Author: Le'Keisha Mazur

Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Are you ready to discover what has been keeping you from taking your business to the next level of success? If you discover the right resource and path to get you to the next level, Do you have the investment amount? If you value the opportunity to speak with someone to explore your next best move, if eligible, will you book a session soon? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Business Development Mentorship If it were left to our own devices, we really wouldn’t care too much about accountability. We would just do what we wanna…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Are you an optimistic entrepreneur, and you haven’t found your niche in whatever you wanted to do, so you’ve been testing things out? Is this something that you need to level up in your business? Is this going to actually save you money? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Business owner S.O.S. This episode focuses on business owners that are looking for something to fill the gap in their business, as well as those optimistic entrepreneurs that just haven’t found their thing. Sometimes, the latest and greatest. Games, gimmicks, and sauces can distract you from the…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Do you feel that you could level up in some areas to where you can feel whole, you can feel well balanced? Have you had some business or marketing ideas that you only partially executed? Are you leading yourself toward the income goals that you desire? Or are you missing the mark? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Overlooked New Year Business Basics New Year, New ideas. New marketing, new sales, new products, new relationships, new contracts. New markets that need to be discovered and conquered. Somewhere in the month of December or the early frontal…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Ever wanted to know how people have lights on their car? What is the best way to gain community RoI? What is community RoI? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Marketing on Wheels-Parade Edition part 2 This is part 2 of a two part episode. So if you didn’t get a chance to listen to Episode 25 Marketing on Wheels-Parade Edition part 1, make sure you go back and listen so you can get the full scope of what this episode is talking about. Wouldn’t want you to miss out on any of these juicy details…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Do you love a parade? How is your community outreach going? How do you market on wheels and make it to the next level? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Marketing on Wheels -Parade Edition part 1 This is part 1 of a two-part episode. So the next episode after this will have the other half of the lesson. Don’t think that you have to wait until the next episode; you need to listen to this first. Some may just drop off right here and figure if you wait until the next episode, you can binge-listen.…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify How is your brand perceived?Do you like it raw?How can you expand your marketing channels for branding?Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about how: BEE is for branding.Discover how you can always BEE branding as we listen to a case study of a local raw honey dealer.Get your sweet business info fixed as we dive around eight points of branding while correcting what you could BEE doing wrong without you feeling the “sting” of correction.She lets you know the buzz in descriptive detail, so copious note-taking is a must. No droning on and on, just good info…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Is your cash register “thirsty” after mid-November? What is Grey Friday marketing? Satin bed sheets are the new… Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Holiday Hustle vs. Holiday Drought. The holiday hustle is generally, you are getting your hustle on. Clients and customers are buying what you are selling.You are making hand over fist so much cash this holiday season that it almost makes up for the almost year-long cashflow drought or roller coaster of profits that you were probably experiencing. On the flip side of that title. You’ve got a holiday drought. You’re dry. Your…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify How many T-Shirts do you own? Do you remember MySpace? Have you ever listened to Episode 2? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about getting your credit, where its due pt 2 This is a Thursday throwback of episode 2, 20 episodes later! She is revisiting a monumental celebration with an update to the grand reopening. Yes, fresh content is available! Will she relive her experience? Will there be more event faux pas than the first? Tune in and get some new ideas if you aren’t sure if event marketing is for you and how you can…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Is it possible to have gratitude for having weaknesses in your business?What has gotten you through tough times in your business?How have you celebrated your wins in your business?Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about A-Mazur-ing Gratitude with special guest Tyrone Mazur.You are in for a rare treat as the show’s very first guest is interviewed on gratitude as a business owner.Get some insight and actionable tips to spark more gratitude in your business or to be inspired to take more action in becoming a business owner.Get a peek under the hood of how the dynamic duo…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Have you ever been charged a fee you knew nothing about? Are you new to working with vendors and merchants? Can you ever have enough legal and financial protection to keep you in business? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Vendor Vampires. If you are listening to this episode and it’s not the month of October, it’s totally OK. Did you know: Out of the top 5 areas of law. Consumer Finance is number one and under that category is where billing disputes live. Enclosed are some tips and tricks for working with vendors and avoiding…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What does lip service mean to you? What phrases make you feel important? Do your clients feel like just a sale or something more? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Giving good Lip service to Retention Get 11 phrases that make your clients feel important. Learn how to apply them in situations that work for your industry. Discover a way of bootstrapping that nobody talks about! Discover the percentage of clients that are hand-me-downs that will not like you no matter what. Educational infotainment at its best! Derived from the publication California Broker, brought to life…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify How can you take on the responsibility to enact change? Do you refuse to be held back by the opinion or judgment of others? What are you promising yourself by engaging in business activity? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Business Headgame ABCs part 2 This is part 2 of a two-part episode. So if you didn’t get a chance to listen to Episode 17, Business Headgame ABCs part 1, make sure you go back and listen so you can get the full scope of what this episode is talking about. Personal development plays a big…

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