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Is it possible to have gratitude for having weaknesses in your business?
What has gotten you through tough times in your business?
How have you celebrated your wins in your business?
Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about A-Mazur-ing Gratitude with special guest Tyrone Mazur.
You are in for a rare treat as the show’s very first guest is interviewed on gratitude as a business owner.
Get some insight and actionable tips to spark more gratitude in your business or to be inspired to take more action in becoming a business owner.
Get a peek under the hood of how the dynamic duo interacts together, recorded officially on their 9-year anniversary!
A-Mazur-ing gratitude is in full effort in their partnership of business and life.
So thank you for listening and the audience. Here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She repeats. Subscribe to the show.
And here’s her call to action for the people that like extra credit on top of that.
Go ahead and check out their website,, to see how they’re making a difference in the lives of others with their services.
And she looks forward to bringing you more “Overlooked Business Basics”.
“Because once it’s revealed, it cannot be concealed”. Until next time, she’s your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur. Have a great day!
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