Adam Torres and Sam Tejada discuss The Vida Journey.

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Show Notes:

Liquivida is a full-service wellness center that’s helping people across America to replenish, rehydrate, and revitalize through vitamin IV therapy, medical aesthetics, and innovative weight loss solutions. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Sam Tejada, President & Founder of Liquivida. Explore The Vida Journey and what its members can expect.

About Sam Tejada

As the founder of Liquivida, Sam has achieved personal recognition as an entrepreneur and has emerged as a visionary leader on a mission to redefine health and wellness. He has been interviewed in many prestigious publications, including Forbes Magazine and Essence Magazine, appeared as a health and wellness expert on broadcast news segments such as Cheddar News (NYC),  WSFL-TV (South FL), KTLA-Weekend Morning Show (Los Angeles), and The Morning Blend Show (Las Vegas), and has been a guest speaker on numerous health, business and motivational podcasts, including Dave Meltzer and Tori Gordon. Sam’s new book, “How To Win In Modern Wellness,” is a collaborative effort with the top CEOs and leaders in the wellness industry, educating, enlightening and empowering medical professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs and health-conscious consumers about the benefits of preventative therapies.

Sam’s unwavering focus on increasing awareness, growth, oversight and compliance in the IV Therapy industry has earned him recognition from the American IV Association, where, in January 2024, he was named Chairman of their newly appointed Leadership Advisory Board.  The Board will play a pivotal role in unifying, shaping and driving the industry forward safely, with a commitment to clinical excellence and quality improvement in the IV Hydration Therapy industry.  

Sam has also participated in different conferences of the Age Management Medicine Group – AMMG.

Implementing his vision alongside Sam is the LQV Management Team – a group of qualified executives who oversee the legal, marketing, public relations, and finance operations for Liquivida’s flagship stores and integrated locations.

About Liquivida

Liquivida is a wellness center specializing in nutrient IV therapy and age management solutions to help people feel young and healthy.

The company offers IV therapy services, micronutrient testing and vitamin injections in a safe environment, with qualified personnel in all of its locations.

Full Unedited Transcript

  Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right, so today my guest is Sam Tejada. He is president and founder of Liquavita.

Sam, welcome to the show. Thank you. Pleasure to have having me here. All right, Sam. So we, we normally like to start every episode with what we call our Mission Matters Minute. And that’s where we share our mission as a company, which is to amplify stories for entrepreneurs and executives. And then we like to hear the mission of the, of our guests and, and why they do what they do.

Another way of saying, and what’s the elevator pitch. So, Sam what is your mission over at Liquivita? So our mission is to allow people to feel youthful, energetic, and in control of their health. How did you get started with Liquavita? Like, where did this idea come from? So, so look, we’ll be there. We focus on taking a proactive preventative approach to patients health and the way that that started was on my days off from the fire department.

I’m a retired fireman of 12 years and on my days off. I supplement my income and I got involved. My part time gig was getting involved with an alternative medicine. company, one of the pioneers in the industry, where what they did is, is basically taking a little bit of a different approach than what we’re used to in traditional medicine, where they focused on getting a good bird’s eye view.

And and figuring out what efficiencies the clients had and taking more of that proactive preventative approach to the patient’s health, optimizing their health so they live a better energetic life with more vitality and more mobility. So, you know, that, that, that’s when I got exposed to it. And at that point in time, it was really catered to some of the most affluent individuals on this globe.

Were the people that I would actually see were some of the top CEOs in the world that could afford these types of services, but, you know, obviously me not being one of these very affluent individuals in seeing how many people were, were changing their lives for the better. Doing these different type of services and modalities.

That’s where I said, you know what? We need to bring this to the masses. We need to bring this to people that look like, like me. That look and act like me. So that’s where I decided to form WIQOVIDA and we’re doing exactly that. Man, I’m a big fan of this concept and also just this thought process of getting ahead of you know, of health problems and other things by taking care of yourself.

And in this case by for, for liquid Vita, I mean, using, and correct me if I’m wrong, it’s infusion therapy, right? So that’s one out of many things that we do, which is the vitamin IV infusion therapy where people get vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly into the bloodstream, allowing them to get 100 percent absorption of those nutrients, but also allowing us to hit higher therapeutic levels because we’re bypassing the digestive route, which then, you know, sometimes if you go into aggressive dosages, which Giving someone supplementation orally, their digestive system will get irritated, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

So, us going intravenously, we can actually reach higher dosages to give people that therapeutic effect that they’re looking for. And so what do you when you think about and the reason why I kind of ask this question is because I want to make that maybe the the distinction between like tradition. I don’t know if I should even say traditional medicine, but the difference between going to your doctor right or going to a hospital to get something done versus when you think about liquid Vita.

