Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify None of us are going to make it out of this life alive.How’s that for an uplifting description of a podcast episode?Seriously though, how many of us live as though we’re going to live forever and therefore put off one of the most important parts of our lives until it’s nearly too late?I’m talking about succession planning. Who will succeed you in what you’re currently doing? How will it continue after you’re gone?That’s the topic of this episode.My guest, Steve McKee is the co-founder of McKee Wallwork, a nationally recognized marketing advisory firm that helps stalled, stuck, and stale…
Author: Scott Couchenour
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify You crave freedom. Who doesn’t?But freedom so often eludes you. Why is that?The answer, according to my guest, is a healthy lifestyle. Freedom to move, to do what you want to do. To get down on the floor with your grandkids. To stay up with your spouse when walking through town. Freedom.Listen as we talk about what keeps a person in their 40-50s from healthy living and what you can start to do as soon as you finish the episode to get on your own path to freedom.In fact, here’s the link to simply have a discussion about what…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Uh-oh. Your life is already consumed with your job, your family, your hobbies… and now you just got a call that your mother is ill. In fact, it’s a diagnosis you didn’t see coming, nor are you prepared for – dementia.What’s your next step?How do you handle news like this?Who will help you?That’s the topic of this episode. Listen as my guest, Melissa Chambers, shares valuable insight from her personal and vast experience.Melissa Chambers brings more than 25 years of healthcare experience to her clients, having led operations and sales in the long-term care sector.She holds certifications as a…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Life can change on a dime. One phone call; one slip; one simple phrase, and you are instantly thrust into a whole new trajectory.That’s what happened to my guest, Jocee. She was on a routine phone call with her daughter, who was on her way home from college. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Jocee literally sat and listened to the horrible sounds of the accident her daughter was in. Totally helpless and emotionally struck, Jocee entered a journey she never thought she would be on.Listen as she tells her story and how she was eventually able to leverage that…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify If you’re like many in their 3rd Quarter of life, you struggle with a sense of your own identity. You’ve spent the past 20+ years building your family, your career, your financial stability. But all that is built, and you’re wondering what’s next.My guest has an answer for you: Learn to tell your story.It’s in telling your story that you can reconnect with who you are. Armed with this awareness, you can have a greater 4th Quarter of life because you can integrate your story into an alignment that comes alive!Kim I. Plyler is a US Navy Veteran; the…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Your brain is an incredible listener. It will take what you tell it and do what you want. Why is that important to know in midlife? Because it can mean the difference between a lousy aging journey and a fantastic aging journey. Cody and I talk about the importance of what you believe. We talk about what’s really going on in your brain when you sleep. We talk about why water is so important. But best of all, Cody shares why we should have hope. Our brains aren’t declining as much as we were told they do when we…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify “”Agency”” means having options and choice.But what if you don’t know what your options are? And what if you feel like you’re a freight train barreling down the tracksheaded straight for the end of your career, and you don’t know what’s going to happen?If that’s you, you’re about to listen to a powerful episode.Justin Smith covers 5 key areas you need to be aware of as you map out your life journey. He also has graciously offered a free workbook with embedded links to additional resources.Click here to get the Workbook: D. Smith helps executives and…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify You’re in your 40’s or 50’s, and you are lost. You feel like you’re being controlled by circumstances. You have no time to yourself. All you seem to do is react and put out fires while the meaningful work sits idle.You’re in a state of limbo between what you’ve built all your life and what you will face next. You are uncertain about what that future holds, and it’s paralyzing.In this episode, I will share with you a framework I use whenever I feel like I have no agency (no options or choices). This framework involves 8…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify One of the hallmarks of a fantastic fourth quarter (your 60s and your 70s) is financial freedom. When you’re financially free, it has a positive impact on your relationships, your emotional health, and so many other facets of life. One of the components of financial freedom is life insurance. This is a topic we’ll discuss in this episode with my guest, Jeffrey Neltner. But we’re talking not just ordinary life insurance. We talk about a product called “Indexed Universal Life”.Jeff Keltner has been a registered nurse for 10 years traveling to various hospitals and working in…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify We are born with a purpose. That purpose can guide and enrich our lives if we live true to it. But too many of us are living a “hollowed out” life that has evolved over time and we struggle to try and answer the question, “What’s wrong with me?” If you can relate, this episode is for you. Jim Huling is author of the #1 global bestseller, “The 4 Disciplines of Execution” now translated into 16 languages and the best seller around the world. He’s an executive coach to leaders at all levels, and the creator…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify There are too many stories of people retiring, beginning to spend their pension, but having no real purpose or meaning in life. This has to stop, and my guest (Richard Ward) is helping people avoid this trap. There is so much life to live after the typical “retirement” age. There are so many meaningful opportunities. In this episode, Richard and I talk about the true role of money, the reality of tradeoffs, and much more. So, sit back and listen with the intent of looking at your own personal Financial Freedom as you head toward your…
Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify It’s the subtle, silent killer of our motivation, our outlook, and our options. It’s known as self-talk and unless you give it the attention it deserves, it will drive you into loneliness, isolation, depression and decline. This issue is a plea. Take control of what you’re telling yourself. In your 40-50’s, when you’re already facing some life-changing thoughts, ideas, and circumstances, you need to be telling yourself the truth. Here are a couple resources to augment the episode: Marc Cordon and the power of selftalk: Psych Hub and positive self-talk: For more about Serving Strong and…