets results. Learn how to get access to this type of marketing that could be free to you.
Discover a new trend that other business owners with retail space are cashing in on and maybe you could as well. It’s a double reveal episode!
So thank you for listening, and audience, Here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She repeats. Subscribe to the show.
And here’s her call to action for the people that like extra credit on top of that.
Go ahead and check out the website, to see how they’re making a difference in the lives of others with their services and be a client.
and she looks forward to bringing you more “Overlooked Business Basics”.
“Because once it’s revealed, it cannot be concealed”. Until next time, she’s your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur. Have a great day!
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