And if I’m not describing this right, correct me, but I see it as kind of like a an ecosystem of health. That you have. So whether it’s met about metabolic health beauty and skincare sexual wellness, hormone replacement, regenerative, I mean, it’s like an ecosystem of health and my, am I understanding this right?

It’s what we call your beaded journey, which is what we do is we put people through these different divisions of liquid data so they can live a good optimized health. And, you know what you mentioned earlier traditional medicine, or the traditional system. Yeah, I don’t like even use that term I just don’t have a better word for it.

No, I mean that is the term that you should. Yeah, so it’s good that you did use it because That’s what I reference when I speak publicly, or even in the book that I just launched, which is called how to win in modern wellness, it talks about the difference between what we do in traditional medicine, which, you know, we never disregard traditional medicine, because there’s a lot of data and scientific backing on a lot of this stuff.

That that they do. It’s actually has saved a lot of lives. It has corrected a lot of issues But what we’re talking about thinking that proactive preventative approach to your health and wellness These are sort of steps that you can take well in advance focusing on targeting the root cause of what’s potentially going to go ahead and cause these issues where you’re going to need traditional medicine.

So with that said, if you can take a few different proactive preventative steps before things become a problem, it can allow you not to utilize traditional medicine because you’re not going to be as sick where you’re going to need some of these type of traditional treatment. So traditional medicine is good.

We’re not going to disregard that, but what we’re doing is let’s get you to a point in place. with your health and wellness where you don’t even need traditional medicine. Yeah, I get it. And realistically I like that you also brought up the point in the beginning that traditionally you know, the types of services and things that you’re bringing to To many individuals was only really reserved for the, you know, like you said the rich or the or the, you know, really wealthy.

So now the idea also is that if you’re going this preventative route and if you’re doing some of these things in advance like long term like you can save a lot of money before it has to get to that point of of traditional medicine because the hospital bill ain’t getting any cheaper, right?

Right, right. Exactly and insurance doesn’t cover much in today’s day Yeah, absolutely. What do you think some of the and I know there’s many different treatments, so I don’t want to ask this, this question too broadly, but who are the, some of the types of individuals that this is right for? Like, who are these who are some of the types of individuals that, that use Liquavita or come to the Liquavita experience?

The right individuals is anyone who can walk and breathe, right? I love that answer. And even if you can’t walk and someone’s going to wheel you in, we can take care of you. So, so, and the reason why I say that is, you know, we don’t discriminate on anyone who wants to take that proactive approach to their health at the moment.

And, and even if you are symptomatic and having certain signs and symptoms. For us is, you know, the first step we’re taking is what we call looking under the hood. We want to see exactly what’s going on. We want to know what kind of signs and symptoms you’re experiencing. We want to see the way that you’re living your life.

So what we’re gonna do is a lifestyle assessment and questionnaire to really understand how you’re eating. Are you exercising? Are you putting certain things in your body that you shouldn’t certain things that could be environmental toxins that come through food, environment, etcetera. And then from there, doing a further evaluation through some of the diagnostics we do.

Well, we look at exactly what your body’s made up of right by doing what’s called a body composition analysis. We’re looking at visceral fat percentages, adipose fat percentages, lean mass, what’s your extracellular, extracellular and intracellular water weight is and really understanding what your body’s made up of.

And then, going from there and doing a comprehensive blood analysis. And listen, when I say comprehensive blood analysis, this is not like when you go to your traditional, you know, general practitioner doctor, right? And they do two to three pages of blood work and looking at basic stuff. What we’re looking at Our blood work is anywhere between 20 to 80 pages long.

And what we’re looking at is we’re looking at micronutrients deficiencies, right? Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, that your body’s biochemistry. needs to utilize for it to even function, right? This is part of your body’s biochemistry. So we’re looking at micronutrient deficiencies. We’re looking at hormone imbalances, everything from testosterone, estrogen, thyroid, all of that different stuff.

