Author: Denley McIntosh

Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Mentorship has become a key piece for one’s success, both professionally and personally. Having a sounding board of a mentor is indispensable to navigating the rough seas of life and choppy waves of decision-making. Mentors provide that map to see your way ahead as you journey across the ocean of change. With all these positive qualities of a mentor, it’s no wonder they are not always easy to find one who will journey with you from start to finish. How do you identify a mentor? What do you do to get ready for one? Join me in answering that…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify As you pivot and embark on something new, it’s important to know how people will generally respond to your new direction. Some will respond favorably, propelling you to move ahead as fans. Others—not so much as foes. Either way, it’s critical to know these types of people who are out there. Like a powerful ocean, they can lift you up like a rising tide or sink you like a crashing wave. How do you identify those people who are helpful for the journey of a new beginning and those who are harmful? As you begin again,…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Where is everyone going is the refrain of many managers losing their best staff. It seems like everyone is quitting their jobs. The pandemic has opened the eyes of many to see the future of work happening now. It showed the possibility of what work can look like today. In contrast, it also showed the reality of what companies and managers are falling short of in the future. Many employees are saying enough, and they are resigning in droves. In this episode of the Coach’s Corner, we explore the motivation for the Great Resignation and understand…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In the kickstart of The Coach’s Corner, host Denley McIntosh takes the time to let you know what the Coach’s Corner is all about. It’s simply about having a coach to help you be your best, which goes along toward healthy relationships with others. As the CEO of RenewIQ Consulting, Denley McIntosh is known as an organizational change agent who brings over 15 years in the space of people development and inclusive workplace. This includes his over 10 years of experience in building workplace communities in public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. His executive work and leadership have allowed him…

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