We’re looking at kidney function, liver function. We’re looking at autoimmune issues. We’re looking at a bunch of other biomarkers, like inflammation markers, alongside with any kind of toxins you could have potentially got exposed through food or environment like heavy metals, right, where if you have high levels of aluminum, mercury or arsenic or any of these heavy metals can cause some serious deficits and even lead into chronic illnesses down the line by Parkinson’s.

and dimension. There’s a lot of literature and data that supports that. So, so we do the comprehensive blood analysis and then we have a few other tests that we run you through like our real to max and look at mitochondrial function alongside with cardiovascular health. We see exactly how your endurance is.

under under strenuous exercise as well. And then we also look at your metabolic health, your metabolic health. We’re looking at it through blood work. We’re also looking at what you’re genetically predisposed to through your epigenetic testing. And we do a metabolic test, which is called the RMR.

Which what we’re doing with the RMR, RMR stands for resting metabolic rate. So when you’re in a fasted state and also rested, you sit down, we put a mask over your face and you’re breathing in and out, you know, you have that oxygen exchange there and we’re able to see how many calories. you’re burning at a rested state.

So what does that tell me? That gives me a better idea of not just how many calories you’re burning, but it gives me a better idea if you’re overworking out or if you’re not working out enough. And it also allows me to tell you when I customize your nutritional plan, I have the ability to tell you how many micros and macros you need to intake.

meals. Were you jumping around here a little bit, Sam? Were you always an entrepreneur? I’m just thinking from, from from firefighter to to wellness center. Like, when did you catch the entrepreneur bug or were you always one? The time I became an entrepreneur was the day that I first saw light when I was born.

I’ve had that entrepreneurship in me, man. It really has. You know, listen, my mother has 17 brothers and sisters. Oh, wow. So I grew up in a large family. Yeah. And till this day, they’ve always said, man, The joke was growing up, I’m Dominican, which, you know, we’re a melting pot and they always said, Oh, you know, he has more of the genes of being Arab because he’s always trying to sell or influence someone from a young age.

So yeah, the entrepreneurship started at a young age, man. I used to. hustle wheel and deal. You know, when I was a young kid at the age of 12, I was knocking on people’s doors that rake their leaves, shovel their snow and make a few bucks. And, you know, that kind of stuck with me. And I’ve had multiple different businesses.

I’ve had businesses throughout high school. I’ve had businesses throughout college age and then obviously leading me to where I’m at today, having this beautiful nationwide company. Yeah, because I also noticed that I asked that question because I also noticed that there’s a, there’s a, for the other lot, a lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of executives that, that watch this and listen to this program.

And I noticed that there’s also a franchise opportunity behind Liquavita. So, I mean, from an entrepreneur to an entrepreneur, and then you designed, you know, a more opportunity for other entrepreneurs as well. I mean, talk to me a little bit more about the opportunity. Yeah. So, you know the opportunity came about it.

Actually, most of our franchisees were people that at some point in time in their life experience going through this health and wellness process and not sick patients. These are people that just wanted to optimize their health, be able to think better. be more clear, increase their immune system, lose weight and, and, and have a better quality of life.

And, and most of our free HIDs are people that were just clients that have seen extraordinary change in the health and wellness that they decided that they wanted to get on the business side with, with VEDA. Now for myself you know, I’ve always been the kind of guy that wants to elevate and help people out as much as possible.

Hence why I became a firefighter paramedic is I want to have that most rewarding job as a quote unquote hero. And truthfully now I have the most rewarding job because I can help people with their health and wellness, right? Educating them, putting them through the process, giving them certain more naturopathic holistic treatments.

For them to help themselves. But alongside with that, I’m helping a lot of other people that are getting into the world of entrepreneurship and giving them all the tools and ammunition for them to be successful as entrepreneurs being a franchisee of liquid Vita. And I don’t know if these numbers are updated.

The last ones that I’m seeing from the website, this was a little bit ago, but you know, 2021 centers strong you guys are growing. Yeah. Yeah. We we’ve sold over 32 locations, more than half. So, yeah, we’re our goal is, is to really scale and, and have these wellness centers nationwide throughout, you know, multiple different cities and counties throughout the U.

S. You know, we have interests in other parts of the world as well, too, that were negotiated deals. So, you know, again, my mission is to help people and, and really get their, their health in check. And you know, do that through, through building this network through Liquevita. Tell me a little bit about your vision, like your, your longterm vision for the company.

And I know these changes where you’re an entrepreneur is entrepreneur. So, but I’m just curious, like what your vision is. So long term vision is, is really building up not just La Covita, but the industry as a whole. And when we look at some of the things that I’ve most recently have done one, write my book, How to Win in Modern Wellness.

So the book, when you look at the cover, there’s 17 other on the cover. And these are actually all of my competitors that are leading the industry. And what I did 10 years ago, when I decided to take that leap and start liquid Vita, our, our industry was a very cutthroat mentality type of industry, meaning that people got involved and we were all kind of like preaching the same thing.

Hey, we want to change the course of medicine. We want people to take control of their health. But these companies were just like, Playing cutthroat with each other, you know, like I’m gonna win this race. Yeah truthfully for us to actually Make this happen and and go against traditional medicine, right?

This is something that you need to create big voice. So you have to take people that are leading the industry, get them to come on board collectively. And I don’t mean sharing any kind of proprietary information or anything like that, but for us to actually push this movement forward, we got to get together and create that one big voice.

So that’s what I did from the beginning. I decided to set up going that cuts out mentality. I decided to start building strong relationships with my competitors and fast forward to about eight, nine years later, What I ended up doing is I ended up taking those relationships and I gave them all a chapter in the book, which now what we’re doing is we’re all talking about how we’re winning together, together in this world of modern wellness.

So that way, how good does that feel to be bringing together a community? Like that’s so next level, what you just described. Yeah, it’s a great feeling, right, to be able to see that, but ultimately the great feeling comes when you actually see the amount of people that start to benefit from these different services and modalities that we offer.

Yeah. And, and when you think about like the, any industry as it’s growing and you want to get something new in there, you’re, you’re stronger together. I mean, like, there’s so much to say, like, I’ve heard some people like, if you think about, I don’t know, back in the day when there’s like maybe a trade organization, right.

When it just started or when they, when a new industry was coming about, if we go further back to like industrial revolution, right. All that stuff. But if you think about it, like creating that bigger voice and this, and this, and this. And then you took it to the next level, which was putting everybody in a book.

What gave you that idea? That’s smart. You know, I hired a publicist and when, you know, a good publicist takes the time to understand and listen to your story you know, they take some of these great ideas and make them come to fruition. So, so, you know, I, I think my publicist that I hired for that.

And, and, you know, that actually led to the most recent thing, you know, you asked us what, what the, my vision looks like moving forward and to, you know, answer that, to complete that answer. Most recently in the beginning of January, I was appointed as the chairman of the association for the industry and our goal as the association to do that.

Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me. And that’s amazing. And and I love it. And now you’ve created a, a new you know, work through the form of the book, which can you give us the name of the book one more time, please? The book is called how to win in modern wellness. And you can find the book on Amazon.

Actually, just about a week ago, I reached you know, Amazon bestseller status and three different. Come on, man. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty cool stuff, man. Yeah. Well, Sam I just, I just want to say first off, just thank you for coming on the show, making some time for us and introducing myself and our audience to the VEDA journey.

That being said, if somebody wants to follow up, they want to learn more about liquid VEDA, or if they want to follow your journey, I mean, how do people do that? Yeah, so if people are interested in learning more and following what we got going on and hearing more of the stuff that I have to say, you know, I have my own podcast where I fly in some of the top experts in the health and wellness industry called a healthy point of view podcast.

If you want to find any information on me. Easiest way is to just Google Sam Tejada and you’ll see a lot of great stuff that pops up. If you are interested in finding more information about Liqui Vita, you can go to liqui, and that’s L-I-Q-U-I-V as in Victor, ID And then I, I do post a lot of content on my social media, my Instagram, and that’s Sammy, S-A-M-M-Y, Tejada, T-E-J-A-D-A.

Fantastic. And for everybody listening to this, we’ll put the links in the show notes so that you can just click on the links and head right on over and check out liquavita. com and also Sam’s content. Speaking to the audience if this is your first time with us, hit that subscribe button and we got many more mission based individuals coming up on the line, so we don’t want you to miss a thing again, hit that subscribe button and Sam, thanks again so much for coming on.

Adam Torres

Adam Torres is Host of the Mission Matters series of shows, ranked in the top 5% out of 3,268,702 podcasts globally. As Co-Founder of Mission Matters, a media, PR, marketing and book publishing agency, Adam is dedicated to amplifying the voices of entrepreneurs, entertainers, executives and experts. An international speaker and author of multiple books on business and investing, his advice is featured regularly in major media outlets such as Forbes, Yahoo! Finance, Fox Business, and CBS to name a few.

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